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== Data ==
* Manufacturer: [[Sony]]
* Model: TA-FA 3 ES
* Type: Integrated amplifier
* Years of manufacture: 1995 - 1997 <!-- https://www.hifiengine.com/manual_library/sony/ta-fa3es.shtml -->
* Made in: Japan
* Color: Black or Champagne
* Remote control: yes, system remote control RM-S 702
* Power consumption: ~ 200 W
* Dimensions: 430 x 135 x 375 mm (WxHxD)
* Weight: 10 kg
* Original price: 1'100 DM
Hersteller : Sony
Modell : TA-FA 3 ES
Baujahr: 1995 - 1997
Hergestellt in: Japan
Farbe: Schwarz
Typ: analog
Fernbedienung: ja
'''Technische Daten'''
an 8 Ohm : 60 Watt RMS (70 Watt DIN)
an 4 Ohm : 80 Watt RMS (100 Watt DIN)
Klirr    : 0,008% bei 10W RMS an 8 Ohm
Frequenzgang : 2 - 200000 Hz;+0 / - 3dB über CD-in
Signal-/Rauschabstand : 105dB
Dämpfungsfaktor: 100 an 8 Ohm
Phono MM : 2,5mV/ 50kOhm
* Inputs:
** Phono MM : 2,5mV/ 50kOhm
Phono MC : 0,2mV/ 40 Ohm
Phono MC : 0,2mV/ 40 Ohm
Tuner : 150mV/ 20kOhm
CD : 150mV/ 20kOhm
** Tape 1,2 : 150mV/ 20kOhm
* Outputs:
** Tape 1,2 : 150mV/ 1kOhm
Pre Out : 1V/ 470Ohm
** Headphones: 10mW/ 8Ohm
** 2 pairs of loudspeakers
Tuner    : 150mV/ 20kOhm
CD      : 150mV/ 20kOhm
Tape 1,2 : 150mV/ 20kOhm
Tape 1,2 : 150mV/  1kOhm
Pre Out  :  1V/ 470Ohm
Headphones: 10mW/ 8Ohm
Bass: ja
'''Technical Data'''
* Continuous power (at distortion factor)
** 8 Ohm: 2x 60 Watt RMS (2x 70 Watt DIN)
** 4 Ohm: 2x 80 Watt RMS (2x 100 Watt DIN)
* Dynamic power
** 8 Ohm:
** 4 Ohm:
* Total harmonic distortion:
* Damping factor: &gt; 100, 8 Ohm
* Frequency response: 2 - 200'000 Hz, + 0 /- 3 dB over CD-in
* Signal to noise ratio: 105 dB
* Tone control:
** Bass: yes
treble: yes
* Loudness: no
* High Filter: no
* Low Filter (Subsonic): yes
* Mute: yes
* Direct/Line-Straight: yes (Source-Direct)
Höhen: ja
Loudness: nein
'''Special Features'''
* System remote control
* Double mono FET(MOS),complete Class A
* Torus transformer
* Modular construction
* Gold plated inputs and outputs
* Completely remote controllable
High Filter: nein
Subsonic: ja
== Notes ==
* Other models in the same series:
* [[Sony TA-FA 3 ES]]
* [[Sony TA-FA 5 ES]]
* [[Sony TA-FA 7 ES]]
Mute: ja
Direct/Line-Straight: ja
== Pictures ==
* [[Picture: Sony TA-FA 3 ES
[[File:Sony TA-FA 3 ES-1.jpg]]
'''Allgemeine Angaben'''
Sonderausstattung: Systemfernbedienung RM-S702
== Reviews ==
* While the FA series is visually significantly different from its predecessors, and the organization of the boards and components has also been revised internally, it represents little progress in terms of the audio electronics offered. This is also the case with the FA3ES which replaces the older 5xxES models.
** Before [http://www.hifido.co.jp/KWSony/G0101/E/110-10/C08-35743-13040-00/]
** After [http://www.hifido.co.jp/KWSony+TA-FA3/G1/E/0-10/C05-24744-60628-00/]
Abmessungen : 430 x 135 x 375mm
* Compared to the F505ES, the FA3ES has been slimmed down quite a bit in ease of use:
** There is no longer a rec-out selector or mono stereo switch. The phono MM/MC selector switch has been moved to the rear of the housing. The Direct Source input and also the Adapter In/Out have been banished. The speaker selection for two pairs has given way to a Speakers On/Off. A switchable subsonic filter is no longer available.
If you look inside the unit, you'll notice the tidiness of the construction and the (unencapsulated) toroidal transformer. Also, thanks to electronically controlled signal source switching via relays directly at the input sockets, there are neither switch linkages nor ribbon cables for mechanical switches in the housing.
The entire preamplifier section is located behind a large shielding plate in the outer right third of the cabinet. The phono preamp sits directly behind the jacks.
