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Die Entwicklungen des österreichischen "''Akustikforschers''" [[Hans Deutsch]] wurden im Laufe der Zeit von verschiedenen Firmen und unter verschiedenen Marken angeboten.
The developments of the Austrian "''acoustics researcher''" [[Hans Deutsch]] were offered over time by different companies and under different brands.
Nach einigen Einzelstücken, in den sechziger Jahren, begann [[Hans Deutsch]] in den siebziger Jahren die eigenen Entwicklungen für die eigene Firma serienmäßig herstellen zu lassen.<br>
After some single pieces, in the sixties, [[Hans Deutsch]] started to have his own developments mass-produced for his own company in the seventies.<br>
Nach der Übernahme der Salzburger Firma durch die Offenbacher JWS beschränkte sich Hans Deutsch auf die Entwicklung von Lautsprecherboxen und suchte sich mit der Münchner Light&Sound einen Partner für die Herstellung und Vermarktung. Hierfür wurde die Münchner [[Atlantic]] Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft gegründet.<br>
After the takeover of the Salzburg company by the Offenbach-based JWS, Hans Deutsch limited himself to the development of loudspeaker boxes and looked for a partner for the production and marketing in the Munich-based Light&amp;Sound. For this purpose, the Munich-based [[Atlantic]] Lautsprecher GmbH sales company was founded.<br>
Im Jahre 1982 gründete der bisherige Vertriebsleiter der [[Atlantic]] die eigene Firma [[ATL]] Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft, die von nun an die Entwicklungen von Hans Deutsch realisieren und vermarkten sollte.<br>
In 1982, the previous sales manager of [[Atlantic]] founded his own company, [[ATL]] Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft, which from now on should realize and market the developments of Hans Deutsch.<br>
Die Trennung von der [[ATL]] erfolgte im Jahre 1989. Von nun an wurden die bei der HD-Akustikforschung entwickelten Kreationen von der Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim angeboten.<br>
The separation from [[ATL]] took place in 1989. From now on, the creations developed at HD-Akustikforschung were offered by Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim.<br>
Als letzter Partner in der Bundesrepublik tritt, seit den frühen neunziger Jahren, die SMG als Lizenznehmer von Hans Deutsch auf und bietet einen Teil der in den achtziger Jahren entwickelten Serien weiterhin zum Verkauf an.
As the last partner in the Federal Republic, since the early nineties, SMG acts as licensee of Hans Deutsch and continues to offer for sale a part of the series developed in the eighties.
Parallel dazu hat Hans Deutsch begonnen, gänzlich neue Boxen zu entwerfen, die zunächst bei der Firma Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH gebaut und vermarktet wurden. Als der Hersteller von [[Yamaha]] aufgekauft wurde, übernahm die Joseph Brodman Group die Lautsprecherboxen des Entwicklers.
At the same time, Hans Deutsch began to design entirely new boxes, which were initially built and marketed by the company Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH. When the manufacturer was bought out by [[Yamaha]], the Joseph Brodman Group took over the developer's loudspeaker boxes.
== Konstruktions-Prinzipien ==
== Design principles ==
Hans Deutsch-Lautsprecherboxen sind außergewöhnliche Reproduktionsinstrumente, die sich durch die Verwendung einer Reihe von Erfindungen des "''Akustikforschers''" auszeichnen, die, in dieser Form, bei keinem anderern Entwickler zum Einsatz gekommen sind.<br>
Hans Deutsch loudspeaker cabinets are exceptional reproduction instruments, distinguished by the use of a series of inventions by the "''acoustic researcher''" which, in this form, have not been used by any other developer.<br>
Diese, meist patentierten, Erfindungen sind immer wieder Anlass zu kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen gewesen. Jedoch belegt die Überlebensdauer seiner Ideen, genauso wie zahllose erfolgreiche Testberichte und positive Reaktionen von, teils professionellen, Anwendern, den Erfolg seiner Konstruktionen, durch die eine, wie es sein Büro beschreibt, "... außergewöhnlich naturgetreue, räumliche und klare Klangwiedergabe erzielt" wird.
