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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
Arcam entwickelt und produziert Hi-Fi und Heimkinoprodukte der Extraklasse an seinem Stammsitz in Cambridge.
Arcam designs and manufactures very high quality hi-fi and home cinema products at its headquarters in Cambridge, formed in 1972 at the university of the same name. Arcam has been part of Harman International since July 2017.
Seit 1976 treibt uns die Leidenschaft die bestmögliche Leistung zu entwickeln für Menschen die nur das Beste für ihren Musik- oder Kinogenuss wollen. Wo möglich und wo nötig verwenden wir neueste technologische Entwicklungen aber immer unter der Prämisse "so einfach wie möglich". Wir sind stolz darauf, Produkte zu fertigen, die halten. 20 Jahre und mehr sind keine Ausnahme.
Since 1976, Arcam has strived to develop the best possible performance for music or cinema enjoyment. Where possible and where necessary, the latest technological developments are applied, but always on the premise of "as simple as possible". Arcam prides itself on making products that last; 20 years and more is no exception.
Wir begannen mit dem Bau von Klangwiedergabe-Geräten 1972 - als Wissenschafts- und Technikstudenten der Cambridge University. Wir untersuchten zahlreiche der damals erhältlichen Verstärker und fanden viel Verbesserungspotential. Die japanischen Massenprodukte waren klanglich nur Kompromisse wohingegen englische Produkte - klanglich überragend - häufig nicht besonders zuverlässig waren. Zu Anfang verkauften wir unsere Produkte nur an Klangenthusiasten vor Ort, aber nach und nach begann sich unser Ruf zu verbreiten.
The company began building sound reproduction equipment in 1972 - as science and technology students at Cambridge University. Many of the amplifiers available at the time were studied and much room for improvement was found. The Japanese mass-produced products were often just compromises in terms of sound, whereas English products - often very good in terms of sound - were often not very reliable. In the beginning, the products were only sold to local sound enthusiasts, but gradually the reputation began to spread.
1976 hatten wir unseren allerersten Hi-Fi-Verstärker konstruiert, den A60. Wir planten 50 Einheiten aber die Nachfrage überstieg unsere Planung bei weitem. Der A60 wurde ein Hi-Fi-Klassiker, der weltweit mehr als 30.000 mal verkauft wurde. Viele dieser Verstärker sind immer noch im Einsatz. Die Einfachheit unseres ursprünglichen Designs zusammen mit der hohen Qualität der verwendeten Materialien gaben dem A60 neben der exzellenten Klangqualität auch die hohe Zuverlässigkeit. Über all die Jahre haben wir uns diesen Grundsatz bewahrt - Einfachheit und hochwertige Materialien - bei allem, was wir gebaut haben, ob Verstärker der Einstiegsklasse, Tuner oder CD-Player unserer Topserien.
By 1976, the very first hi-fi amplifier had been constructed, the [[Arcam A60|A60]]. Fifty units were planned, but demand far exceeded planning: the A60 became a hi-fi classic, selling more than 30,000 units worldwide. Many of these amplifiers are still in use. The simplicity of the design with high quality materials used gave the A60 excellent sound quality as well as high reliability. Throughout the years Arcam has maintained the principle - simplicity and high quality materials - in all types of equipment, whether entry level amplifiers, tuners or top of the range CD players.
In über 30 Jahren hat Arcam begeistert die Herausforderungen angenommen, die die immer schneller werdende Entwicklung neuer Technologien mit sich bringt, wir haben dabei aber nie unsere Kunden aus dem Auge verloren. Um einen Leistungsvorsprung zu erhalten entwickeln und produzieren wir Produkte, die von Anfang an upgradefähig und langlebig sind. Wir verbinden neueste Technik mit den Wünschen unserer Kunden. Das Ergebnis sind zahlreiche Preise und Auszeichnungen überall auf der Welt für Produkte die sensationelle Leistungen erbringen egal ob bei Musik oder Heimkino.
In over 30 years, Arcam has risen to the challenges presented by the accelerating development of new technologies; never losing sight of the customer. To maintain a performance edge, products are designed and manufactured to be upgradeable and durable from the outset. In addition, further technology and the wishes of the customers are taken into account. The result is numerous prizes and awards all over the world for products that deliver great performance, whether in music or home cinema: combinations that have led to the highest recognition from experts and home cinema fans worldwide.
In der sich immer schneller werdenden Welt der digitalen Medien stellt sich Arcam der Herausforderung durch den Einsatz neuester Technologien - wir waren der erste Hersteller, der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, das beste aus beiden Welten zu vereinen und wir haben einige der aufregendsten Produkte geschaffen mit unseren Premium-Heimkino-Kombinationen, die weltweit zu höchster Anerkennung bei den Experten und Heimkinofans führten.
== Products ==
* [[Arcam A/V Receiver|A/V Receiver]]
== Produkte ==
* [[Arcam A/V Amplifier|A/V Amplifier]]
* [[Arcam A/V-Verstärker|A/V-Verstärker]]
* [[Arcam A/V Preamplifier|A/V Preamplifier]]
* [[Arcam CD-Player|CD-Player]]
* [[Arcam CD Player|CD Player]]
* [[Arcam D/A-Wandler|D/A-Wandler]]
* [[Arcam D/A Converter|D/A Converter]]
* [[Arcam Endstufen|Endstufen]]
* [[Arcam power amplifiers|power amplifiers]]
* [[Arcam Kassettendecks|Kassettendecks]]
* [[Arcam Cassette Decks|Cassette Decks]]
* [[Arcam Lautsprecher|Lautsprecher]]
* [[Arcam Speakers|Speakers]]
* [[Arcam Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Arcam Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Arcam Vollverstärker|Vollverstärker]]
* [[Arcam Integrated Amplifier|Power Amplifier]]
* [[Arcam Vorverstärker|Vorverstärker]]
* [[Arcam Preamplifier|Preamplifier]]
== Weblinks ==
== Weblinks ==
* [http://www.arcam.co.uk/ Englische Homepage]
* [http://www.arcam.co.uk/ English Homepage]
* [https://www.i-fidelity.net/testberichte/hifi/arcam-a-38-p-38/interview-andy-moore.html Interview with Arcam developer Andy Moore (Senior Engineer)]
* [https://www.whathifi.com/features/was-then-ar-cambridge-a60-1976-vs-arcam-a19-2013 whathifi.com as of February 19, 2019, ''That Was Then.... A&R Cambridge A60 (1976) vs Arcam A19 (2013)'']
* [https://www.hifi-wiki.de/index.php/Links links on Hifi Wiki]