** The encapsulated motorized potentiometer for volume control sits opposite the phono jacks.
** [http://audio-heritage.jp/SONY-ESPRIT/amp/ta-fa3es.html] (scroll down). The AC outlets are not present in the D version.
** Below the two tape connectors there is another pre-out output for connecting another stereo power amplifier. This output is no longer available on the successor FA30ES and will henceforth be reserved for the larger models, along with a third tape connection and the rec-out selector.
However, the FA3ES has a system remote control with which the basic functions of CD, tuner, tape 1 &amp; 2 (incl. recording) - as long as it is a remote-controlled Sony device - can be controlled. Furthermore, the signal sources can be switched and the volume can be adjusted with it.
The phono preamp is based on an OpAmp with a discrete preamp and equalizer network in the negative feedback section of the circuit. The preamp is realized with 2 bipolar transistors 2SC2545 and the opamp is a RC4560D. The MM/MC switching is implemented by a switch which sets input impedance and gain via resistors. (In the successor model FA30ES the opamp is replaced by the somewhat lower noise model NJM2068D-D).
The power supply of the phono preamplifier has been changed. In the F505ES it was still a separate power supply branch equipped with two regulating Cs, bridge rectifier and charging electrolytic capacitors, in the FA3ES it is connected to the power supply branch of the output stages. Two transistors, two Zener diodes and a network serve as a voltage regulator and filter to get +-15V for the phono preamp from the +-46V of the power amp supply.
** The circuit of the FA3/FA30ES is the last word in phono preamplifier technology on the part of Sony and was also adopted later in the top models of the QS series - but without the possibility to switch sensitivity and gain to MC level. Overall, the phono preamplifier of the FA3ES is good. However, considering the high purchase price of the integrated amplifier and the "ES" in the unit's name, it is somewhat disappointing. A decade earlier Sony offered sophisticated circuitry already in the mid-range, e.g. in the slim-liners TA-F45 and TA-F55. What's missing is capacitive matching for MM cartridges and resistive matching for MCs. Which would certainly have been possible in this price range.
Gewicht : 10 kG
Leistungsaufnahme : ~ 200 Watt
The power amplifiers of the FA3ES are, like those of the F505ES (and most power amplifiers of this performance class) "single ended push pull" "SEPP" power amplifiers. The FA3ES uses a pair of Toshiba 2SK1530/2SJ201 FETs per channel in the output stage. The schematic design of the output stages of both amplifiers is practically the same, but those of the FA3ES are slightly weaker overall before the output stage FETs,which is also made clear by the manufacturer's specifications:  
** F505ES: 80 Watt RMS into 8 Ohm
FA3ES: 60 Watt RMS into 8 Ohm.
The power supply for the output stage is provided by a rather sparingly equipped power supply with a bridge rectifier for both half-waves consisting of four discrete diodes and four charging electrolytic capacitors (2x 10000µF/56V and 2x 1000µF/63V).
Neupreis : ~ 1100 DM
While the outer design can be marketed as an audiofil-looking no-nonsense design, the inner values do not hide the fact that the red pencil has been applied in certain places and that resources have been invested in a non-sound-relevant infrared remote control and control electronics that would have been better invested in a power supply more conducive to good sound - and in a low-noise phono preamplifier.
2nd Hand : ~ 120 - 200€  je nach Zustand (stand: ende 2009)
The FA3ES was not exactly cheap in 1995 (~ 1000 DM) and also not a special offer. Today, on the other hand, it is often auctioned off as a "high-end amplifier" or "bolide" on Ebay, or offered for prices beyond 200€. It should be clear to anyone interested that it is NOT both. He simply lacks the ingredients. If you don't believe that, you can have a look at the interior pictures of a FA50ES here [http://www.kameson.com/audio/TA-FA50ES.htm] to see where the difference between good middle class and top class was at that time. That said, the FA3ES is a solidly built, durable integrated amplifier of the upper mid-range that is suitable for building a great-sounding hi-fi system if the limitations of the device are taken into account in the choice of components and it is properly maintained.
