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atlantic Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft

  • Munich, Sendinger-Tor-Platz 8

Company profile[edit]

The atlantic Lautsprecher GmbH Vertriebsgesellschaft was founded at the end of the seventies out of the Munich hi-fi studio Light&Sound in order to realize and sell the developments of the Viennese "acoustics researcher" Hans Deutsch and to sell them.

In the HiFi yearbooks 9 and 10 the models Pedro Lume 001, Barbados 002, Porto Santo 003, Santo Domingo 004 are listed, as well as in yearbook 10 the Skyline 050.

The nameplates for this generation noted, Constructed and tested under supervision by Hans Deutsch, acoustics researcher

For the 1982 vintage the range was modernised and the most expensive speaker Skyline 050 was dropped from the range. From the brochures and from the HiFi Yearbook 11 the proper names disappeared and the well-known compact boxes kept only the counting, 001, 002, 003 and 004 as designation. In addition, a model 005 appeared.
Two new models, HD205 and HD308, presented a more modern design and new nomenclature: the three-digit count was continued, but it was preceded by a 2 or 3 as the hundredth digit, indicating the 2- or 3-way design, and a prefix HD, referring to its developer "Hans Deutsch".
At the suggestion of a Düsseldorf advertising agency, a new brand, ATL, was introduced and the company was finally renamed ATL Atlantic Lautsprecher GmbH in the spring of 1982.

The loudspeakers of this generation carry the brand ATL/Hans Deutsch.

With the sale of the stock to the own sales manager, Bernhard Mörtl, the activities of Atlantic ended and Bernhard Mörtl founded the company ATL in December 1982.