Latest revision as of 08:40, 28 March 2021

Company profile[edit]

Arcam designs and manufactures very high quality hi-fi and home cinema products at its headquarters in Cambridge, formed in 1972 at the university of the same name. Arcam has been part of Harman International since July 2017.

Since 1976, Arcam has strived to develop the best possible performance for music or cinema enjoyment. Where possible and where necessary, the latest technological developments are applied, but always on the premise of "as simple as possible". Arcam prides itself on making products that last; 20 years and more is no exception.

The company began building sound reproduction equipment in 1972 - as science and technology students at Cambridge University. Many of the amplifiers available at the time were studied and much room for improvement was found. The Japanese mass-produced products were often just compromises in terms of sound, whereas English products - often very good in terms of sound - were often not very reliable. In the beginning, the products were only sold to local sound enthusiasts, but gradually the reputation began to spread.

By 1976, the very first hi-fi amplifier had been constructed, the A60. Fifty units were planned, but demand far exceeded planning: the A60 became a hi-fi classic, selling more than 30,000 units worldwide. Many of these amplifiers are still in use. The simplicity of the design with high quality materials used gave the A60 excellent sound quality as well as high reliability. Throughout the years Arcam has maintained the principle - simplicity and high quality materials - in all types of equipment, whether entry level amplifiers, tuners or top of the range CD players.

In over 30 years, Arcam has risen to the challenges presented by the accelerating development of new technologies; never losing sight of the customer. To maintain a performance edge, products are designed and manufactured to be upgradeable and durable from the outset. In addition, further technology and the wishes of the customers are taken into account. The result is numerous prizes and awards all over the world for products that deliver great performance, whether in music or home cinema: combinations that have led to the highest recognition from experts and home cinema fans worldwide.