Who buys a FA3ES used - for less than 200€ incl. remote control - should first go to a professional workshop and replace the trim pots of the power amplifiers with encapsulated multi-turn versions and of course have them readjusted. At this opportunity also '''all''' Elko`s in the amplifier should be checked. Depending on the load in the previous ownership, these can be ok but also almost EoL.
If the unit is ok and properly adjusted, you have a neutral sounding integrated amplifier that can easily make the sound characteristics of top class CD players audible - if the connected speakers are of appropriate quality. The phono preamplifier is also quite good. However, no low output MC a la Ortofon or Dynavector should be expected of it. High output MCs like Denon DL-160 or MMs like Audio Technica AT440MLa are more suitable. The FA3ES can also handle low impedance loudspeakers. However, they should not have a low sound pressure level at the same time.
If you compare the offered circuitry and the mechanical construction with more current industrial products such as the Denon PMA-1500, it must be said that they still offer little more than the small Sony ES amplifier - at twice the new price.  
Der FA3ES ist das `95er Basismodell einer redesignten und um ein Modell abgespeckten ES-Vollverstärkerreihe (die 6xxer Modelle entfallen hier).
Gegenüber den Vorläufern (500ES/530ES/570ES/505ES) wurde der mechanische Aufbau üerarbeitet und vereinfacht was dem FA3 einen sehr klaren Aufbau im Inneren verschafft.
Die Endstufen mit den MOS-FETs 2SK1530/2SJ201 entsprechen denen des 505ES,allerdings werden sie von einem etwas schwächeren Netzteil gespeist (z.B. Ladeelkos 505ES:
2x 12000mF/63V; FA3ES: 2x 10000mF/56V). Ebenfalls praktisch 1:1 übernommen wurde die recht minimalistische MC/MM Vorstufe basierend auf einem OpAmp (meistens der
4560,später der NJM2068D von JRC im FA30ES). Die letztere Variante wurde auch in neueren Nicht-ES Modellen wie dem TA-FB940/940R übernommen.
Es gilt für FA3/FA30 was für die älteren Modelle galt: Low Output MCs a la Ortofon Denon oder Dynavector sind keine optimalen Partner. Schon eher "lautere" MCs a la
Audio Technica AT-OC5/OC9. High Output MCs wie das DL-160 von Denon oder bessere MM-Systeme wie ADC XLM MK.III oder Audio Technica AT-440MLa sind am besten geeignet.
Bei der Auswahl der Lautsprecher sollte zu impedanzunkritischen Boxen mit recht gutem Wirkungsgrad gegriffen werden. Zwar verträgt der FA3 auch Lautsprecher
== Links ==
mit niedriger Impedanz (z.B. Magnat Quantum 507) aber das schlaucht ihn ganz schön und resultiert in einer nicht unerheblich erhöhten Betriebstemperatur schon
bei Zimmerlautstärke.
Betrachtet man den Originalverkaufspreis von ca. 1000 DM war der FA3 sicher kein Sonderangebot,denn es wurde - immerhin sehr solide - Mittelklasse unter dem "High End"
- Label der Marke verkauft. Trotzdem ging der kleine Sony damals recht gut über die Ladentheke und ist heute (Dez. 2009) recht häufig als Gebrauchtgerät bei
Ebay & Co zu einem wesentlich freundlicheren Preis zu finden der ihn zu einem  recht günstigen Einsteigermodell in Sachen serious HiFi macht.
Wer keine "goldenen Ohren" hat oder auf "High End" abzielt ist in der Regel mit diesem Verstärker gut bedient. Wird bei der Auswahl des Tonabnehmers und der Lautsprecher
[[Category:Integrated amplifier]]
auf die Limitierungen des Verstärkers geachtet ist der FA3 auch heute ein zufriedenstellend und neutral "klingendes" Gerät. Eine (2nd Hand) preislich auf ähnlichem Niveau liegende
bessere Alternative für Phonoliebhaber wäre z.B. der Harman/Kardon 6500 oder der 6550.
Nach dem Kauf eines 2nd Hand Gerätes sollte dies in einer Fachwerkstatt überprüft und neu abgeglichen werden,denn auch Verstärker unterliegen je nach thermischer
Belastung Alterserscheinungen und Bauteileverschleiß.

