Difference between revisions of "Sony SS-F 60 ES"

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== Daten ==
== Data ==
* Hersteller: [[Sony]]
* Manufacturer: [[Sony]]
* Modell: SS-F 60 ES
* Model: SS-F 60 ES
* Typ: Lautsprecher
* Type: Loudspeaker
* Baujahre: 1995 - 1997
* Years of manufacture: 1995 - 1997
* Farbe: Schwarz / Rot
* Color: Black
* Neupreis ca.: 1'900 DM
* Original price approx.: 2000 DM
'''Technische Daten'''
'''Technical data'''
[[Datei:Sony SS-F 60-80-R-70-Daten-1995.jpg]]
[[File:Sony SS-F 60-80-R-70-Daten-1995.jpg]]
== Remarks ==
== Bemerkungen ==
* Other models in the same series:
* Weitere Modelle der gleichen Serie:
* Preamplifier:
* Vorverstärker:
* [[Sony TA-E 90 ES]]
* [[Sony TA-E 90 ES]]
* [[Sony TA-E 2000 ESD]]
* [[Sony TA-E 2000 ESD]]
* Endverstärker:
* Power amplifier:
* [[Sony TA-N 220]]
* [[Sony TA-N 220]]
* [[Sony TA-N 55 ES]]
* [[Sony TA-N 55 ES]]
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* Vollverstärker:
* [[Integrated Amplifier]]
* [[Sony TA-F 461 R]]
* [[Sony TA-F 461 R]]
* [[Sony TA-FA 3 ES]]
* [[Sony TA-FA 3 ES]]
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* A/V-Vollverstärker:
* [[A/V integrated amplifier]]
* [[Sony TA-AV 790 ESD]]
* [[Sony TA-AV 790 ESD]]
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* CD-Player:
* [[CD player]]
* [[Sony CDP-915]]
* [[Sony CDP-915]]
* [[Sony CDP-XA2ES]]
* [[Sony CDP-XA2ES]]
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* DAT-Recorder:
* [[DAT Recorder]]
* [[Sony DTC-60 ES]]
* [[Sony DTC-60 ES]]
* [[Sony DTC-2000 ES]]
* [[Sony DTC-2000 ES]]
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* Tape Deck:
* [[Tape Deck:
* [[Sony TC-KA 6 ES]]
* [[Sony TC-KA 6 ES]]
* [[Sony TC-K 815 S]]
* [[Sony TC-K 815 S]]
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* Lautsprecher:
* Speakers:
* [[Sony SS-B 40 ES]]
* [[Sony SS-B 40 ES]]
* [[Sony SS-F 60 ES]]
* [[Sony SS-F 60 ES]]
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== Bilder ==
== Pictures ==
* Auszug aus Prospekt: Sony SS-R 70 Esprit No. 3
* Extract from brochure: Sony SS-F 60 ES, SS-R 70 Esprit No. 3
[[Datei:Sony SS-F 60-R 70-Prospekt-1995.jpg]]
[[File:Sony SS-F 60-R 70-Prospekt-1995.jpg]]
== Reports ==
* Made in Germany:
* Commissioned to Germany by Sony's Elevated Standard High-End Series. Only small numbers were made. These speaker boxes, unfortunately never received the attention and awards they deserved. Because nobody would have thought that Sony could build such excellent speakers. Sony didn't make them themselves. But in Germany manufactured.
== Berichte ==
With Class A power amplifiers, ideally like the large high-end integrated amplifiers or mono power amplifier blocks of the legendary Sony ES series from the 90s, these loudspeakers for demanding, audiophile elevated hi-fi enthusiasts are hard to beat in terms of precision, clarity and presence, separation, spatiality and resolution in the price range up to €10,000.
Provided that the players and power amplifiers also correspond to this class.
Because of the high efficiency, analogue integrated amplifiers with toroidal transformer and Class A power amplifiers, with a power of 2 x 70 watts, are already an unbelievable audiophile experience with these transducers.
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* Made in Germany
* Modell: SS-F 60 ES
* Baujahre: 1995
* Hergestellt in Deutschland
* Farbe: Schwarz Echt Holz Finish
* Abmessungen: 280 x 980 x 250 mm (B x H x T)
* Gewicht: 23 Kg
* Neupreis / Paarpreis ca.: 9000.- DM
( Abhängig vom Verkaufsort. Schweizer zahlten 9000.- CHF )
'''Technische Daten'''
* Bauart: 3-Wege geschlossen Standlautsprecher.
* Chassis:
** Tiefton: 2 x 170 mm
** Mitteltöner: 1 x 110mm
** Hochton: 1x 25 mm Seas Seiden Hochtöner
* Nennbelastbarkeit 150 Watt
* Wirkungsgrad: 91,5 dB
* Frequenzgang: 32 - 20'000 Hz
* Impedanz: 4 Ohm
Made in Germany.
Von Sony's Elevated Standard High-End Series nach Deutschland in Auftrag gegeben. Nur geringe Stückzahlen wurden hergestellt.
Diese Lautsprecher Boxen, erhielten leider nie die verdiente Aufmerksamkeit und Auszeichnungen, die sie verdient hätten.
Weil niemand gedacht hätte, dass Sony so exzellenten Lautsprecher bauen könnte.
Hat Sony ja auch gar nicht selbst gemacht.
Sondern in Deutschland herstellen lassen.
An Class A Endstufen, idealerweise wie die grossen High-End Vollverstärker oder Mono Endstufen Blöcken, der legendäre Sony ES Serie aus den 90 Jahren, sind diese Lautsprecher für anspruchsvolle, audiophile Elevated HiFi Liebhaber, an Präzision, Klarheit und Präsenz, Ablösung, Räumlichkeit und Auflösung, kaum zu übertreffen in der Preisklasse bis 10'000 €.
Vorausgesetzt die Zuspieler und Endstufen, entsprechen ebenfalls dieser Klasse.
Wegen des hohen Wirkungsgrads, sind Analoge Vollverstärker mit Ringkerntrafo und Class A Endstufen, mit einer Leistung von 2 x 70 Watt, bereits ein unglaublich audiophiles Erlebnis an diesen Schallwandlern.

Latest revision as of 04:37, 9 January 2025



  • Manufacturer: Sony
  • Model: SS-F 60 ES
  • Type: Loudspeaker
  • Years of manufacture: 1995 - 1997
  • Color: Black
  • Original price approx.: 2000 DM

Technical data

Sony SS-F 60-80-R-70-Daten-1995.jpg



  • Extract from brochure: Sony SS-F 60 ES, SS-R 70 Esprit No. 3

Sony SS-F 60-R 70-Prospekt-1995.jpg


  • Made in Germany:
  • Commissioned to Germany by Sony's Elevated Standard High-End Series. Only small numbers were made. These speaker boxes, unfortunately never received the attention and awards they deserved. Because nobody would have thought that Sony could build such excellent speakers. Sony didn't make them themselves. But in Germany manufactured.

With Class A power amplifiers, ideally like the large high-end integrated amplifiers or mono power amplifier blocks of the legendary Sony ES series from the 90s, these loudspeakers for demanding, audiophile elevated hi-fi enthusiasts are hard to beat in terms of precision, clarity and presence, separation, spatiality and resolution in the price range up to €10,000. Provided that the players and power amplifiers also correspond to this class. Because of the high efficiency, analogue integrated amplifiers with toroidal transformer and Class A power amplifiers, with a power of 2 x 70 watts, are already an unbelievable audiophile experience with these transducers.