These inventions, most of them patented, have always been the cause of controversy. However, the survival of his ideas, as well as countless successful test reports and positive reactions of, partly professional, users, prove the success of his constructions, through which, as his office describes it, "'.... exceptionally natural, spatial and clear sound reproduction'' is achieved.
Diese besonderen Klangeigenschaften der Hans Deutsch-Lautsprecher beruhen vor allem auf folgenden Konstruktionsprinzipien, die in den unterschiedlichen Generationen der von ihm entwickelten Lautsprecher-Boxen, in unterschiedlicher Weise, zur Anwendung gekommen sind:
These special sound characteristics of Hans Deutsch loudspeakers are based primarily on the following design principles, which have been applied in different ways in the various generations of loudspeaker boxes developed by him:
=== 1. Der Hornresonator ===
=== 1. the horn resonator ===
=== 2. Die akustisch-aktive Frequenzweiche ===
=== 2. the acoustic-active crossover ===
=== 3. Das B&S-System ===
=== 3. The B&amp;S system ===
=== 4. Die räumliche Reproduktion ===
=== 4. the spatial reproduction ===
=== 5. Das FT-System ===
=== 6. Die Acoustic Sound Boards ===
At the German Patenamt you can download this document DE000008123890U1_all_pages.pdf, in which the spatial reproduction
by the lateral radiation of the midrange driver is explained. The principle of the lateral radiating midrange driver was especially used in the
Atlantic Series 001-005.
== Lautsprecher von [[Hans Deutsch]]. ==
=== 5. the FT system ===
=== 6. the Acoustic Sound Boards ===
=== Ur-Modelle ===
== Loudspeakers by [[Hans Deutsch]] ==
Die ursprünglichen Serienmodelle entstanden für die Hans Deutsch GmbH & Co. KG in Salzburg und wurden in der Bundesrepublik von den J.W. Audio-Repräsentanzen angeboten. Bald beteiligte sich der Distributor Josef Wetz an der Firma des Entwicklers und die nun High Fidelity Lautsprecherbau Hans Deutsch GmbH & Co. KG wurde durch die nun JWS Audio System (Waldstr. 122, 6050 Offenbach) exklusiv repräsentiert.<br>
Nach der endgültigen Übernahme der Salbzuger Firma durch JWS begann Hans Deutsch eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Münchner [[Atlantic]], während JWS die ''Poseidon''-Modelle weiter in eigener Regie anbot.
=== Original models ===
The original series models were made for Hans Deutsch GmbH &amp; Co. KG in Salzburg and were offered in the Federal Republic by the J.W. Audio representations. Soon the distributor Josef Wetz took a share in the developer's company and the now High Fidelity Lautsprecherbau Hans Deutsch GmbH &amp; Co. KG was exclusively represented by the now JWS Audio System (Waldstr. 122, 6050 Offenbach).<br>
After the final takeover of the Salbzug company by JWS, Hans Deutsch began a collaboration with Munich-based [[Atlantic]], while JWS continued to offer the ''Poseidon'' models on its own.
* [[Hans Deutsch Amadeus|Amadeus]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Amadeus|Amadeus]]
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* [[Hans Deutsch Poseidon 3|Poseidon 3]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Poseidon 3|Poseidon 3]]
=== JWS-Modelle ===
=== JWS models ===
Nach der Trennung von [[Hans Deutsch]] von dem deutschen Vertrieb und neuen Eigentümer seiner ehemaligen Salzburger Firma, bot die [[JWS]], bis in die achtziger Jahre hinein, Modelle, beziehungsweise die Weiterentwicklungen der Modelle der Salzburger Kreationen von [[Hans Deutsch]] an
After the separation of [[Hans Deutsch]] from the German distribution and new owner of his former Salzburg company, the [[JWS]] offered models, respectively the further developments of the models of the Salzburg creations of [[Hans Deutsch]], until the eighties
* [[JWS JW Poseidon SII|JW Poseidon SII]]
* [[JWS JW Poseidon SII|JW Poseidon SII]]
=== Atlantic-Serie ===
=== Atlantic series ===
Um 1976 begann die Zusammenarbeit von [[Hans Deutsch]] mit der Münchner Light & Sound, die zur Gründung der Firma [[Atlantic]] führte, die Herstellung und Vertrieb der von Hans Deutsch entwickelten Boxen übernahm.<br>
