Denon DCD-1500 II



  • Manufacturer: Denon
  • Model: DCD-1500 II
  • Type: CD-Player
  • Years of manufacture: 1986 - 1988
  • Made in: Japan
  • Colours: Champagne, Black
  • Remote control: yes, RC-1500
  • Power consumption: 17 W
  • Dimensions: 434 x 89 x 350 mm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: 15 kg
  • Original price approx.: 1'500 DM


  • Number of inputs:
  • Number of outputs:
    • Cinch with fixed level

Cinch with variable level (via FB independent of the headphones)

    • Digital Coaxial Output
    • 1x headphone 6.3mm at the front with LS control
    • 1x Subcode output (10-pin socket)

Technical Data

  • Converter: 16 Bit (2x Burr-Brown PCM54)
  • Frequency response: 5 - 20,000 Hz
  • Dynamic range: >96 dB

Signal to noise ratio: >96 dB

  • Distortion factor: 0.0025% (1 kHz)
  • Channel separation: 95 dB (1 kHz)
  • CD-Text: no
  • MP3 support: no
  • Pitch control: no
  • Auto play: no
  • Shuffle: yes
  • Title programming: yes
  • Plays CD-R: yes ; CD-RW: no

Special Features

  • PCM audio Technology
  • High speed access system
  • 4-fold oversampling
  • 10-key keypad for programming



  • Image: Denon DCD-1500 II, TU-800

Denon TU-800-DCD-1500 II-1.jpg

