Talk:Revox B 215MkII

Revision as of 04:36, 1 June 2018 by Analoghatwas (talk | contribs) (Aw.)
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To give Love Song a bit of a run for its money: I tested the Revox deck with an "ordinary" Yamaha 670: The Yamaha sounded significantly fresher, channel separation, track, frequency response, - even with foreign cassettes - not to speak of worlds (you don't have to be a pro to hear that). Of course, the Yamaha remains the synchronization problems.
Also, with the Revox, the motors stop (stick!?) when paused for a long time, multiple fullautostop! HW

"Love song" was probably advertising text

hope bzgl. the above informative discussion post, it is also purged still to recognize (03.06.2016).
The synchronization problems of the Yamaha, which is, however, by price and thus also the corresponding drive another league, are of course a point!
MfG, Analoghatwas

HW: NOT an advertising text - but MY text. I have been involved with HiFI since 1976 - in Ilmenau university radio. At that time still with Sander & Janzen - 76--Mono!!! HW Jo, your text :-), advertising text referred to the "love song".

Ps: The info about you anyway interssant :-), mfG --Analoghatwas (Discussion) 10:36, 1 Jun 2018 (CEST)