Talk:Harman/kardon DVD 25

Revision as of 16:16, 28 July 2015 by Analoghatwas (talk | contribs) (AW.)
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Hello, bass freak,

I see you've been busy on the hifi-wiki, respect. - mine, we also had contact before.

You have made my article more template compliant here. Regarding the picture arrangement, I'd like to note that I had intentionally placed the picture with the main power switch with the details, as I thought it was also meaningful there and can help clarify things (A picture says more than 1000 words; you may know).

I do not want to slavishly adhere to the template ...

First, as a note, have not restored the old version.

A good time, Analoghatwas

Hello Analoghatwas,

I liked the idea of the wiki and was glad to find information about the Denon components and the MB Quart 980S here when looking for a stereo system! Now I just as no thank you also work on the improvement of the Wiki :-)

And right: we had once searched for a wrong linked picture ;-)

What bothered me about the image arrangement was that the single image was a bit lost and hanging over the section on the right side of the page. That this was intentional was not obvious to me. Maybe we should try on occasion, either all 3 images in the description, or put the descriptions as captions under the images?

best regards Bassfreak

Hi Bassfreak,

Thanks for the kind, explanatory and quick feedback :-). If the smaller image was "only" too far to the right, and you can change that: gladly. It may be that it looks different on my notebook screen. I found that with the positioning not so trivial, so that I have then not further optimized.

In general, I had the impression that the pictures are at the end and that's what the template says. So of course you have made it more correct. Maybe you shouldn't have any illusions about what will happen to an article once it's started. - I have no Wikipedia experience. Thank you for your understanding.

Kind regards, Analoghatwas

Hello again, Bassfreak,

Captions are ok; sorry I had overlooked.

- Picture with red LED under main power switch: DVD 25 standby,
- DVD with green LED under main power switch: DVD 25 on,
- DVD 25 main power switch.

and best regards, Analoghatwas

Hello Analoghatwas,

I am not always so fast ;-) - but at the moment I have quite a lot to do on the computer and therefore look often times in the wiki.

With me on the screen, the page looked like this:


I've now brought forward the image with the main power switch and added the captions. Is that good?

many greetings Bassfreak

Hello Bassfreak,

for my taste also now quite snappy!

Thanks for your image impression: yes, there sits the main switch image very far right, I understand.
Captions now come good.

For me personally the main switch image sits rather suboptimal: a bit big and very far left. But the overall result is better than the last version.

Best regards, Analoghatwas


so in the middle


or right-aligned


has me but now also not really convinced :-(

Picture smaller is no problem - and with some tinkering it closes then halfway flush!

lg Bassfreak

Hello Bf,

center or left. Size ok. -wonderful with your preview. That should be enough from my side.

Thanks and best regards, Analogh.