Technics RS-1500 S4

Special model Technics RS-1500 S4 special production in small quantity for quadraphonic recording (1976) Technics1500_S4.jpg

! The Technics “RS-1500 S4” never existed. It's a photomontage! The VU meters couldn't be so close together because the housings are too big. For technical reasons, the adjusting screws are always centered at the pivot point of the pointer. Furthermore, it is technically not feasible to place the "capstan motor control board" on the right under the "logic control board" because the button unit has dimensions of approx. 7x15 cm behind the front. This would overlap the “cue mechanism”. The switches and sockets on the front make no sense, the labels correspond to the standard RS-1500/6. But it's still funny how long the rumor lasts. I first saw the photo somewhere in 2003...

De Mario/


  • spare parts and accessories are no longer available from Panasonic or Technics