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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
Lenco wurde 1946 im schweizerischen Burgdorf vom Ehepaar Fritz und Marie Laeng gegründet. Fasziniert von Audiotechnik eröffnete der Schweizer Fritz Laeng ein Elektronik-Geschäft im Jahr 1925 und seine Frau Marie wurde dessen treibende Kraft. Als das Ehepaar auf die starke Nachfrage nach Plattenspielern mit der Gründung einer kleinen Fabrik reagierte, war es Marie Laeng, die den Namen Lenco ersann (abgeleitet vom Nachnamen des Ehepaares). Damit begann dann die Erfolgsgeschichte der Firma Lenco. Zuverlässige Plattenspieler und ein exzellenter Kundendienst wurden zum Inbegriff der Firma. Der gute Ruf der Marke verbunden mit dem Streben nach Perfektion war damit geboren.
Lenco was founded in 1946 in Burgdorf, Switzerland by the husband and wife team of Fritz and Marie Laeng. Fascinated by audio technology, Swiss-born Fritz Laeng opened an electronics business in 1925 and his wife Marie became its driving force. When the couple responded to the strong demand for record players by setting up a small factory, it was Marie Laeng who came up with the name Lenco (derived from the couple's last name). This was the beginning of the Lenco success story. Reliable record players and excellent customer service became the epitome of the company. The good reputation of the brand combined with the pursuit of perfection was born.
Im Jahr 1960 betrat Lenco den Hifi-Markt mit der Einführung eines Plattenspielers, der über einen einzigartigen, besonders starken Tonarm verfügte, welcher später auch getrennt verkauft wurde. Aufgrund seiner ausgezeichneten Qualität und einem günstigen Preis wurde dieser Tonarm zur ersten Wahl anderer Hersteller von hochqualitativen Stereosystemen. Der erfolgreichste Lenco Plattenspieler zu jener Zeit war der L 75. Er wurde 1967 auf den Markt gebracht und unterschied sich von seinen Vorgängern durch einen massive, 4 kg schweren Plattenteller mit 312 Millimeter Stärke und einem Aluminiumgehäuse. Aber die größte Verbesserung war jedoch der neu gestaltete Tonarm, der die Konkurrenz in vielen Bereichen schlagen konnte. In den folgenden Jahren kam der preisgekrönte Tonarm in Plattenspielern vieler anderer Marken zum Einsatz
In 1960 Lenco entered the hi-fi market with the introduction of a turntable that featured a unique, extra strong tonearm, which was later sold separately. Due to its excellent quality and affordable price, this tonearm became the first choice of other manufacturers of high quality stereo systems. The most successful Lenco turntable at that time was the L 75, which was launched in 1967 and differed from its predecessors by a massive 312 millimetre platter weighing 4 kg and an aluminium cabinet. But the biggest improvement was the redesigned tonearm, which beat the competition in many areas. In the following years the award-winning tonearm was used in turntables of many other brands
Lenco wuchs Anfang der siebziger Jahre dank des starken Interesses an Hifi-Produkten weiter stark. Als modernes Unternehmen verfügte Lenco über ein ausgezeichnetes Management und sinnvolle Produktionsmethoden. Damals verfügte Lenco bereits über 1.300 Mitarbeiter, die Plattenspieler in drei Produktionsstätten für den Export in mehr als 80 Länder auf der ganzen Welt herstellten. 1974 begannen für Lenco eine harte Zeiten. Zuerst verstarb das Herz und die Seele der Firma, Marie Laeng. Dann kam die Ölkrise und die damit verbundenen negativen wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen. Die Nachfrage nach Produkten verringerte sich und machte einen Personalabbau notwendig. Die Jahre darauf erwiesen sich ebenfalls als schwierig und 1978 ging das Unternehmen in Konkurs. Die Kundenbetreuung wurde bis 1980 von der Firma Lenco Audio AG, die nach dem Konkurs gegründet wurde, gewährleistet. Danach wurde die Marke von der Horst Neugebauer KG in Lahr übernommen. Bis Mitte der neunziger Jahre führte das Unternehmen eine große Anzahl von elektronischen Produkten unter der Marke Lenco ein – mit unterschiedlichem Erfolg.
Lenco continued to grow strongly in the early seventies thanks to the strong interest in hi-fi products. As a modern company, Lenco had excellent management and sensible production methods. At that time, Lenco already had 1,300 employees manufacturing turntables in three production facilities for export to more than 80 countries around the world. In 1974 Lenco entered a hard time. First the heart and soul of the company, Marie Laeng, passed away. Then came the oil crisis and the collapse of the dollar the associated negative economic effects. Demand for products decreased, necessitating a reduction in staff. The years that followed also proved difficult and in the spring of 1979 the company went bankrupt. Customer service was then provided until 1983 by the company Lenco Audio AG, which was founded after the bankruptcy. After that, the brand was taken over by Horst Neugebauer KG in Lahr. Until the mid-nineties, the company introduced a large number of electronic products under the Lenco brand - with varying degrees of success.
== Produkte ==
== Products ==
* [[Pioneer Kompaktanlagen|Kompaktanlagen]]
* [[Lenco power amplifiers|power amplifiers]]
* [[Lenco Kopfhörer|Kopfhörer]]
* [[Lenco cassette decks|cassette decks]]
* [[Lenco Plattenspieler|Plattenspieler]]
* [[Lenco compact systems|compact systems]]
* [[Lenco Headphones|Headphones]]
* [[Lenco Record Player|Record Player]]
* [[Lenco Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Lenco Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Lenco Sound Arms|Sound Arms]]
* [[Lenco Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Lenco Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Lenco Vollverstärker|Vollverstärker]]
* [[Lenco Integrated Amplifier|Power Amplifier]]
* [[Lenco Preamplifier|Preamplifier]]
== Weblinks ==
== Weblinks ==
* http://www.lenco.com
* http://www.lenco.com

