Thorens TD 2001
- Manufacturer: Thorens
- Model: TD 2001
- Type: Turntable
- Years of manufacture: 1989 - 2000
- Made in: Germany
- Color: Black or mahogany
- Power consumption: 17V AC, 140mA
- Dimensions: 440 x 360 x 170 mm (WxHxD)
- Weight: 10 kg
- Original price approx:
- Without pickup: 1'298 DM
- With Grado reference: 1'598 DM
- Outputs: Cinch L, R, ground screw
- Inputs: 17V AC
Technical Data
- Drive: belt drive on sub-disc
- Motor: 24-pole synchronous motor
- Motor control mains-independent 2-phase synchronous generator
- Speed: 33 1/3 rpm, 45 rpm
- Synchronous speed: <= 0,03%
- Rumpelgeräuschabstand: >72dB
- Turntable: 30cm 3,1kg
- Operating mode: manual with optoelectr. limit stop
- Pitch: -
- Tonearm: TP 90 with headshell TP 95
Effective length 228mm
- - Effective mass 17g
- - Overhang 18mm
- - Offset angle 24°
- - Max. tangential tracking angle error <0.16°/cm
- - Bearing friction <0.15mN
- Pickup: (if present)
Special Features
- Anti-skating magnetic (frictionless)
- Optoelectrical limit stop with lift-off of the tonearm
- Exchangeable pickup via exchangeable headshell
- Oscillating chassis with 3-point leaf-spring suspension
- Tonearm height adjustable
- Tonearm lift
- Original accessories:
- Adjustment gauge for pickup on TP95
- small mirror for system adjustment,
- adjustment tool for subchassis,
- 3 transport safety screws,
- adjustment tool for tonearm height adjustment incl. allen key
- From about 1994 the TD 2001 was revised (TD 2001/2) see picture 2. The following changes were made:
- Alupulley omitted and replaced by a plastic pulley.
- Tonearm board no longer works
- rubber mat replaced by felt mat
- Connector sockets changed
- Other models of the same series:
- Thorens TD 2001
- Picture: Thorens TD 2001
- Picture: Thorens TD 2001
- Image: Thorens TD 2001