Latest revision as of 09:42, 14 April 2021



  • Manufacturer: Sony
  • Model: TA-FA 3 ES
  • Type: Integrated amplifier
  • Years of manufacture: 1995 - 1997
  • Made in: Japan
  • Color: Black or Champagne
  • Remote control: yes, system remote control RM-S 702
  • Power consumption: ~ 200 W
  • Dimensions: 430 x 135 x 375 mm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: 10 kg
  • Original price: 1'100 DM


  • Inputs:
    • Phono MM : 2,5mV/ 50kOhm

Phono MC : 0,2mV/ 40 Ohm Tuner : 150mV/ 20kOhm CD : 150mV/ 20kOhm

    • Tape 1,2 : 150mV/ 20kOhm
  • Outputs:
    • Tape 1,2 : 150mV/ 1kOhm

Pre Out : 1V/ 470Ohm

    • Headphones: 10mW/ 8Ohm
    • 2 pairs of loudspeakers

Technical Data

  • Continuous power (at distortion factor)
    • 8 Ohm: 2x 60 Watt RMS (2x 70 Watt DIN)
    • 4 Ohm: 2x 80 Watt RMS (2x 100 Watt DIN)
  • Dynamic power
    • 8 Ohm:
    • 4 Ohm:
  • Total harmonic distortion:
  • Damping factor: > 100, 8 Ohm
  • Frequency response: 2 - 200'000 Hz, + 0 /- 3 dB over CD-in
  • Signal to noise ratio: 105 dB
  • Tone control:
    • Bass: yes

treble: yes

  • Loudness: no
  • High Filter: no
  • Low Filter (Subsonic): yes
  • Mute: yes
  • Direct/Line-Straight: yes (Source-Direct)

Special Features

  • System remote control
  • Double mono FET(MOS),complete Class A
  • Torus transformer
  • Modular construction
  • Gold plated inputs and outputs
  • Completely remote controllable



  • [[Picture: Sony TA-FA 3 ES

Sony TA-FA 3 ES-1.jpg


  • While the FA series is visually significantly different from its predecessors, and the organization of the boards and components has also been revised internally, it represents little progress in terms of the audio electronics offered. This is also the case with the FA3ES which replaces the older 5xxES models.
  • Compared to the F505ES, the FA3ES has been slimmed down quite a bit in ease of use:
    • There is no longer a rec-out selector or mono stereo switch. The phono MM/MC selector switch has been moved to the rear of the housing. The Direct Source input and also the Adapter In/Out have been banished. The speaker selection for two pairs has given way to a Speakers On/Off. A switchable subsonic filter is no longer available.

If you look inside the unit, you'll notice the tidiness of the construction and the (unencapsulated) toroidal transformer. Also, thanks to electronically controlled signal source switching via relays directly at the input sockets, there are neither switch linkages nor ribbon cables for mechanical switches in the housing. The entire preamplifier section is located behind a large shielding plate in the outer right third of the cabinet. The phono preamp sits directly behind the jacks.

    • The encapsulated motorized potentiometer for volume control sits opposite the phono jacks.
    • [3] (scroll down). The AC outlets are not present in the D version.
    • Below the two tape connectors there is another pre-out output for connecting another stereo power amplifier. This output is no longer available on the successor FA30ES and will henceforth be reserved for the larger models, along with a third tape connection and the rec-out selector.

