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Die Entwicklungsabteilung German Highend befasst sich seit vielen Jahren mit der Entwicklung und Optimierung von hochwertigen Audiokomponenten und Bauteilen.
The development department German Highend has been involved in the development and optimization of high-quality audio components and parts for many years.
German Highend bietet hochwertige Audioprodukte und Silberkabel aus deutscher Produktion an. Sämtliche Produkte sind nach rein physikalischen Grundlagen konstruiert und gefertigt.Zu den Hauptprodukten gehören die aufwendig gefertigten Solidcore Reinsilberkabel, die durch diverse Konstruktionsdetails eine Ausnahmestellung einnehmen. Es werden sowohl HighEnd-Lautsprecher-wie auch NF-Kabel in verschiedenen Klassen angeboten.
German Highend offers high quality audio products and silver cables from German production. All products are designed and manufactured according to purely physical principles. The main products include the elaborately manufactured Solidcore pure silver cables, which have an exceptional position due to various construction details. Both high-end loudspeaker and NF cables are offered in various classes.
Die 2006 erstmals vorgestellten grobkristallinen Reinsilberkabel sorgten durch ihre extreme Neutralität sowie geringste Signalbeeinflusssung in der Branche für Aufsehen und haben sich sehr schnell als ein State of the Art-Produkt im Markt etabliert. Der Vertrieb der German Highend-Produkte erfolgt über das Vertriebsnetz der SWANS Europe GmbH.
The coarse crystalline pure silver cables, first introduced in 2006, caused a sensation in the industry due to their extreme neutrality and minimal signal interference and very quickly established themselves as a state of the art product in the market.  
SWANS ist einer der weltweit größten Hersteller für hochwertige Hifi-und Homecinemalautsprecher.
German Highend beweist, dass innovative und hochwertige Produkte aus deutscher Fertigung durchaus eine Marktchance auch in hartumkämpften Branchen haben.
German Highend proves that innovative and high-quality products made in Germany have a chance on the market even in highly competitive industries.
Ausführliche Informationen incl. physikalischer Erklärungen finden Sie auf der German Highend Homepage.  
Detailed information including physical explanations can be found on the German Highend homepage.  

Latest revision as of 11:26, 3 August 2018

The development department German Highend has been involved in the development and optimization of high-quality audio components and parts for many years. German Highend offers high quality audio products and silver cables from German production. All products are designed and manufactured according to purely physical principles. The main products include the elaborately manufactured Solidcore pure silver cables, which have an exceptional position due to various construction details. Both high-end loudspeaker and NF cables are offered in various classes.

The coarse crystalline pure silver cables, first introduced in 2006, caused a sensation in the industry due to their extreme neutrality and minimal signal interference and very quickly established themselves as a state of the art product in the market.

German Highend proves that innovative and high-quality products made in Germany have a chance on the market even in highly competitive industries.

Detailed information including physical explanations can be found on the German Highend homepage.
