Lenco A-600
Short description[edit]
The Lenco A-600 is a stereo integrated amplifier from the end of the 70s and was manufactured by the company Seoum electronico in Korea and sold by the Swiss brand Lenco.
- Manufacturer: Seoum Electronico Korea
- Sold as: Lenco
- Model: A-600
- Year built: 1978
- Made in: Korea
- Color: Black
- Dimensions (W/H/D): -
- Weight: X kg
- New price approx: ?
Inputs: Aux1, Aux2, Tuner, Phono1, Phono2, Tape In/Out#
Specifications Output power: 2*60 watts @8ohm 2*120 Watt @4Ohm#
Special Features - VU meter 0-120 Watt@4OHm/0-60Watt @8Ohm - Graphic equalizer#
As far as I know, there was also the receiver R-600 and the tuner T-600#