Wharfedale Diamond 10.MT



  • Manufacturer: Wharfedale
  • Model: Diamond 10.MT
  • Years of manufacture:
  • Made in:
  • Color:
  • Dimensions: 900x173x220 (W x H x D) 1020 (height on spikes).
  • Weight:
  • New price approx:

Technical Data

  • Type: floorstanding speaker (two-way construction)
  • Chassis:
    • Bass-midrange speaker: 2 x 125 mm

Tweeter: 25mm rec. Amplifier power: 20-100 Watt

  • Power handling (nominal/music):
  • Efficiency:
  • Frequency Response:
  • Transient response: (for LS with multiple drivers).
  • Impedance: 6 Ohm
  • Emdpfindlichkeit: 86db
  • Frequency range: 55-24 kHz
  • Crossover frequency:

Special Features

  • list here