Elac Spirit Of Music CE



  • Manufacturer: Elac
  • Model: Spirit of Music CE
  • Year of manufacture: 2009
  • Made in: Germany
  • Color: Black high gloss, cherry high gloss
  • Dimensions: 300 x 1430 x 365 mm, base plate 380 x 33 x 445 mm (W x H x D)
  • Weight: 43 kg
  • Original price approx:

Technical Data

  • Type: 5-way bass reflex floorstanding speaker
  • Chassis:
    • Low frequency: 2x 180 mm AS-XR cone

Low-midrange: 180 mm AS-XR cone midrange: 115 mm AS-XR cone

    • midrange/high frequency: Jet III

Tweeter: 4 π II Ribbon

  • Power handling (nominal/music): 220/300 Watt
  • Efficiency: 90 dB
  • Frequency response: 24 - 53,000 Hz
  • Transitional ranges: 200/800/3000/15000 Hz
  • Impedance: 4 Ohm

Special Features

  • list here


Other models of the same series:


