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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
'''1980''' trat Jacques Mahul mit dem Anspruch an, die besten Lautsprecher der Welt zu bauen. Er verließ die eingetretenen Pfade bisheriger Ingenieursarbeit, hinterfragte alles – und schöpfte neue Techniken. Das erste Lautsprecher-Chassis, das er entwickelte, fand dank des ansprechenden und originellen Designs sehr schnell internationale Anerkennung. Die Firma entwickelte sich innerhalb weniger Jahre zum erfolgreichen Chassis-Spezialisten. Sowohl für den Selbstbau als auch im Auftrag einiger der berühmtesten Lautsprecher-Hersteller der Welt.Ein erster Kompaktlautsprecher hörte auf den Namen DB 13 und enthielt bereits die legendäre Doppel-Schwingspule. Die Konkurrenz war geschockt (und gewarnt): Die „kleine“ DB 13 übertraf etliche teurere Standlautsprecher.  
'''1980''' Jacques Mahul started with the ambition to build the best loudspeakers in the world. He left the well-trodden paths of previous engineering work, questioned everything - and created new techniques. The first loudspeaker chassis he developed quickly gained international recognition thanks to its appealing and original design. Within a few years, the company developed into a successful chassis specialist. Both for self-build and on behalf of some of the world's most famous loudspeaker manufacturers. A first compact loudspeaker was named DB 13 and already contained the legendary double voice coil. The competition was shocked (and warned): the "small" DB 13 outperformed several more expensive floorstanding speakers.  
'''1985''' legte Mahul seine erste Meisterarbeit ab: den ersten Dreiwege-Standlautsprecher Opal 706 aus dem Hause Focal (damals noch JMLab: Jacques Mahul Laboratorium).  
'''In 1985''' Mahul produced his first masterpiece: the first three-way floorstanding Opal 706 from Focal (then still JMLab: Jacques Mahul Laboratorium).  
1990 folgte die Vega, in Japan zum „Speaker of the year 1992“ gekürt. Damals eine Sensation für ein französisches Produkt in Japan.  
The Vega followed in 1990, and was voted "Speaker of the year 1992" in Japan. At that time a sensation for a French product in Japan.  
'''1995''', schockte Focal erneut die Konkurrenz: Die erste Grande Utopia mit Sandwich-W-Membran kam auf den Markt – und wurde sofort weltweit zur Referenz: „Einer der besten Lautsprecher des Planeten“, urteilte damals die maßgebliche internationale Fachzeitschrift Stereophile. In den folgenden Jahren erweiterte Focal die Serie. Kaum war die Serie komplett, ging Focal an die Überarbeitung.  
'''1995''' Focal shocked the competition again: the first Grande Utopia with sandwich W-diaphragm was launched - and immediately became a worldwide reference: "One of the best loudspeakers on the planet", was the verdict of the authoritative international trade magazine Stereophile at the time. In the following years Focal expanded the series. No sooner was the series complete than Focal began to revise it.  
'''1997''' gewann ein Auto, das komplett mit Focal-Lautsprechern ausgestattet war, das Weltfinale des internationalen Soundwettbewerbs IASCA in der Experten-Kategorie. Seither gewann Focal diesen Preis jedes Jahr aufs Neue.2001 kam der erste Sieg in der (Professional) Pro-Kategorie hinzu, das erste Mal für ein französisches Auto auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent. 2002 hat Focal mit dem erneuten Sieg in der Pro-Kategorie bei dem IASCA Weltfinale abermals seine starke Position in der Car-Audio-Branche bewiesen.  
'''In 1997''', a car fully equipped with Focal speakers won the world final of the IASCA international sound competition in the expert category. Since then, Focal has won this award every year. In 2001 came the first win in the (Professional) Pro category, the first time for a French car in the Americas. In 2002, Focal once again proved its strong position in the car audio industry by winning the Pro category at the IASCA World Finals.  
'''2002''' erreicht die Chassis-Produktion ihren Höhepunkt: Mit einer neuen Fabrik steigert Focal die Produktion um 200 (!) Prozent. In Frankreich hält Focal einen Marktanteil von 15 Prozent.  