Around 1976, [[Hans Deutsch]] began collaborating with Munich-based Light &amp; Sound, which led to the founding of [[Atlantic]], a company that took over the manufacture and distribution of speakers designed by Hans Deutsch.<br>
Nach einigen erfolgreichen Jahren wurde die Marke, auf Anraten einer Werbeagentur, in [[ATL]] geändert und auch die Firma zunächst 1982 in ATL Atlantic Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft unbenannt. Gleichzeitig verschwand, mit der Skyline, das größte und teuerste Modell aus dem Programm. Freilich befand sich bereits eine Nachfolgerin für das Spitzenmodell in der Entwicklung.<br>
After a few successful years, the brand was changed to [[ATL]] on the advice of an advertising agency, and the company was also initially renamed ATL Atlantic Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft in 1982. At the same time, the largest and most expensive model, the Skyline, disappeared from the range. Admittedly, a successor for the top model was already in development.<br>
Die Firma [[Atlantic]] beendete im Jahre 1982 ihre Aktivitäten, womit auch die Boxen-Serie auslief.
The company [[Atlantic]] ended its activities in 1982, which also marked the end of the speaker series.
==== 1. Generation von 1976-81 ====
==== 1st generation from 1976-81 ====
* [[Atlantic 001 Pedro Lume|Pedro Lume 001]]
* [[Atlantic 001 Pedro Lume|Pedro Lume 001]]
* [[Atlantic 002 Barbados|Barbados 002]]
* [[Atlantic 002 Barbados|Barbados 002]]
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* [[Atlantic 004 Santo Domingo|Santo Domigo 004]]
* [[Atlantic 004 Santo Domingo|Santo Domigo 004]]
* [[Atlantic 050 Skyline|Skyline 050]]
* [[Atlantic 050 Skyline|Skyline 050]]
* [[Atlantic DA 6000|DA 6000]]
==== 2. Generation von 1982 ====
==== 2nd generation from 1982 ====
* [[Atlantic 001 Pedro Lume|ATL/Hans Deutsch 001]]
* [[Atlantic 001 Pedro Lume|ATL/Hans Deutsch 001]]
* [[Atlantic 002 Barbados|ATL/Hans Deutsch 002]]
* [[Atlantic 002 Barbados|ATL/Hans Deutsch 002]]
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* [[Atlantic play 200|play 200]]
* [[Atlantic play 200|play 200]]
=== HD-Serie ===
=== HD series ===
Mit der Einführung der neuen ''HD''-Serie reagierte Hans Deutsch auch auf den inzwischen veränderten, gradlinigeren Stil in der Boxen-Gestaltung. Insbesondere der Hornresonator wurde nun auch zum maßgeblich gestalterischen Merkmal. Gleichzeitig mit der Einführung der ''HD''-Serie wurde auch eine neue Marke [[ATL]] erfunden, die 1982 zur Gründung der ATL Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft führte, die die ''HD''-Serie bis zum Jahresbeginn 1989 anbieten sollte.<br>
With the introduction of the new ''HD'' series, Hans Deutsch also responded to the now changed, more straightforward style in box design. In particular the horn resonator became now also the determining formative characteristic. Simultaneously with the introduction of the ''HD''-series a new brand [[ATL]] was invented, which led to the foundation of the ATL Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft in 1982, which was to offer the ''HD''-series until the beginning of 1989.<br>
In der Nachfolge der [[ATL]], als Hersteller und Vertrieb seiner Boxen, entstand im Frühling 1989 die Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, in Surheim, unter der Leitung der Tochter des Entwicklers, die die ''HD''-Serie fort führte. Mit der Auflösung der Surheimer Firma endete auch die ''HD''-Serie; immerhin bietet die Sound Magic GmbH zwei überarbeitete Modelle weiterhin an.
In succession to [[ATL]], as manufacturer and distributor of its speakers, Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, in Surheim, was formed in the spring of 1989, under the management of the developer's daughter, to continue the ''HD'' series. With the dissolution of the Surheim company, the ''HD'' series also ended; at least Sound Magic GmbH continues to offer two revised models.
* [[Hans Deutsch HD-304 S|HD-304 S]]
* [[Hans Deutsch HD-304 S|HD-304 S]]
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* [[Hans Deutsch HD-318|HD-318]]
* [[Hans Deutsch HD-318|HD-318]]
=== light-style-Serie ===
=== light-style series ===
