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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
Die '''International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation''' ist eine US-amerikanische Holding mit Sitz in White Plains, New York. In den 60er- bis 80er-Jahren war ''Schaub Lorenz'' der Markenname der Unterhaltungselektronik von ITT, bis die Sparte 1988 an Nokia verkauft wurde.
'''International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation''' is a U.S. holding company based in White Plains, New York. From the 1960s to the 1980s, ''Schaub Lorenz'' was the brand name of ITT's consumer electronics until the division was sold to Nokia in 1988.
== Produkte ==
== Products ==
* [[ITT CD-Player|CD-Player]]
* [[ITT CD Player|CD Player]]
* [[ITT Kassettendecks|Kassettendecks]]
* [[ITT Power Amplifiers|Power Amplifiers]]
* [[ITT Plattenspieler|Plattenspieler]]
* [[ITT Remote Controls|Remote Controls]]
* [[ITT Vollverstärker|Vollverstärker]]
* [[ITT Cassette Decks|Cassette Decks]]
* [[ITT Cassette Recorders|Cassette Recorders]]
* [[ITT Compact Systems|Compact Systems]]
* [[ITT Headphones|Headphones]]
* [[ITT Loudspeaker|Loudspeaker]]
* [[ITT Record Player|Record Player]]
* [[ITT Radio Recorder|Radio Recorder]]
* [[ITT Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[ITT Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[ITT Video Recorder|Video Recorder]]
* [[ITT Integrated Amplifier|Power Amplifier]]
* [[ITT Preamplifier|Preamplifier]]
== Weblinks ==
== Web links ==
* http://www.itt.com (Englisch)
* http://www.itt.com (English)
* http://www.itt-deutschland.de
* http://www.itt-deutschland.de

Latest revision as of 12:43, 7 May 2021

Company profile[edit]

International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation is a U.S. holding company based in White Plains, New York. From the 1960s to the 1980s, Schaub Lorenz was the brand name of ITT's consumer electronics until the division was sold to Nokia in 1988.


Web links[edit]