Difference between revisions of "Marantz 1550"

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== Daten ==
== Data ==
* Hersteller: [[Marantz]]
* Manufacturer: [[Marantz]]
* Modell: 1550 (Ausführung L mit Langwelle)
* Model: 1550 (Version L with long wave)
* Typ: Receiver
* Type: Receiver
* Baujahre: 1978 - 1980
* Years of manufacture: 1978 - 1980
* Hergestellt in: Taiwan
* Made in: Taiwan
* Farbe: Silber
* Color: Silver
* Fernbedienung: nein
* Remote control: no
* Neupreis ca.: 1'598 DM
* Original price approx.: 1'598 DM
'''Technische Daten'''
'''Technical data'''
[[Datei:Marantz 1515-1530-1550-Daten-1980 bearbeitet-1.jpg]]
[[File:Marantz 1515-1530-1550-Daten-1980 bearbeitet-1.jpg]]
== Bemerkungen ==
== Remarks ==
* Weitere Modelle der gleichen Serie:
* Other models in the same series:
* [[Marantz 1515]]
* [[Marantz 1515]]
* [[Marantz 1520]]
* [[Marantz 1520]]
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== Bilder ==
== Pictures ==
* Bild: Marantz 1550
* Image: Marantz 1550
[[Datei:Marantz 1550-1978.jpg]]
[[File:Marantz 1550-1978.jpg]]
== Berichte ==
== Reviews ==
Zu dieser Serie zählen tatsächlich insgesamt sechs verschiedene Modelle. Model 1515, 1530 und 1550, sowie die Modelle 1515L, 1530L und 1550L, den den vorgenannten Receivern weitgehend entsprechen, bis auf den zusätzlich verbauten Langwellen-Tuner. Die Serie wurde von 1778 bis 1980 in Taiwan gefertigt und unterscheidet sich grundlegend von den in Sammlerkreisen heutzutage sehr gesuchten Receivern der von den Gehäuseabmessungen vergleichbaren Serie 22XX.  
* This series actually includes a total of six different models. Model 1515, 1530 and 1550, as well as the Models 1515L, 1530L and 1550L, which are largely the same as the aforementioned receivers, except for the addition of the longwave tuner. The series was manufactured in Taiwan from 1978 to 1980 and differs fundamentally from the receivers of the 22XX series, which are very popular among collectors nowadays.  
Nicht nur das fehlende "Gyro-Touch"-Sendersuchrad fehlt hier, sondern auch die übrige Verarbeitungsqualität offenbart, dass sich diese Serie an den Endverbraucher mit kleinerem Budget richtet.  
* Not only the missing "Gyro-Touch" transmitter search wheel is missing here, but also the remaining quality of workmanship reveals that this series is aimed at the end user with a smaller budget.  
Ein Blick unter die Haube sowie ins Datenblatt offenbart, dass sich in allen sechs Geräten die gleiche Technik befindet, die sich allein im Verstärkerteil unterscheidet. Auch von außen sieht man den Geräten bei nährem Hinsehen den Rotstift an, der bei ihrer Entwicklung das Sagen hatte. Am deutlichsten ist dies am Geräteboden aus billiger Hartfaserplatte zu sehen. Noch billiger wurden lediglich die technisch baugleichen Receiver MR215/215L, 230/230L und 250/250L produziert, bei denen Teile der Gerätefront aus gefärbtem Acryl bestanden, was seinerzeit einen eklatanten Bruch mit der langjährigen, am wertigen Design orientierten Philosopie der Marke gleichkam.
A look under the hood as well as in the data sheet reveals that the same technology is in all six devices, which differ only in the amplifier part. Also from the outside you can see the red pencil, which had the say in their development. This can be seen most clearly on the bottom of the unit, which is made of cheap hardboard. Only the MR215/215L, 230/230L and 250/250L receivers, which are technically identical, were produced even cheaper, with parts of the front panel made of coloured acrylic, which at the time was a blatant break with the brand's long-standing philosophy of high-quality design.
Die billige Taiwan-Fertigung, mit der Marantz Ende der 70er Jahre verzweifelt versuchte, auch unter den weniger solventen HiFi-Freunden Kunden zu generieren, konnte den Niedergang der US-amerikanischen Kult-Marke nicht aufhalten. 1980 wurde Marantz schließlich von Philips übernommen.
* Cheap Taiwanese manufacturing, with which Marantz desperately tried to generate customers among the less solvent hi-fi enthusiasts at the end of the 1970s, could not stop the decline of the US cult brand. In 1980 Marantz was finally taken over by Philips.
* On the Internet you can find more pictures of this receiver, including views of the technical inner workings under Vintage Marantz.
Im Internet finden sich weitere Bilder zu diesem Receiver, inklusive ANsichten vom technischen Innenleben unter vintage-marantz.com
== Links ==
== Links ==
* www.vintage-marantz.com

Latest revision as of 02:09, 25 March 2021



  • Manufacturer: Marantz
  • Model: 1550 (Version L with long wave)
  • Type: Receiver
  • Years of manufacture: 1978 - 1980
  • Made in: Taiwan
  • Color: Silver
  • Remote control: no
  • Original price approx.: 1'598 DM

Technical data

Marantz 1515-1530-1550-Daten-1980 bearbeitet-1.jpg



  • Image: Marantz 1550

Marantz 1550-1978.jpg


  • This series actually includes a total of six different models. Model 1515, 1530 and 1550, as well as the Models 1515L, 1530L and 1550L, which are largely the same as the aforementioned receivers, except for the addition of the longwave tuner. The series was manufactured in Taiwan from 1978 to 1980 and differs fundamentally from the receivers of the 22XX series, which are very popular among collectors nowadays.
  • Not only the missing "Gyro-Touch" transmitter search wheel is missing here, but also the remaining quality of workmanship reveals that this series is aimed at the end user with a smaller budget.

A look under the hood as well as in the data sheet reveals that the same technology is in all six devices, which differ only in the amplifier part. Also from the outside you can see the red pencil, which had the say in their development. This can be seen most clearly on the bottom of the unit, which is made of cheap hardboard. Only the MR215/215L, 230/230L and 250/250L receivers, which are technically identical, were produced even cheaper, with parts of the front panel made of coloured acrylic, which at the time was a blatant break with the brand's long-standing philosophy of high-quality design.

  • Cheap Taiwanese manufacturing, with which Marantz desperately tried to generate customers among the less solvent hi-fi enthusiasts at the end of the 1970s, could not stop the decline of the US cult brand. In 1980 Marantz was finally taken over by Philips.
  • On the Internet you can find more pictures of this receiver, including views of the technical inner workings under Vintage Marantz.


  • www.vintage-marantz.com