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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
Japanischer Hersteller von Hifi- und High-End-Produkten.  
Japanese manufacturer of hi-fi and high-end products.
1925 - Gegründet von den Brüdern T. Hayakawa und K. Yoshikawa als Rundfunkempfänger-Abteilung innerhalb des Konzerns von Kinsindo of Osaka Store.
1925 - Founded by brothers T. Hayakawa and K. Yoshikawa as a radio receiver division within the Kinsindo of Osaka Store group.<br />
1931 - Erster magnetischer Tonabnehmer (moving magnet MM)
1931 - First magnetic pickup (moving magnet - MM)
1952 - OY-15 Output-Transformer, ein sog. high-resolution Netztransformer. Luxman Geräte rufen überall Begeisterung hervor, da sie als die leistungsstärksten auf dem Markt gelten.
1952 - OY-15 output transformer, a so-called high-resolution mains transformer. Luxman devices evoke enthusiasm everywhere as they are considered the most powerful on the market.
1958 - Das Jahr der 45/45 Stereoaufzeichnung
1958 - (The year of 45/45 stereo recording): MA-7A, the first post-war mono hi-fi amplifier in tube technology. It is equipped with "Crossover NFB" (Negative Feedback). NFB is patented worldwide by Luxman. <br />
1958 - MA-7A, der erste Mono Hifi Verstärker nach dem Krieg in Röhrentechnologie. Ausgestattet ist er mit „Crossover NFB“ (Negativ Feedback). NFB wird von Luxman weltweit patentiert.
1962 - SQ-65, tube integrated amplifier. The amplifier is equipped with a "Motional Feedback (MFB)" circuit. This allows to control the movement of the loudspeaker drivers. The amplifier had a power rating of 2 x 28 watts.
1962 - SQ-65, Röhren-Vollverstärker. Der Verstärker ist mit einem „Motional Feedback (MFB)“-Stromkreis ausgestattet. Dieser erlaubt, die Bewegung der Lautsprecherchassis zu kontrollieren. Der Verstärker verfügte über eine Leistung von 2 x 28 Watt.
1962 - PZ-11, phono amplifier: The very first phono amplifier with germanium transistors manufactured in Japan. Its "slimline design" enjoys great popularity (218 x 13 x 157 mm).
1962 - PZ-11, Phono-Verstärker: Der allererste Phono-Verstärker mit Germanium-Transistoren, der in Japan hergestellt wird. Sein „Slimline-Design“ erfreut sich grosser Beliebtheit (218mm x 13mm x 157mm)
1963 - SQ-38 tube integrated amplifier: This amplifier is the starting point for the famous SQ-38 series until today. It has 2 x 11 watts and is already an audiophile device.
1963 - SQ-38 Röhren-Vollverstärker: Dieser Verstärker ist die Ausgangsbasis für die berühmte SQ-38 Baureihe bis heute (siehe NEWS). Er hat 2 x 11 Watt und ist bereits ein audiophiles Gerät.
1964 - SQ-38 D, tube integrated amplifier; it is the first amplifier equipped with a triode. Further models of this legendary "38 series" are the SQ-38D, SQ-38FD and the SQ38S.
1964 - SQ-38 D, Röhren-Vollverstärker; er ist der erste Verstärker, der mit einer Trioden ausgestattet ist. Weitere Modelle dieser  legendären „38er Serie“ sind  der SQ-38D, SQ-38FD und der SQ38S.
1966 - MQ-36 (Tube OTL Power Amplifier). The MQ-36 was an OTL (Output Transformer-Less) amplifier. Because of its high quality sound, it became a long time best seller.
1966 - MQ-36 (Röhren OTL Power Verstärker). Der MQ-36 war ein OTL (Output Transformer-Less) Verstärker. Wegen seines hochqualitativen Klangs wurde er ein Langzeit-Verkaufsschlager.
1968 - SQ-505/507 (integrated amplifier): The [[Luxman SQ 505|SQ 505]] and [[Luxman SQ 507|SQ 507]] were the first models of the "500 series" and the predecessors of the models
1968 - SQ-505/507 (Vollverstärker): Der SQ-505 und SQ-507 waren die ersten Modelle der "500er Serie" and die Vorgänger der Modelle L-505s und L-507s.
