Myro Loudspeakers
German version here.
The list contains loudspeakers which at the company Myro were developed and marketed under its own name as well as under other brand names.'
Please find technical background descriptions at the Myroclopedia.
- a priori series
- Amur series
- Argun
- Ballerina
- Coax Monitor
- Concert series
- Courage
- Digger's Choice
- Digital 1
- Elypse
- Elypticon
- [[Erlkönig
- Kalinka
- Soundscapes
- Little Elf
- Little Erlking
- La Musica incomplete
- Magic Musica
- "Mundorf" series
- Musica E
- Musica E
- Princess
- [[Pro Fidelity series
- Black Pearl English Black Pearl.
- Slimline
- [[Spirit
- Subtronik
- Tattoo
- Tigris
- Time 2
- Wild Thing series
- Xamboo
Special models
<back: Myro>
Michael Weidlich Audio
<back: Michael Weidlich Audio>
ESS / Great American Sound (GAS)
Following the same design rules as for its own models, Myro has also developed models for the brand ESS on behalf of the German distributor Audio Int'l with the ESS Heil Air Motion Transformer. They all also feature the red membranes of the special midrange drivers from Seas.
Genuine Audio
An own model was developed for the Hifi distributor Genuin Audio.
Saphir Audio
An own model was developed for the Hifi Company Saphir Audio.
<back: Myro>
Introduction of Myro Princess
Foundation of the enterprise
Introduction of Myro Tattoo
Introduction of Myro La Musica 1996
Introduction of Myro Little Elf
Introduction of Myro Digger's Choice
Introduction of ESS PS-61
Introduction of ESS PS-62
Introduction of Myro Ellipse
Introduction of Myro Compact Loudspeaker 1
Introduction of ESS Project 1.3 (GAS Tower)
Introduction of Myro Elypticon
Introduction of Myro Super Musica
Introduction of Myro Small Erlking
Introduction of Myro Heaven's Gate
Introduction of Myro La Musica 2004
Introduction of Myro Rebell 2
Closing of the Hifi studios Merlin, Schuhstraße 19, Celle
Opening of the new Myro House, Neustadt 63 A, Celle
Introduction of ESS AMT 1 Tower
Introduction of ESS Connoisseur Series AMT 450
Introduction of Myro La Musica 2005
Introduction of Myro Musikus 2006
Introduction of Myro Concert
Introduction of Myro Grand Concert
Introduction of Myro Grand Concert II
Introduction of Myro Time 1
Introduction of Myro Whisky
Introduction of Myro Rebel 3
- P sizes gr.jpg
Products 2008
Introduction of Myro Ocean
Introduction of Myro Didge-Box
Introduction of Myro Musikus 2009
Introduction of Myro a priori 10.01
Introduction of Myro a priori 10.02
Publication of Katzenberger Musikproduktion 01
Publication of Katzenberger Music Production 02
Introduction of Myro Time 2
Introduction of Myro Magic Musica
Introduction of Myro La Musica 2012
Introduction of Myro Xamboo
Introduction of Myro Purus 1.1
Introduction of Myro Amur C
Introduction of Myro Time 1 Bass Module
Publication of Katzenberger Musikproduktion 03
Closing of the location Neustadt 63 A, Celle,
Return to Schuhstraße
Introduction of Wild Thing
Introduction of Myro Amur D
Introduction of Myro Amur D/8
Introduction of Myro a priori 14.02
Introduction of Genuin Pulse
Introduction of Myro Spirit IV
Introduction of Myro Amur RSD
Introduction of Myro Wild Thing II
Introduction of Myro Black Pearl
Introduction of AMT Statement
Introduction of MW Profidelity
Introduction of Myro Musica E S17
Introduction of Myro Courage
Introduction of Wild Thing III C
Introduction of Myro The Rocks
Introduction of MW Cellensis