Revision as of 02:48, 9 August 2012 by StevenBrown (talk | contribs) (minor updates)


Schweizer Unternehmen. In den 80er Jahren des 20.Jahrhunderts fertigte 'ACR' höchstwertige Lautsprecherboxen mit Magnetostaten im Hochtonbereich. Einige Boxen hatten auch magnetostatische Mitteltöner von Fostex. Ausserdem wurden die Boxen auch als Bausätze angeboten und belegten in Vergleichstests von Audio und/oder Stereoplay Spitzenplätze. Heute vertreibt die Firma wohl nur noch Car-Hifi.




9-yr-old Helps Disabled Brother Finish Triathlons

Over the weekend, brothers Cayden and Connor Long joined hundreds of other children as they competed in the first annual New England Kids Triathlon in Cambridge. The boys did not win the event -- they didnt even come close. But that didnt stop them from winning hearts across the Internet. The Long brothers are not your typical triathletes. Six-year-old Cayden has cerebral palsy and can neither walk nor talk. But thanks to the dedication of his older brother, Connor, the young boy has participated in several triathlons. A touching video

[9-yr-old Helps Disabled Brother Finish Triathlons]

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Refugee Turned Entrepreneur Uplifts Women Abroad

While some retailers have struggled in the recession, Amber Chand, an online retailer of items made by women living in war-torn countries, is experiencing success."As the economy was going into a downturn during the holiday season, which is my primary season, I noticed actually that my company was increasing in terms of sales and revenues, and we grew by 22 percent," says Chand.

[Refugee Turned Entrepreneur Uplifts Women Abroad]

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The Power of You! Living Life Without Limits

To every person there comes in their lifetime that special moment when you are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to you and your talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds you unprepared or unqualified for work which could have been your finest hour. Winston Churchill

[The Power of You! Living Life Without Limits]

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The Art of Motivating Employees

Could a simple five-minute interaction with another person dramatically increase your weekly productivity?In some employment environments, the answer is yes, according to Wharton management professor Adam Grant. Grant has devoted significant chunks of his professional career to examining what motivates workers in settings that range from call centers and mail-order pharmacies to swimming pool lifeguard squads.

[The Art of Motivating Employees]

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Researchers Nurture Innovative Biofuel Crops in Israels Desert

Fears of global warming and its impact on our environment have left scientists scrambling to decrease levels of atmospheric carbon we humans produce. Now, Tel Aviv University researchers are doing their part to reduce humanitys carbon footprint by successfully growing forests in the most unlikely place deep in Israels Aravah Desert.

[Researchers Nurture Innovative Biofuel Crops in Israels Desert]

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