[[Luxman L-505s|L-505s]] and [[Luxman L-507s|L-507s]].<br />
1975 - M-6000 (Endstufe)/C-1000/T110: Als Produkt zur Feier des 50. Geburtstags von Luxman verkörperte der M-6000 den ersten Versuch, in den High-End Markt einzubrechen. Als Endstufe, der sich mit 2 x 300W Leistung und einem exzellenten Klang auszeichnete, wurde der M-6000 sehr gut angenommen.
1975 - [[Luxman M-6000|M-6000]] (power amplifier)/[[Luxman C-1000|C-1000]]/[[Luxman T-110|T-110]]: As a product to celebrate Luxman's 50th anniversary, the [[Luxman M-6000|M-6000]] embodied the first attempt to break into the high-end market. As a power amplifier that boasted 2 x 300W of power and excellent sound, the M-6000 was very well received.
1977 - Laboratory Reference Series
1977 - Debut of the [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series|Laboratory Reference Series]]:
Die Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie hatte ihr Debüt:
Highlights included the first DC amplifier and synthesized tuner. The functionality, performance and innovative design of each product distinguished the series.
Highlights waren der erste DC- Verstärker und synthesized Tuner. Die Funktionalität, Performance und das innovative Design eines jeden Produktes unterschied die Serien.
- First DC amplifier and synthesized tuner in the world
- Erster DC- Verstärker und synthesized Tuner der Welt
- Computer controlled cassette deck
- Computergesteuertes Kassettendeck
- Stackable components.
- Stapelbare Komponenten
1980 - [[Luxman PD-300|PD-300]] (Vacuum turntable)
1980 - PD-300 (Vacuum Plattenspieler)
Luxman introduced an innovative turntable that used a vacuum system to prevent records from warping on the turntable. The [[Luxman PD-555 Limited]] model was a limited edition of 55 copies of the top-of-the-line model to celebrate its 55th anniversary.
Luxman führte einen innovativen Plattenspieler ein, der ein Vacuum System nutzte, um ein Verziehen der Schallplatten auf dem Plattenteller zu verhindern. Mit dem Modell Luxman PD-555 Limited wurde eine auf 55 Exemplare limitierte Ausführung des Spitzenmodells zur Feier des 55. Geburtstages angeboten .
1982 - D-05 (Omega-Loading Cassette Deck):
1982 - D-05 (Omega-Loading Kassettendeck)
The D-05 appeared at the time when the market was moving away from the "open-reel" format towards the cassette. It featured the hi-fi performance of an "open-reel" tape player and the ease of use of the cassette deck.
Der D-05 erschien zu der Zeit, als der Markt sich weg vom "open-reel" Format auf die Kassette zu bewegte. Er zeichnete sich durch die HiFi-Performance eines "open-reel" Bandgerätes und der leichten Bedienung des Kassettendecks aus.
1987 - DA-07 (Fluency DAC)
Fluency DAC ist eine Anwendung der Interpolationstheorie, die von Dr. Toraichi, einem Professor an der Tsukuba Universität, entwickelt wurde. Der DA-07 wurde zu einer Sensation.
Von 1984 bis in die frühen 2000er Jahre gehörte Luxman der Firma [[Alpine]].
2009 von der International Audio Group (IAG) gekauft.
