
Company profile[edit]

Hitachi Ltd. Corporation (Japanese: Kabushiki-gaisha Hitachi Seisakusho) was founded in 1910 and over time became a huge conglomerate. Hitachi manufactures or manufactured large industrial products such as turbine generators, construction machinery, train cars for the Shinkansen "Bullet Train" (from 1964) or the control system for these trains (from 1970), Unit 4 of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima-Daiichi (from 1973), ATMs (from 1979) and also took over entire divisions. On December 17, 2018, Hitachi took over the power grid division of the Swiss-Swedish technology company ABB for US$ 11 billion. In the area of ​​consumer appliances, household appliances such as air conditioning systems and the entire range of consumer electronics such as adios, televisions, video recorders, loudspeakers or Hi-Fi components are or were manufactured. Between 1964 and 2021, Hitachi was also the parent company of Maxell, the cassette manufacturer (Hitachi Maxell, Ltd.)

In the 1950s, Hitachi produced the first television. In 1973, Hitachi Denshi was founded, which manufactured video cameras. As an increasingly important manufacturer of electronic components, Hitachi produced home electronics Hi-Fi devices from the 1970s to the 1990s, with the range also including high-quality components such as power amplifiers and cassette decks. Hitachi also supplied the technology for VHS video recorders to Sony, which began offering them in 1988. After the takeover of the company "Lo-D", the high-quality Hi-Fi devices were sold in Japan under this brand name. (fb, HiFi_Museum)


Web links[edit]

