Sony TA-F 450 E

Sony Integrated Amplifier TA-F 450D



  • Manufacturer:Sony
  • Model:TA-F450D (UK: TA-F450ESD)
  • Year of manufacture:1988
  • Made in: Japan
  • Colour:black
  • Type: Integrated amplifier (with built-in DAC)
  • Remote control: no
  • Power consumption: ~ 250 W
  • Dimensions: 430 x 130 x 365 mm
  • Weight: 8,1 kg
  • Original price approx.: 800 DM


  • Number of inputs: 9
    • Phono MC 0,17 mV/100 Ohm
    • Phono MM 2,5 mV/50 kOhm/320pF
    • Tuner,CD,Aux,Tape 1,2 150 mV/50 kOhm

Optical -18dBm/ 660nM

    • Coax 1,Coax 2 (DAT) 0,5V p-p / 75 Ohm
  • Number of outputs: 6
    • Rec Out 1,2 150mV/ 1 kOhm
    • Coax 0,5V p-p /75 Ohm
    • Headphone 6,3mm stereo jack
    • Speaker 1,2 4 - 16 Ohm

Technical Data

  • continuous power 20 Hz - 20 kHz

4 Ohm: 2 x 80 W (0.008%)

  • Dynamic power
    • 4 Ohm: approx. 105 W per channel
    • 8 Ohm:
  • Intermodulation: < 0.008% at 80 W /4 Ohm
  • Power bandwidth: 7 Hz - 35000 Hz (4 Ohm / 40 W)
  • Frequency response: 7 Hz - 100000 Hz +- 3dB
  • Attenuation factor: 50 (8 Ohm, 1kHz)
  • Signal-to-noise ratio (unweighted/weighted according to IHF `78):
    • Phono MC 68/75 dB
    • Phono MM 88/86 dB
    • High level 100/88 dB


    • Frequency response: 5Hz - 20000 +-0,8dB
    • Distortion: > 0,003% (1kHz)

Dynamic range: > 107dB

    • Sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz
  • Tone control:
    • Bass: +- 10 dB (100 Hz)

Treble: +- 10 dB (15 kHz)

  • Loudness: yes, + 6dB (100 Hz)/ +3dB (10 kHz)
  • High Filter: no
  • Low Filter (Subsonic): 6dB/Oct; 15Hz
  • Mute: no
  • Direct/Line-Straight: no
  • Tone On/Off: yes

Special Features

  • internal 18Bit DAC with 8-fold oversampling (2 x Burr Brown PCM58P + Sony CDX1144AP + Yamaha YM3623B)
  • phono preamplifier with active current source (FET) of the input stage
  • encapsulated toroidal transformer
  • Digital Direct switch
  • Auto Bias and Current Limiter circuits in the output stages
  • Passive tone control


The F450D is practically a special model of the F400 with built-in DAC and the necessary connections and controls. It was one of the cheapest offers in the then still quite new subcategory "digital integrated amplifiers".


Sony TA-F450D frontview.jpg