== Produkte ==
* [[Luxman A/V-Receiver|A/V-Receiver]]
* [[Luxman A/V-Vorverstärker|A/V-Vorverstärker]]
* [[Luxman CD-Player|CD-Player]]
* [[Luxman CD-Wechsler|CD-Wechsler]]
* [[Luxman D/A-Wandler|D/A-Wandler]]
* [[Luxman DAT-Recorder|DAT-Recorder]]
* [[Luxman DVD-Player|DVD-Player]]
* [[Luxman Endstufen|Endstufen]]
* [[Luxman Equalizer|Equalizer]]
* [[Luxman Kassettendecks|Kassettendecks]]
* [[Luxman Lautsprecher|Lautsprecher]]
* [[Luxman Plattenspieler|Plattenspieler]]
* [[Luxman Plattenspielervorverstärker|Plattenspielervorverstärker]]
* [[Luxman Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Luxman SACD-Player|SACD-Player]]
* [[Luxman Surrounddecoder|Surrounddecoder]]
* [[Luxman Tonabnehmer|Tonabnehmer]]
* [[Luxman Tonarme|Tonarme]]
* [[Luxman Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Luxman Vollverstärker|Vollverstärker]]
* [[Luxman Vorverstärker|Vorverstärker]]
* [[Luxman Vorverstärker-Tuner|Vorverstärker-Tuner]]
== Weblinks ==
From 1984 until the early 2000s, Luxman was owned by [[Alpine]].<br />
* [http://www.luxman.com/ Luxman Weltweit]
1987 - The digital-to-analog converter [[Luxman DA-07|DA-07]] (Fluency DAC);
* [http://www.luxman-global.com// Luxman Global (Englisch)]
Fluency DAC is an application of interpolation theory developed by Dr. Toraichi, a professor at Japan's [[wp:University of Tsukuba|Tsukuba University]]. The DA-07 with its companion DP-07 player formed the pinnacle of the CD segmet at the time.<br />
* [http://www.luxman-deutschland.de/ Luxman Deutschland]
In 2004, Luxman introduced a CL-88/MQ-88 pre/power amplifier combination, with the [[Luxman MQ-88|MQ-88]] being a tube amplifier.<br />
* [http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/luxman.htm Luxman auf Hifi Classics]
In 2005, the [[Luxman L-507f|L-507f]] revived the large 500 series integrated amplifiers.<br />
* [http://wegavision.pytalhost.com/luxman.html Lux-Kataloge]
In 2009, Luxman was purchased by the International Audio Group (IAG).<br />
In 2011, the [[Luxman PD-171A|PD-171]] reintroduced a turntable for vinyl; it uses a belt drive, which had previously been rare at Luxman.<br />
In 2013, the [[Luxman M-900u|M-900u]] power amplifier was introduced. Two years later, the tube tradition was also continued with the [[Luxman MQ-88u|MQ-88u]].<br />
In 2019 came the [[Luxman PD-151|PD-151]], another turntable for vinyl, priced lower than the 171.
== Products ==
* [[Luxman A/V receiver|A/V Receivers]]
* [[Luxman A/V Preamplifier|A/V Preamplifiers]]
* [[Luxman Active Crossovers|Active Crossovers]]
* [[Luxman CD Player|CD Players]]
* [[Luxman CD Changer|CD Changers]]
* [[Luxman D/A Converter|D/A Converters]]
* [[Luxman DAT Recorder|DAT Recorders]]
* [[Luxman DVD Player|DVD Players]]
* [[Luxman Equalizer|Equalizers]]
* [[Luxman Cassette Decks|Cassette Decks]]
* [[Luxman Headphone Amplifier|Headphone Amplifiers]]
* [[Luxman integrated amplifier|Integrated Amplifiers]]
* [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series|Laboratory Reference Series]]
* [[Luxman Loudspeaker|Loudspeakers]]
* [[Luxman Power Amplifier|Power Amplifiers]]
* [[Luxman Turntable Preamplifier|Phono Preamplifiers]]
* [[Luxman Preamplifier|Preamplifiers]]
* [[Luxman Preamplifier Tuner|Preamplifier Tuners]]
* [[Luxman Receiver|Receivers]]
* [[Luxman Remote Controls|Remote Controls]]
* [[Luxman SACD Player|SACD Players]]
* [[Luxman Surround Decoder|Surround Decoders]]
* [[Luxman Tone Arms|Tonearms]]
* [[Luxman Tuner|Tuners]]
* [[Luxman Turntable|Turntables]]
* [[Luxman Cartridges|Turntable Cartridges]]
== Web links ==
* [http://www.luxman.com/ Luxman Global]]
* [http://www.luxman-global.com// Luxman Global (English)]
* [http://www.luxman-deutschland.de/ Luxman Germany]
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20120513211921/http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/luxman.htm Luxman on Hifi Studio] (archive link)
* [http://www.hifi-archiv.info/luxman.html Lux Catalogs]

Latest revision as of 13:29, 18 December 2024

Company profile[edit]

Japanese manufacturer of hi-fi and high-end products. 1925 - Founded by brothers T. Hayakawa and K. Yoshikawa as a radio receiver division within the Kinsindo of Osaka Store group.