'''In 2002''' chassis production reaches its peak: with a new factory, Focal increases production by 200 (!) percent. In France, Focal holds a market share of 15 percent.  
'''2003''' sorgt die Grande Utopia Be mit Beryllium-Hochtöner weltweit für Furore. Beryllium, das der Serie ihren Namen gab, vereint die drei wichtigsten Eigenschaften eines Hochtöners besser als jedes bisher verwendete Material: Leichtigkeit, Steifigkeit, interne Dämpfung. In mehreren Ländern gilt sie als bester Lautsprecher der Welt.  
'''2003''' the Grande Utopia Be with beryllium tweeter causes a sensation worldwide. Beryllium, which gave its name to the series, combines the three most important characteristics of a tweeter better than any material previously used: lightness, rigidity, internal damping. In several countries it is considered the best loudspeaker in the world.  
'''2004''': Der Anteil an Chassis für den Selbstbaubereich sinkt unter 3 %, Die Technologie von Focal schreitet so schnell voran, dass die selbst gebauten Lautsprecher nicht mehr Schritt halten können mit den perfekt abgestimmten Fertig-Lautsprechern. Auch die Hörer machen immer weniger Kompromisse (höchstens noch am Geldbeutel).Kein Grund also, noch mit zwei verschiedenen Namen (Focal und JMLab) aufzutreten. Ab sofort heißt Focal nur noch Focal. Und jeder weiß, wer hier Geschichte schreibt.  
'''2004''': the share of chassis for self-building drops below 3%. Focal's technology is advancing so fast that home-built speakers can no longer keep pace with perfectly tuned ready-made speakers. Listeners are also making fewer and fewer compromises (on the wallet, at most). So there is no reason to still use two different names (Focal and JMLab). From now on, Focal is just Focal. And everyone knows who is making history here.  
Focal geht auf den Wunsch vieler Hörer ein, eine Lifestyle-Serie zu entwickeln. Ihr Name: Sib&Co. Mit dem iCub bringt Focal einen Subwoofer mit Digitaleingang auf den Markt, der klanglich überzeugt. Für Hörer, die gerade ihre Liebe zum Klang entdecken.  
Focal is responding to the wishes of many listeners to develop a lifestyle series. Its name: Sib&Co. With the iCub, Focal is launching a subwoofer with digital input that is sonically convincing. For listeners who are just discovering their love of sound.  
Utopia Be jetzt auch im Auto. Alle unabhängigen Tests kommen zum selben Schluss: das beste Lautsprechersystem der Welt. Wegen des Beryllium-Hochtöners und des sensationellen Crossovers, das jedes Auto zum Konzertsaal werden lässt.  
Utopia Be now also in the car. All independent tests come to the same conclusion: the best speaker system in the world. Because of the beryllium tweeter and the sensational crossover that turns every car into a concert hall.  
'''2005''' macht Focal Träume wahr: Mit Profile kommt eine Serie als Einstieg in die Luxusklasse auf den Markt, die für geringes Geld ambitionierte Hörer anspricht.  
'''2005''' makes Focal dreams come true: with Profile, a series is launched as an entry into the luxury class, appealing to ambitious listeners for little money.  
Die neue Electra Be wendet sich an alle, die bisher nur von der Utopia zu träumen wagten – und die Jubiläumsedition verpasst haben oder ausbauen wollen. Die Technik der Utopia Be in einer bezahlbaren Fassung. Aus der Traum. Hier ist die Wirklichkeit.
The new Electra Be is aimed at all those who previously only dared to dream of the Utopia - and who missed out on the anniversary edition or want to upgrade. The technology of the Utopia Be in an affordable version. Out with the dream. Here is the reality.
== Produkte ==
Ca. '''2012''' Focal offers with Book XS small active speakers e.g. for computers, 2014 also as wireless version.
== Products ==
* [[Focal headphones|Headphones]]
* [[Focal Speakers|Loudspeakers]]
* [[Focal Subwoofer|Subwoofer]]
== Weblinks ==
== Weblinks ==
* [http://www.in-akustik.com/de/FOCAL-LAUTSPRECHER.htm Deutsche Homepage]
* [http://www.focal.com/de/88-hifi-lautsprecher German Homepage]
* [http://www.focal.tm.fr/accueil_en.htm Englische Homepage]
* [http://www.focal-fr.com/accueil_en.htm English Homepage]
* [http://www.focal.tm.fr/ Französische Homepage]
* [http://www.focal-fr.com/ French Homepage]
[[Category:Loudspeaker manufacturer]]