However, the FA3ES has a system remote control with which the basic functions of CD, tuner, tape 1 & 2 (incl. recording) - as long as it is a remote-controlled Sony device - can be controlled. Furthermore, the signal sources can be switched and the volume can be adjusted with it. The phono preamp is based on an OpAmp with a discrete preamp and equalizer network in the negative feedback section of the circuit. The preamp is realized with 2 bipolar transistors 2SC2545 and the opamp is a RC4560D. The MM/MC switching is implemented by a switch which sets input impedance and gain via resistors. (In the successor model FA30ES the opamp is replaced by the somewhat lower noise model NJM2068D-D). The power supply of the phono preamplifier has been changed. In the F505ES it was still a separate power supply branch equipped with two regulating Cs, bridge rectifier and charging electrolytic capacitors, in the FA3ES it is connected to the power supply branch of the output stages. Two transistors, two Zener diodes and a network serve as a voltage regulator and filter to get +-15V for the phono preamp from the +-46V of the power amp supply.

    • The circuit of the FA3/FA30ES is the last word in phono preamplifier technology on the part of Sony and was also adopted later in the top models of the QS series - but without the possibility to switch sensitivity and gain to MC level. Overall, the phono preamplifier of the FA3ES is good. However, considering the high purchase price of the integrated amplifier and the "ES" in the unit's name, it is somewhat disappointing. A decade earlier Sony offered sophisticated circuitry already in the mid-range, e.g. in the slim-liners TA-F45 and TA-F55. What's missing is capacitive matching for MM cartridges and resistive matching for MCs. Which would certainly have been possible in this price range.

The power amplifiers of the FA3ES are, like those of the F505ES (and most power amplifiers of this performance class) "single ended push pull" "SEPP" power amplifiers. The FA3ES uses a pair of Toshiba 2SK1530/2SJ201 FETs per channel in the output stage. The schematic design of the output stages of both amplifiers is practically the same, but those of the FA3ES are slightly weaker overall before the output stage FETs,which is also made clear by the manufacturer's specifications:

    • F505ES: 80 Watt RMS into 8 Ohm

FA3ES: 60 Watt RMS into 8 Ohm. The power supply for the output stage is provided by a rather sparingly equipped power supply with a bridge rectifier for both half-waves consisting of four discrete diodes and four charging electrolytic capacitors (2x 10000µF/56V and 2x 1000µF/63V).

While the outer design can be marketed as an audiofil-looking no-nonsense design, the inner values do not hide the fact that the red pencil has been applied in certain places and that resources have been invested in a non-sound-relevant infrared remote control and control electronics that would have been better invested in a power supply more conducive to good sound - and in a low-noise phono preamplifier.

The FA3ES was not exactly cheap in 1995 (~ 1000 DM) and also not a special offer. Today, on the other hand, it is often auctioned off as a "high-end amplifier" or "bolide" on Ebay, or offered for prices beyond 200€. It should be clear to anyone interested that it is NOT both. He simply lacks the ingredients. If you don't believe that, you can have a look at the interior pictures of a FA50ES here [4] to see where the difference between good middle class and top class was at that time. That said, the FA3ES is a solidly built, durable integrated amplifier of the upper mid-range that is suitable for building a great-sounding hi-fi system if the limitations of the device are taken into account in the choice of components and it is properly maintained.

Who buys a FA3ES used - for less than 200€ incl. remote control - should first go to a professional workshop and replace the trim pots of the power amplifiers with encapsulated multi-turn versions and of course have them readjusted. At this opportunity also all Elko`s in the amplifier should be checked. Depending on the load in the previous ownership, these can be ok but also almost EoL.

If the unit is ok and properly adjusted, you have a neutral sounding integrated amplifier that can easily make the sound characteristics of top class CD players audible - if the connected speakers are of appropriate quality. The phono preamplifier is also quite good. However, no low output MC a la Ortofon or Dynavector should be expected of it. High output MCs like Denon DL-160 or MMs like Audio Technica AT440MLa are more suitable. The FA3ES can also handle low impedance loudspeakers. However, they should not have a low sound pressure level at the same time.

If you compare the offered circuitry and the mechanical construction with more current industrial products such as the Denon PMA-1500, it must be said that they still offer little more than the small Sony ES amplifier - at twice the new price.