1931 - First magnetic pickup (moving magnet - MM) 1952 - OY-15 output transformer, a so-called high-resolution mains transformer. Luxman devices evoke enthusiasm everywhere as they are considered the most powerful on the market. 1958 - (The year of 45/45 stereo recording): MA-7A, the first post-war mono hi-fi amplifier in tube technology. It is equipped with "Crossover NFB" (Negative Feedback). NFB is patented worldwide by Luxman.
1962 - SQ-65, tube integrated amplifier. The amplifier is equipped with a "Motional Feedback (MFB)" circuit. This allows to control the movement of the loudspeaker drivers. The amplifier had a power rating of 2 x 28 watts. 1962 - PZ-11, phono amplifier: The very first phono amplifier with germanium transistors manufactured in Japan. Its "slimline design" enjoys great popularity (218 x 13 x 157 mm). 1963 - SQ-38 tube integrated amplifier: This amplifier is the starting point for the famous SQ-38 series until today. It has 2 x 11 watts and is already an audiophile device. 1964 - SQ-38 D, tube integrated amplifier; it is the first amplifier equipped with a triode. Further models of this legendary "38 series" are the SQ-38D, SQ-38FD and the SQ38S. 1966 - MQ-36 (Tube OTL Power Amplifier). The MQ-36 was an OTL (Output Transformer-Less) amplifier. Because of its high quality sound, it became a long time best seller. 1968 - SQ-505/507 (integrated amplifier): The SQ 505 and SQ 507 were the first models of the "500 series" and the predecessors of the models L-505s and L-507s.
1975 - M-6000 (power amplifier)/C-1000/T-110: As a product to celebrate Luxman's 50th anniversary, the M-6000 embodied the first attempt to break into the high-end market. As a power amplifier that boasted 2 x 300W of power and excellent sound, the M-6000 was very well received. 1977 - Debut of the Laboratory Reference Series: Highlights included the first DC amplifier and synthesized tuner. The functionality, performance and innovative design of each product distinguished the series. - First DC amplifier and synthesized tuner in the world - Computer controlled cassette deck - Stackable components. 1980 - PD-300 (Vacuum turntable) Luxman introduced an innovative turntable that used a vacuum system to prevent records from warping on the turntable. The Luxman PD-555 Limited model was a limited edition of 55 copies of the top-of-the-line model to celebrate its 55th anniversary. 1982 - D-05 (Omega-Loading Cassette Deck): The D-05 appeared at the time when the market was moving away from the "open-reel" format towards the cassette. It featured the hi-fi performance of an "open-reel" tape player and the ease of use of the cassette deck.

From 1984 until the early 2000s, Luxman was owned by Alpine.
1987 - The digital-to-analog converter DA-07 (Fluency DAC); Fluency DAC is an application of interpolation theory developed by Dr. Toraichi, a professor at Japan's Tsukuba University. The DA-07 with its companion DP-07 player formed the pinnacle of the CD segmet at the time.
In 2004, Luxman introduced a CL-88/MQ-88 pre/power amplifier combination, with the MQ-88 being a tube amplifier.
In 2005, the L-507f revived the large 500 series integrated amplifiers.
In 2009, Luxman was purchased by the International Audio Group (IAG).
In 2011, the PD-171 reintroduced a turntable for vinyl; it uses a belt drive, which had previously been rare at Luxman.
In 2013, the M-900u power amplifier was introduced. Two years later, the tube tradition was also continued with the MQ-88u.
In 2019 came the PD-151, another turntable for vinyl, priced lower than the 171.


Web links[edit]