Brown L 505
- Manufacturer:
- Model:
- Year built:
- Made in:
- Color:
- Dimensions: (W x H x D)
- Weight:
- Original price approx:
Technical data
- Type of construction:
- Chassis:
- list chassis here
- Power handling (nominal/music b.):
- Efficiency:
- Frequency response:
- Transitional ranges: (for LS with several drivers)
- Impedance:
Special Equipment
- list here
Other models of the same series:
- L 410
- L 420
- L 420/1
- L 425
- L 480
- L 480/1
- L 500
- L 500/1
- L 505
- L 550
- L 550/1
- L 555
- L 620
- L 620/1
- L 625
- L 630
- L 710
- L 710/1
- L 715
- L 810
- L 810/1