Latest revision as of 08:25, 20 July 2020

Company profile[edit]

1980 Jacques Mahul started with the ambition to build the best loudspeakers in the world. He left the well-trodden paths of previous engineering work, questioned everything - and created new techniques. The first loudspeaker chassis he developed quickly gained international recognition thanks to its appealing and original design. Within a few years, the company developed into a successful chassis specialist. Both for self-build and on behalf of some of the world's most famous loudspeaker manufacturers. A first compact loudspeaker was named DB 13 and already contained the legendary double voice coil. The competition was shocked (and warned): the "small" DB 13 outperformed several more expensive floorstanding speakers.

In 1985 Mahul produced his first masterpiece: the first three-way floorstanding Opal 706 from Focal (then still JMLab: Jacques Mahul Laboratorium). The Vega followed in 1990, and was voted "Speaker of the year 1992" in Japan. At that time a sensation for a French product in Japan.

1995 Focal shocked the competition again: the first Grande Utopia with sandwich W-diaphragm was launched - and immediately became a worldwide reference: "One of the best loudspeakers on the planet", was the verdict of the authoritative international trade magazine Stereophile at the time. In the following years Focal expanded the series. No sooner was the series complete than Focal began to revise it.

In 1997, a car fully equipped with Focal speakers won the world final of the IASCA international sound competition in the expert category. Since then, Focal has won this award every year. In 2001 came the first win in the (Professional) Pro category, the first time for a French car in the Americas. In 2002, Focal once again proved its strong position in the car audio industry by winning the Pro category at the IASCA World Finals.

In 2002 chassis production reaches its peak: with a new factory, Focal increases production by 200 (!) percent. In France, Focal holds a market share of 15 percent.

2003 the Grande Utopia Be with beryllium tweeter causes a sensation worldwide. Beryllium, which gave its name to the series, combines the three most important characteristics of a tweeter better than any material previously used: lightness, rigidity, internal damping. In several countries it is considered the best loudspeaker in the world.

2004: the share of chassis for self-building drops below 3%. Focal's technology is advancing so fast that home-built speakers can no longer keep pace with perfectly tuned ready-made speakers. Listeners are also making fewer and fewer compromises (on the wallet, at most). So there is no reason to still use two different names (Focal and JMLab). From now on, Focal is just Focal. And everyone knows who is making history here.

Focal is responding to the wishes of many listeners to develop a lifestyle series. Its name: Sib&Co. With the iCub, Focal is launching a subwoofer with digital input that is sonically convincing. For listeners who are just discovering their love of sound.

Utopia Be now also in the car. All independent tests come to the same conclusion: the best speaker system in the world. Because of the beryllium tweeter and the sensational crossover that turns every car into a concert hall.

2005 makes Focal dreams come true: with Profile, a series is launched as an entry into the luxury class, appealing to ambitious listeners for little money. The new Electra Be is aimed at all those who previously only dared to dream of the Utopia - and who missed out on the anniversary edition or want to upgrade. The technology of the Utopia Be in an affordable version. Out with the dream. Here is the reality.

Ca. 2012 Focal offers with Book XS small active speakers e.g. for computers, 2014 also as wireless version.

