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== Daten ==
== Data ==
* Hersteller: [[Sony]]
* Modell: PS-B80
* Baujahre: 1978 - 1982
* Hergestellt in: Japan
* Farbe: silber, rosenholz
* Leistungsaufnahme: 29 W
* Abmessungen: 500 x 175 x 430 mm (B x H x T)
* Gewicht: ca. 15,0 kg netto
* Neupreis (ohne TA): 3200 DM
* Manufacturer: [[Sony]]
* Model: PS-B80
* Years of manufacture: 1978 - 1982
* Made in: Japan
* Color: silver, rosewood
* Power consumption: 29 W
* Dimensions: 500 x 175 x 430 mm (W x H x D)
* Weight: approx. 15.0 kg net
* Original price (without scanning system): 3'200 DM
* Ausgänge: Cinchkabel [vergoldet]
* Eingänge: -
* Outputs: Cinch [gold plated].
'''Technische Daten'''
'''Technical Data'''
* Antrieb: Direktantrieb
* Drive: direct
* Kontrollsystem: Quarzkontrollsystem, Magnetscheiben-Servo-Kontrollsystem
* control system: magnetic disk servo control system with quartz reference
* Motor: Linear-BNL (bürsten- und nutenlos)
* Motor: Linear-BNL (brushless and slotless)
* Drehzahl: 33 1/3 und 45 upm
* Speed: 33 1/3 and 45 upm
* Gleichlaufschwankungen: ± 0.002%
* Acceleration time: 1/4 revolution at 33 1/3 upm
* Rumpelgeräuschabstand: 78 dB  
* Synchronous speed variation: ± 0.04%, evaluated according to DIN
* Plattenteller: 320 mm Ø, Aluminium
* Rumble noise ratio: 78 dB DIN-B
* Betriebsart: vollautomatisch, auch manuell bedienbar
* Turntable: 320 mm Ø, aluminium
* Operating mode: fully automatic, can also be operated manually
* Pitch: -
* Pitch: -
* Tonarm: Biotracer
* Tonearm: Biotracer
'''Besondere Ausstattungen'''
'''Special Features'''
* 4-Bit CPU (one-chip microcomputer) MB8841
* 4-bit CPU (one-chip microcomputer) MB8841
* Vollelektronischer Biotracer Tonarm
* Fully electronic Biotracer tone arm
* Rückkopplungssystem zur Unterdrückung niederfrequenter Resonancen
* Feedback system for suppression of low-frequency resonances
* Automatische Einstellung der Tonarmbalance
* Automatic adjustment of tonearm balance
* Automatischer Antiskatingausgleich
* Automatic anti-skating compensation
* Elektronische Regelung und Anzeige der Auflagekraft am Frontpanel
* Electronic control and display of the tracking force on the front panel
* Vollautomatischer, über Sensoren gesteuerter Betrieb
* Fully automatic, sensor-controlled operation
* Elektronischer, von der Frontplatte bedienbarer Tonarmlift
* Electronic tonearm lift operated from the front panel
* Schnelles Wiederholspiel, Wiederholspiel bestimmter Teile (Memory), Toleranzbereich des programmierten Aufsetzpunktes ± 0,5 mm
* Fast repetition, repetition of certain parts (memory), tolerance range of the programmed touchdown point ± 0.5 mm
* Automatische Einstellung auf alle Schallplattenformate mit Sicherheitsautomatik für Tonarm
* Automatic adjustment to all record formats with safety automatic for tonearm
* Linear BNL-Motor (erreicht die Nominaldrehzahl bereits nach einer Viertelumdrehung (33 UpM))
* Linear BNL motor (reaches nominal speed after only a quarter turn (33 rpm))
* Repeat Funktion, arbeitet als Counter (bis zu 15 Wiederholungen möglich)
* Repeat function, works as a counter (up to 15 repeats possible)
* Tonabnehmer-Stummschaltung beim Abheben des Tonarmes
* pickup mute function when lifting the tonearm
* durch getrennte Steuerung des Plattentellers und des Tonarmes Cueing möglich
* Cueing possible by separate control of platter and tonearm
* Automatische Nadelreinigung
* Automatic needle cleaning
* Kurzhubtasten zur Bedienung bei geschlossener Haube
* Short-stroke keys for operation when the hood is closed
* Ausgleichsgewicht zur Anpassung des Armes an schwerere Tonabnehmer (z.Bsp.: Sony XL-55/Pro)
* Balance weight to adjust the arm to heavier cartridges (e.g.: [[Sony XL-55 PRO]])
* Gußgehäuse aus resonanzarmen SBMC
* Cast housing made of low-resonance SBMC (Sony Bulk Mold Compound)
* Höhenverstellbare Gel-gefüllte Schockabsorberfüße
* Height-adjustable gel-filled shock-absorbing feet
* Einstellschablone zur Justage des Überhanges auf der Rückseite der Plattentellerauflage
* Adjustment template for the adjustment of the overhang on the back of the turntable support
== Bemerkungen ==
== Remarks ==
Plattenspieler mit elektronisch gesteuertem Tonarm gab es vor und nach dem PS-B80, aber bei keinem, vielleicht abgesehen vom [[Sony PS-X 800]], war die Umsetzung so aufwendig und konsequent. So wurde beispielsweise erstmals ein wirklich automatisch (elektronisch) arbeitendes Antiskatingsystem eingesetzt. Zur Berechnung der notwendigen Kompensationskraft wird nicht nur die voreingestellte Auflagekraft (ebenfalls elektronisch geregelt) herangezogen, sondern Sensoren liefern auch  Werte über Position und Winkelgeschwindigkeit des Tonarmes!