Als Ergänzung zu der Basis-Serie ''HD'' begann die im Mai 1989 eingetragene Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim, neue Modelle aus der HD-Akustikforschung einzuführen. Mit der Auflösung der Surheimer Firma endete die Serie Light Style; immerhin bietet die Sound Magic GmbH drei überarbeitete Modelle weiterhin an.
To complement the basic ''HD'' series, Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim, registered in May 1989, began to introduce new models from the HD acoustic research. With the dissolution of the Surheim company, the Light Style series ended; at least Sound Magic GmbH continues to offer three revised models.
* [[Hans Deutsch light-style 1|light-style 1]]
* [[Hans Deutsch light-style 1|light-style 1]]
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* [[Hans Deutsch light-style 7|light-style 7]]
* [[Hans Deutsch light-style 7|light-style 7]]
=== M-Serie ===
=== M-series ===
Als eine Weiter-Entwicklung des bisherigen Spitzenmodells ''Dell'Arte'' begann bereits bei der [[ATL]] die Einführung der neuen ''M''-Serie, mit der ''M6'' noch als [[ATL Antares|Antares]]. Die ''M''-Modelle bleiben bis zur Auflösung der im Mai 1989 eingetragene Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH lieferbar.
As a further development of the previous top model ''Dell'Arte'', the introduction of the new ''M'' series already started at [[ATL]], with the ''M6'' still as [[ATL Antares|Antares]]. The ''M'' models remained available until the dissolution of Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, which was incorporated in May 1989.
* [[Hans Deutsch M 1|M 1]]
* [[Hans Deutsch M 1|M 1]]
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* [[Hans Deutsch M 10|M 10]]
* [[Hans Deutsch M 10|M 10]]
=== FT-Serie ===
=== FT series ===
Bei den ''Fundamental Töner'' handelt es sich um eine Serie von regelbaren Subwoofer-Boxen, die jeweils auf ein bestimmtes Modell der Bauserie ''M'' abgestimmt sind, und die in der Kombination deren Klang noch einmal merklich verbessern sollen.<br>
The ''Fundamental Töner'' are a series of adjustable subwoofer boxes, each matched to a specific model of the ''M'' series, and which in combination are supposed to improve their sound even more noticeably.<br>
Die ''FT''-Modelle bleiben bis zur Auflösung der Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH lieferbar.
The ''FT'' models will remain available until the dissolution of Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH.
* [[Hans Deutsch FT 04|FT 04]]
* [[Hans Deutsch FT 04|FT 04]]
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* [[Hans Deutsch FT M 6|FT M 6]]
* [[Hans Deutsch FT M 6|FT M 6]]
=== Sonstige ===
=== Others ===
Bei diesen Lautsprecher-Boxen handelt es sich um konventionell konzipierte Einsteiger-Modelle der Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim.
These loudspeaker boxes are conventionally designed entry-level models made by Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim.
* [[Hans Deutsch amerigo|amerigo]]
* [[Hans Deutsch amerigo|amerigo]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Board|Board]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Board|Board]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Surround-System|Surround-System]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Surround System|Surround System]]
=== Sound Magic Vertrieb ===
=== Sound Magic distribution ===
Nach Beendigung der Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, übernahm die SMG einige ausgewählte Modelle in Lizenz, die sie bis heute anbietet.
After the termination of Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, SMG took over some selected models under license. The distribution was discontinued at the end of 2020.
* [[Hans Deutsch HD 304 Mk II|HD 304 Mk II]]
* [[Hans Deutsch HD 304 Mk II|HD 304 Mk II]]
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* [[Hans Deutsch Light Style 3 Mk II|Light Style 3 Mk II]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Light Style 3 Mk II|Light Style 3 Mk II]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Center Speaker|Center Speaker]]
* [[Hans Deutsch Center Speaker|Center Speaker]]
* [[Hans Deutsch M1 Mk II]]
[[Category:Device Database]]
[[en:Hans Deutsch Loudspeaker]]
[[en:Hans Deutsch Loudspeaker]]</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>

