Onyko PX-100M



  • Manufacturer: Micro Seiki for ONKYO
  • Model: PX-100 M
  • Years of manufacture: 1981 - 1984
  • Made in: Japan
  • Color: Black
  • Power consumption: 55 Watt
  • Dimensions: 560 x 206 x 374 mm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: 40 kg
  • Original price approx.: 8'500 DM


  • Outputs:
  • Inputs:

Technical data

  • Drive: direct drive (linear motor, quartz controlled) + auxiliary motor for the start
  • Speed: 33 1/3, 45 and 78 UPM
  • Synchronization fluctuations: ±0.005% WRMS
  • Rumble noise ratio: > 78 dB (DIN-B)
  • Turntable: 33 cm, 10 kg (pure copper, milled from solid block), moment of inertia 2000kg/cm²
  • Operating mode: manual
  • Pitch:

Special Features

  • Pure turntable without tonearm.

Optional base AB-100 for second tonearm (MSRP 1000,- DM).


  • The quartz control is in principle not necessary and was only integrated to compensate temperature dependencies of the bearing oil.


  • Picture: Onyko PX-100 M

Onkyo PX-100M.jpg

  • Excerpt from brochure: Onyko PX-100 M

Onkyo PX-100 M-Prospekt-1.jpg



  • External link to website "The Vintage Knob": [[1]]