Lafayette LA-125 T



  • Manufacturer: Lafayette
  • Model: LA-125 T, variant LA-125 B with less power.
  • Years of manufacture: 1967 - 1971
  • Manufactured in: USA
  • Color: silver, case walnut foil
  • Type: Integrated amplifier
  • Power consumption:
  • Dimensions: 330 x 97 x 235 mm
  • Weight: 5,5 kg;
  • Original price approx.: 1'000 DM


  • Number of inputs:
    • Input sensitivity:
    • Phono MM: 2.2mV, 7mV switchable.
    • Phono crystal: 80mV
    • Microphone: 6mV
    • Tuner: 270mV
    • AUX: 270mV
    • Tape Play: 270mV
  • Number of Outputs:
    • Tape Rec :
    • Tape Rec Front: 6.3mm jack plug
    • Headphones: 6,3mm jack plug
    • 2 pairs of speakers

Technical Data

  • Continuous power (at distortion).
    • 8 Ohm:
    • 4 Ohm:
  • Dynamic power LA-125 T:
    • 8 Ohm: 95 W

4 Ohm: 125 W

  • Dynamic power LA-125 B:
    • 8 Ohm:
    • 4 Ohm: 85 W
  • Distortion factor: 0.2 % at 1 W, 1 % at rated power
  • Attenuation factor:
  • Frequency response: 22 - 20,000 Hz ± 1 dB
  • Power bandwidth: 25 - 35'000 Hz
  • Channel separation: 65 dB at 1 kHz
  • Signal-to-noise ratio:
    • Phono MM: 56 dB
    • Phono crystal: 75 dB
    • Tuner: 75 dB
    • AUX: 75 dB
    • Tape: 75 dB
  • Tone control:
    • Bass: ± 10dB

Treble: ± 10dB

  • Loudness: yes
  • High Filter: yes
  • Low Filter(Subsonic): yes

Special Features

  • Computor-Matic overload protection
  • Bass and tweeter L + R separately adjustable


  • Other models in the same series:

  • Corresponding tuner:


  • Extract from brochure: Lafayette LA-125 T

Lafayette LA-125 T-2.jpg