Latest revision as of 15:56, 12 May 2021

The developments of the Austrian "acoustics researcher" Hans Deutsch were offered over time by different companies and under different brands.

After some single pieces, in the sixties, Hans Deutsch started to have his own developments mass-produced for his own company in the seventies.
After the takeover of the Salzburg company by the Offenbach-based JWS, Hans Deutsch limited himself to the development of loudspeaker boxes and looked for a partner for the production and marketing in the Munich-based Light&Sound. For this purpose, the Munich-based Atlantic Lautsprecher GmbH sales company was founded.
In 1982, the previous sales manager of Atlantic founded his own company, ATL Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft, which from now on should realize and market the developments of Hans Deutsch.
The separation from ATL took place in 1989. From now on, the creations developed at HD-Akustikforschung were offered by Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim.
As the last partner in the Federal Republic, since the early nineties, SMG acts as licensee of Hans Deutsch and continues to offer for sale a part of the series developed in the eighties. At the same time, Hans Deutsch began to design entirely new boxes, which were initially built and marketed by the company Bösendorfer Klavierfabrik GmbH. When the manufacturer was bought out by Yamaha, the Joseph Brodman Group took over the developer's loudspeaker boxes.

Design principles[edit]

Hans Deutsch loudspeaker cabinets are exceptional reproduction instruments, distinguished by the use of a series of inventions by the "acoustic researcher" which, in this form, have not been used by any other developer.
These inventions, most of them patented, have always been the cause of controversy. However, the survival of his ideas, as well as countless successful test reports and positive reactions of, partly professional, users, prove the success of his constructions, through which, as his office describes it, "'.... exceptionally natural, spatial and clear sound reproduction is achieved.

These special sound characteristics of Hans Deutsch loudspeakers are based primarily on the following design principles, which have been applied in different ways in the various generations of loudspeaker boxes developed by him:

1. the horn resonator[edit]

2. the acoustic-active crossover[edit]

3. The B&S system[edit]

4. the spatial reproduction[edit]

At the German Patenamt you can download this document DE000008123890U1_all_pages.pdf, in which the spatial reproduction by the lateral radiation of the midrange driver is explained. The principle of the lateral radiating midrange driver was especially used in the Atlantic Series 001-005.

5. the FT system[edit]

6. the Acoustic Sound Boards[edit]

Loudspeakers by Hans Deutsch[edit]

Original models[edit]

The original series models were made for Hans Deutsch GmbH & Co. KG in Salzburg and were offered in the Federal Republic by the J.W. Audio representations. Soon the distributor Josef Wetz took a share in the developer's company and the now High Fidelity Lautsprecherbau Hans Deutsch GmbH & Co. KG was exclusively represented by the now JWS Audio System (Waldstr. 122, 6050 Offenbach).
After the final takeover of the Salbzug company by JWS, Hans Deutsch began a collaboration with Munich-based Atlantic, while JWS continued to offer the Poseidon models on its own.

JWS models[edit]

After the separation of Hans Deutsch from the German distribution and new owner of his former Salzburg company, the JWS offered models, respectively the further developments of the models of the Salzburg creations of Hans Deutsch, until the eighties

Atlantic series[edit]

Around 1976, Hans Deutsch began collaborating with Munich-based Light & Sound, which led to the founding of Atlantic, a company that took over the manufacture and distribution of speakers designed by Hans Deutsch.
After a few successful years, the brand was changed to ATL on the advice of an advertising agency, and the company was also initially renamed ATL Atlantic Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft in 1982. At the same time, the largest and most expensive model, the Skyline, disappeared from the range. Admittedly, a successor for the top model was already in development.
The company Atlantic ended its activities in 1982, which also marked the end of the speaker series.

1st generation from 1976-81[edit]

2nd generation from 1982[edit]

HD series[edit]

With the introduction of the new HD series, Hans Deutsch also responded to the now changed, more straightforward style in box design. In particular the horn resonator became now also the determining formative characteristic. Simultaneously with the introduction of the HD-series a new brand ATL was invented, which led to the foundation of the ATL Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft in 1982, which was to offer the HD-series until the beginning of 1989.
In succession to ATL, as manufacturer and distributor of its speakers, Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, in Surheim, was formed in the spring of 1989, under the management of the developer's daughter, to continue the HD series. With the dissolution of the Surheim company, the HD series also ended; at least Sound Magic GmbH continues to offer two revised models.

light-style series[edit]

To complement the basic HD series, Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim, registered in May 1989, began to introduce new models from the HD acoustic research. With the dissolution of the Surheim company, the Light Style series ended; at least Sound Magic GmbH continues to offer three revised models.


As a further development of the previous top model Dell'Arte, the introduction of the new M series already started at ATL, with the M6 still as Antares. The M models remained available until the dissolution of Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, which was incorporated in May 1989.

FT series[edit]

The Fundamental Töner are a series of adjustable subwoofer boxes, each matched to a specific model of the M series, and which in combination are supposed to improve their sound even more noticeably.
The FT models will remain available until the dissolution of Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH.


These loudspeaker boxes are conventionally designed entry-level models made by Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH in Surheim.

Sound Magic distribution[edit]

After the termination of Hans Deutsch Lautsprecher GmbH, SMG took over some selected models under license. The distribution was discontinued at the end of 2020.