Latest revision as of 02:45, 17 November 2020

Company profile[edit]

Lenco was founded in 1946 in Burgdorf, Switzerland by the husband and wife team of Fritz and Marie Laeng. Fascinated by audio technology, Swiss-born Fritz Laeng opened an electronics business in 1925 and his wife Marie became its driving force. When the couple responded to the strong demand for record players by setting up a small factory, it was Marie Laeng who came up with the name Lenco (derived from the couple's last name). This was the beginning of the Lenco success story. Reliable record players and excellent customer service became the epitome of the company. The good reputation of the brand combined with the pursuit of perfection was born.

In 1960 Lenco entered the hi-fi market with the introduction of a turntable that featured a unique, extra strong tonearm, which was later sold separately. Due to its excellent quality and affordable price, this tonearm became the first choice of other manufacturers of high quality stereo systems. The most successful Lenco turntable at that time was the L 75, which was launched in 1967 and differed from its predecessors by a massive 312 millimetre platter weighing 4 kg and an aluminium cabinet. But the biggest improvement was the redesigned tonearm, which beat the competition in many areas. In the following years the award-winning tonearm was used in turntables of many other brands

Lenco continued to grow strongly in the early seventies thanks to the strong interest in hi-fi products. As a modern company, Lenco had excellent management and sensible production methods. At that time, Lenco already had 1,300 employees manufacturing turntables in three production facilities for export to more than 80 countries around the world. In 1974 Lenco entered a hard time. First the heart and soul of the company, Marie Laeng, passed away. Then came the oil crisis and the collapse of the dollar the associated negative economic effects. Demand for products decreased, necessitating a reduction in staff. The years that followed also proved difficult and in the spring of 1979 the company went bankrupt. Customer service was then provided until 1983 by the company Lenco Audio AG, which was founded after the bankruptcy. After that, the brand was taken over by Horst Neugebauer KG in Lahr. Until the mid-nineties, the company introduced a large number of electronic products under the Lenco brand - with varying degrees of success.

