Musical Fidelity M3i



  • Manufacturer: Musical Fidelity
  • Model: M3i
  • Years of manufacture: 2008 -
  • Made in: Taiwan
  • Color: Black (Anthracite), White
  • Type: (Digital/Analog)
  • Remote Control: YES
  • Power consumption: 320 watts maximum
  • Dimensions:440 x 100 x 400 mm (width x height including feet x depth including terminals )
  • Weight: 9.2 kg
  • New price approx.: 1.250 €


  • Number of inputs: 6x RCA (1x switchable home theater loop)
    • list the inputs here (with sensitivity/impedance)

Number of outputs:

    • enumerate outputs here (with level/impedance).

Technical Data

  • Continuous power (with distortion factor)
    • 8 Ohm:
    • 4 Ohm:
  • Dynamic power
    • 8 Ohm:
    • 4 Ohm:
  • Power: 76 watts per channel into 8 ohms (19dBW).
  • Total harmonic distortion: 0.014 % typical, 20Hz to 20 kHz
  • Attenuation factor: 36
  • Frequency response: +0, -0.1dB, 10Hz to 20 kHz
  • Signal-to-noise ratio: > 96dB 'A'-weighted
  • Stereo channel separation:
  • Input impedance; 40 kOhm.
  • Tone control:
    • Bass:
    • Treble:
  • Loudness:
  • High Filter:
  • Low Filter (Subsonic):
  • Mute:
  • Direct/Line-Straight:

Special Features

  • Mute - Button


Other models of the same series:


Musical Fidelity M3i.jpg Musical Fidelity M3i back.jpg


  • AUDIO issue 2/2011; 6 products tested: sound rating: 95 points price/performance: "outstanding", "test winner integrated amplifier".
    • "Plus: Sounds graceful, warm and never intrusive, good for fatigue-free long-time listening.
    • Minus: Somewhat restrained coarse dynamics."
  • Stereo issue 12/2010; 10 products tested: sound level: 75% price/performance: "outstanding" (5 out of 5 stars).
    • "Sounds more powerful than the performance data would suggest. Not an audiophile fine spirit, more a bundle of temperament. Exceedingly musical. Price tip!"
  • hifi & records issue 4/2010; Single test: without final score.
    • „... The Musical Fidelity M3i is ... the ideal amplifier for small two-way speakers, as it helps them to a grown-up appearance without cheap tricks. ... And in this price range, the Musical Fidelity M3i is pretty much alone in its talents."
