Talk:Accuton BD25-6-258

Revision as of 12:07, 2 October 2015 by Analoghatwas (talk | contribs) (Neuer Abschnitt Ist der BD25-6-258 OEM?)
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Well, I'll be: Myro is not mentioned among the manufacturers on the Accuton homepage !

Kind regards, Analoghatwas


Smut. Here, the development of today's bass domes in particular, and certain design aspects of the other drivers, are due to a specific suggestion by Myro. The above mentioned companies don't even know why the chassis today are designed the way they are designed.

Greetings, Wonneproppen

Is the BD25-6-258 OEM?[edit]

so only for myro, do not find him on the Accuton-hp.

They do seem to have earned a listing on the Accuton site. If I installed their chassis more often, I would point out this deficiency to Accuton.

Best regards, Analoghatwas