Fisher CR-127



  • Manufacturer: Fisher
  • Model: CR-127

Type: Cassette Tape Deck

  • Years of manufacture: 1983 - 1985
  • Made in: Japan
  • Color: Beige
  • Remote control: No
  • Power consumption: 38 W
  • Dimensions: 440 x 120 x 266 mm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: 4.9 kg
  • Original price approx.: 498 DM


  • Number of inputs: 2
    • Line IN
    • Microphone L + R
  • Number of outputs: 1
    • Line OUT

Technical Data

  • Sound heads: 2
  • Motor: 1
  • Synchronous fluctuation: 0,06% WRMS
  • Tape types: Normal, CrO2, Metal
  • Frequency response:
    • Normal: 20 - 15'000 Hz
    • CrO2: 20 - 17'000 Hz

Metal: 20 - 18'000 Hz

  • Auto Reverse: No
  • Title search: No
  • Dolby: B, C
  • Noise floor:
    • without Dolby: 56 dB
    • with Dolby B: 64 dB
    • with Dolby C: 72 dB
  • MPX Filter: No
  • Pitch control: No

Special Features

  • Tip buttons
  • Headphone jack
  • Microphone connectors (left and right)



  • Extract from brochure: Fisher RS-225, CR-127

Fisher CR-127-RS-225-Prospekt-1984.jpg

