MeroVinger DecOrus AMT Koax MK2



  • Manufacturer: meroVinger Audio Systeme
  • Model: decOrus AMT Coax MK2
  • Year of manufacture: 2017 onwards
  • Color: lacquer, matt black, matt white, commercially available veneers, sides concrete, sides Corian
  • Dimensions: 200 x 400 x 300 mm (W x H x D)
  • Weight: ~ 11 kg / piece
  • New price approx.: 1.475,- Euro / piece

Technical Data

  • Type: 2-way active loudspeaker, closed
  • Chassis:
    • Low-midrange: 180mm long excursion

Tweeter: AMT coaxially arranged

  • Power output:
    • Low frequency: 300 watts
    • tweeter: 120 Watt
  • Frequency response: ~ <40 - 20,000 Hz
  • Crossover: ~ 3500 Hz / 36dB/Oct.

Special Features

  • Coaxial arrangement of AMT and bass-midrange driver
  • DSP control
  • Phase linear FIR filtering
  • Time-aligned reproduction
  • User-operable IIQ filters
  • Touch-screen selectable presets with any program
  • Room equalization