Turntables with electronically controlled tonearms existed before and after the PS-B80, but none, perhaps apart from the [[Sony PS-X 800]], had such an elaborate and consistent implementation. For example, it was the first to use a truly automatic (electronic) anti-skating system. To calculate the necessary compensation force, not only the preset tracking force (also electronically controlled) is used, but sensors also provide values about position and angular velocity of the tonearm!
Ebenfalls revolutionär ist die elektronische Dämpfung des Tonarmes in vertikaler und horizontaler Richtung zur Unterdrückung niederfrequenter Schwingungen. Das führte ganz „nebenbei“ auch zu einer bemerkenswerten Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Stößen und/oder Erschütterungen.
Another revolutionary feature is the electronic damping of the tonearm in vertical and horizontal direction to suppress low-frequency vibrations. This also leads to a remarkable insensitivity to shocks and/or vibrations.
Wo viel Licht ist bekanntermaßen auch viel Schatten. So befürchtete so mancher angesichts der erormen Komplexität eine erhöhte Störanfälligkeit und tätsächlich, nach nunmehr über 30 Jahren, haben einige der Geräte Probleme mit dem Biotracerarm. Doch solange der zentrale Steuerchip noch lebt, ist eine Reparatur möglich. Es gibt zwar keine originalen Ersatzteile mehr, aber man kann Gleichbauteile aus laufender Produktion verwenden. Weitergehende Informationen finden sich im Hifi-Forum.
Where there is a lot of light, there is also a lot of shadow. In view of the enormous complexity, some feared an increased susceptibility to faults, and indeed, after more than 30 years, some of the devices have problems with the biotracer arm. But as long as the central control chip is still "alive", a repair is possible. There are no original spare parts any more, but you can use identical parts from current production. Further information can be found in the Hifi-Forum.
Ob der PS-B80 nur als Technologiedemonstrator gedacht war, muß offen bleiben, jedenfalls bekam er bald einen zuverlässigeren, aber auch einfacheren und damit preisgünstigeren Bruder an die Seite gestellt, den [[Sony PS-X 75]].
Whether the PS-B80 was only meant as a technology demonstrator must remain open, in any case it got soon a more reliable, but also simpler and thus cheaper brother at the side, the [[Sony PS-X 75]].
Im Handel taucht der B80 heutzutage eher selten auf, insbesondere in funktionsfähigem Zustand. Das Preisniveau im kommerziellen Onlinehandel liegt über dem des Neupreises (umgerechnet), im Onlineauktionshandel deutlich darunter, wiewohl die Preise auch hier stetig steigen und der Kauf mit den üblichen Risiken verbunden ist.
Nowadays, the B80 rarely appears in stores, especially in working condition. The price level in the commercial online trade is above the new price (converted), in the online auction trade significantly below, although the prices are also constantly rising here and the purchase is associated with the usual risks.
Den Namen "Biotracer" erklärte Sony übrigens so: "In den PS-B80 ist ein Mikrocomputer eingebaut der als "Gehirn" des Tonarmes fungiert und eine solche Vielfalt von Operationen erlaubt, daß die Fähigkeiten des Tonarmes denen eines menschlichen Armes zu ähneln scheinen. Aus diesem Grunde hat Sony diesem Tonarm den Namen "Biotracer" gegeben!"
By the way, Sony explained the name "Biotracer" as follows: "A microcomputer is built into the PS-B80 which acts as the "brain" of the tonearm and allows such a variety of operations that the tonearm's capabilities seem to resemble those of a human arm. For this reason, Sony has given this tonearm the name "Biotracer"!"
== Bilder ==
== Pictures ==
[Die Bilder zeigen ein Gerät mit nachträglich schwarz lackierter Zarge]
[[Pictures show unit with frame painted black afterward]]
== Berichte ==
== Reports ==
Audio 1/1980 Test Sony Plattenspieler: "Der denkende Tonarm"
Audio 1/1980 Test Sony turntable: "The thinking tonearm".
HiFi-Stereofonie 9/1979 "Tonarm mit Gedächtnis und Gefühl" am Sony Plattenspieler PS-B80
HiFi-Stereofonie 9/1979 "Tonearm with memory and feeling" on the Sony turntable PS-B80
== Videos ==
== Videos ==
== Links ==
* Record player PS-B80: [http://www.thevintageknob.org/sony-PS-B80.html]
== Links ==
* HiFi Studio [https://web.archive.org/web/20120513212823/http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/plattenspieler.htm]
* Plattenspieler PS-B80: [http://www.thevintageknob.org/sony-PS-B80.html]
* HiFi Classics [http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/plattenspieler.htm]
* HIFI Forum [http://www.hifi-forum.de]
* HIFI-Forum [http://www.hifi-forum.de]

Latest revision as of 05:25, 31 January 2019



  • Manufacturer: Sony
  • Model: PS-B80
  • Years of manufacture: 1978 - 1982
  • Made in: Japan
  • Color: silver, rosewood
  • Power consumption: 29 W
  • Dimensions: 500 x 175 x 430 mm (W x H x D)
  • Weight: approx. 15.0 kg net
  • Original price (without scanning system): 3'200 DM


  • Outputs: Cinch [gold plated].

Technical Data

  • Drive: direct
  • control system: magnetic disk servo control system with quartz reference
  • Motor: Linear-BNL (brushless and slotless)
  • Speed: 33 1/3 and 45 upm
  • Acceleration time: 1/4 revolution at 33 1/3 upm
  • Synchronous speed variation: ± 0.04%, evaluated according to DIN
  • Rumble noise ratio: 78 dB DIN-B
  • Turntable: 320 mm Ø, aluminium
  • Operating mode: fully automatic, can also be operated manually
  • Pitch: -
  • Tonearm: Biotracer

Special Features

  • 4-bit CPU (one-chip microcomputer) MB8841
  • Fully electronic Biotracer tone arm
  • Feedback system for suppression of low-frequency resonances
  • Automatic adjustment of tonearm balance
  • Automatic anti-skating compensation
  • Electronic control and display of the tracking force on the front panel
  • Fully automatic, sensor-controlled operation
  • Electronic tonearm lift operated from the front panel
  • Fast repetition, repetition of certain parts (memory), tolerance range of the programmed touchdown point ± 0.5 mm
  • Automatic adjustment to all record formats with safety automatic for tonearm
  • Linear BNL motor (reaches nominal speed after only a quarter turn (33 rpm))
  • Repeat function, works as a counter (up to 15 repeats possible)
  • pickup mute function when lifting the tonearm
  • Cueing possible by separate control of platter and tonearm
  • Automatic needle cleaning
  • Short-stroke keys for operation when the hood is closed
  • Balance weight to adjust the arm to heavier cartridges (e.g.: Sony XL-55 PRO)
  • Cast housing made of low-resonance SBMC (Sony Bulk Mold Compound)
  • Height-adjustable gel-filled shock-absorbing feet
  • Adjustment template for the adjustment of the overhang on the back of the turntable support


Turntables with electronically controlled tonearms existed before and after the PS-B80, but none, perhaps apart from the Sony PS-X 800, had such an elaborate and consistent implementation. For example, it was the first to use a truly automatic (electronic) anti-skating system. To calculate the necessary compensation force, not only the preset tracking force (also electronically controlled) is used, but sensors also provide values about position and angular velocity of the tonearm! Another revolutionary feature is the electronic damping of the tonearm in vertical and horizontal direction to suppress low-frequency vibrations. This also leads to a remarkable insensitivity to shocks and/or vibrations. Where there is a lot of light, there is also a lot of shadow. In view of the enormous complexity, some feared an increased susceptibility to faults, and indeed, after more than 30 years, some of the devices have problems with the biotracer arm. But as long as the central control chip is still "alive", a repair is possible. There are no original spare parts any more, but you can use identical parts from current production. Further information can be found in the Hifi-Forum. Whether the PS-B80 was only meant as a technology demonstrator must remain open, in any case it got soon a more reliable, but also simpler and thus cheaper brother at the side, the Sony PS-X 75. Nowadays, the B80 rarely appears in stores, especially in working condition. The price level in the commercial online trade is above the new price (converted), in the online auction trade significantly below, although the prices are also constantly rising here and the purchase is associated with the usual risks.

By the way, Sony explained the name "Biotracer" as follows: "A microcomputer is built into the PS-B80 which acts as the "brain" of the tonearm and allows such a variety of operations that the tonearm's capabilities seem to resemble those of a human arm. For this reason, Sony has given this tonearm the name "Biotracer"!"


Sony-PS-B80 08.jpg

Sony-PS-B80 04.jpg

Sony-PS-B80 05.jpg

Sony-PS-B80 03.jpg

Sony-PS-B80 02.jpg

Sony-PS-B80 07.jpg

Sony-PS-B80 01.jpg

Pictures show unit with frame painted black afterward


Audio 1/1980 Test Sony turntable: "The thinking tonearm".

HiFi-Stereofonie 9/1979 "Tonearm with memory and feeling" on the Sony turntable PS-B80




  • Record player PS-B80: [1]
  • HiFi Studio [2]