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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
Norwegischer Hersteller, gegründet 1933 in Oslo von Vebjørn Tandberg (Gründer und Namensgeber der Tandberg Radiofabrik, 1904 -1978). Er begann in Oslo im Januar 1933 in einem lediglich 40 Quadratmeter großen Raum. Die Geschäftstätigkeit umfasste zunächst die Entwicklung, Produktion und den Verkauf von Lautsprechern und Radios. Der Start erfolgt mit drei Mitarbeitern. Noch im selben Jahr zieht er um nach Grünerløkka. 120 m² groß waren dort die Räumlichkeiten.  
Norwegian manufacturer founded in Oslo in 1933 by Vebjørn Tandberg (founder and namesake of the Tandberg Radio Factory, 1904 -1978). He started in Oslo in January 1933 in a room of only 40 square meters. The business initially involved the development, production and sale of loudspeakers and radios. He started with three employees. In the same year he moves to Grünerløkka. The premises there were 120 square meters.  
Die ersten Produkte sind zwar Lautsprecher aber bereits im ersten Jahr wird das erste batteriebetriebene Radio hergestellt.  
The first products are loudspeakers, but already in the first year the first battery-powered radio is produced.  
1934 Huldra 1 geht in die Produktion, das weltweit erste in Serie produzierte Radio.  
1934 Huldra 1 goes into production, the world's first mass-produced radio.  
1936 folgen Super Silver 1 und Super Akku 1.  
1936 Super Silver 1 and Super Akku 1 follow.  
Ein weiterer Umzug der Firma erfolgte 1937 nach Rodeløkka. Die Größe der Firma betrug nun 600 m² und wurde 1939 auf 2.000 m² erweitert.  
The company moves to Rodeløkka in 1937. The size of the company was now 600 m² and was expanded to 2,000 m² in 1939.  
1941 verbietet die deutsche Besatzungsmacht das Radiohören in Norwegen und die Produktion von Radio Empfängern stagnierte. August 1941 wurde das Verbot aufgehoben und es konnte somit in den folgenden Kriegsjahren die Produktion weitestgehend aufrecht erhalten werden.  
In 1941 the German occupation forces banned radio listening in Norway and the production of radio receivers stagnated. The ban was lifted on August 1941, and production was thus able to continue as far as possible during the following years of the war.  
1945 wurde Tandberg Radio in eine Aktiengesellschaft umgewandelt. Die wirtschaftliche Nachkriegs Situation bewirkte einen weiteren Absatzrückgang von Rundfunkempfängern und das Unternehmen arbeitete an einem neuen Produkt, ein Tonbandgerät für die breite Öffentlichkeit.  
In 1945 Tandberg Radio was transformed into a joint-stock company. The post-war economic situation caused a further decline in sales of radio receivers and the company worked on a new product, a tape recorder for the general public.  
1950 kam der erste Exportauftrag für Akku Radios in die Türkei.  
In 1950 the first export order for battery radios came to Turkey.  
1952 produzierte Tandberg das erstes Tonbandgerät. Das Modell 12 (unten), damals für 1570,- DM zu kaufen. Ein damals ungeheurer Preis und eher für den professionellen Einsatz gedacht. 4000 Stück wurden immerhin im Laufe des Jahres verkauft.  
In 1952 Tandberg produced the first tape recorder. The model 12 (below), at that time for 1570, - DM to buy. An outrageous price at that time and rather intended for professional use. 4000 units were sold in the course of the year.  
1954 der erste FM (Frequenz modulierte) Funkempfänger, Silver Super 6 FM, wird in Verbindung mit dem ersten UKW Sender Norwegens ins Leben gerufen.  
1954 the first FM (frequency modulated) radio receiver, Silver Super 6 FM, is launched in conjunction with Norway's first VHF transmitter.  
1956 der Hi-Fi Receiver Huldra 5 kommt auf den Markt. Vebjørn Tandberg beschloss TV Empfänger zu entwickeln.  
1956 The Hi-Fi receiver Huldra 5 is launched. Vebjørn Tandberg decided to develop TV receivers.  
1957 die ersten Stereo Tape Decks werden hergestellt und exportiert.  
1957 the first stereo tape decks are manufactured and exported.  
1958 werden die ersten TV-Empfänger hergestellt und vermarktet.  
1958 the first TV receivers are manufactured and marketed.  
1960 wird die erste Tochtergesellschaft außerhalb Norwegens in Schweden gegründet.
1960 the first subsidiary outside Norway is established in Sweden.
1963 folgt eine Niederlassung in Finnland, 1964 in Dänemark und später, 1966, in den Niederlanden.  
In 1963 a subsidiary follows in Finland, in 1964 in Denmark and later, in 1966, in the Netherlands.  
1965 kam der Stereo Receiver Huldra 8 auf den Markt. Huldra 8 war der erste Receiver von Tandberg in dem neben Röhren auch Transistoren (Germanium Transistoren) verwendet wurden.
In 1965 the stereo receiver Huldra 8 was launched. Huldra 8 was the first receiver from Tandberg to use transistors (germanium transistors) in addition to tubes.
1967 beträgt der Exportanteil von Produkten der Firma Tandberg bereits 50%. Der Nachfolger des Huldra 8, Huldra 9 (1969) hatte ein flacheres Gehäuse. Er hatte als erster Receiver das Design einer neuen Generation von Receivern.  
In 1967 the export share of Tandberg products was already 50%. The successor of the Huldra 8, Huldra 9 (1969) had a flatter housing. It was the first receiver to feature the design of a new generation of receivers.  
1969 wird die Tandberg Management Company of America Inc. gegründet mit einer eigenen Produktionsstätte für die Herstellung von Leiterplatten.  
1969 Tandberg Management Company of America Inc. is founded with its own production facility for the manufacture of printed circuit boards.  
1970 wird der erste in Norwegen entwickelte CTV Receiver produziert. Das Unternehmen arbeitet am ersten Computer Produkt. Das Nette Radio Unternehmen, die älteste Radiofabrik, gegründet 1927, erwirbt Anteile an Tandberg für eine finanzielle Unterstützung.  
1970 The first CTV receiver developed in Norway is produced. The company works on the first computer product. The Nette Radio Company, the oldest radio factory founded in 1927, acquires shares in Tandberg for financial support.  
1971 wird in Österreich eine Niederlassung gegründet. Das erste digitale Bandlaufwerk für den Anschluss an größere Computersysteme wird vorgestellt.  
In 1971 a subsidiary is established in Austria. The first digital tape drive for connection to larger computer systems is introduced.  
1972 Tandberg Radio übernimmt Radio Nette. Radio Nette hatte seit 1969 einen erheblichen finanziellen Verlust zu verzeichnen, 1972 alleine 3,7 Millionen DM. Tandberg bekommt 1971 den norwegischen Export Award verliehen.  
1972 Tandberg Radio acquires Radio Nette. Radio Nette had suffered a substantial financial loss since 1969, DM 3.7 million in 1972 alone. Tandberg receives the Norwegian Export Award in 1971.  
1975 wird die Production Company in Haddington, Schottland für die Herstellung von CTV gegründet.  
1975 The Production Company is founded in Haddington, Scotland for the production of CTV.  
1976 folgt eine Niederlassung in San Diego USA für die Entwicklung, Produktion und den Vertrieb von Computer Produkten.  
In 1976 a subsidiary is established in San Diego, USA for the development, production and distribution of computer products.  
1977 werden die Vertriebsgesellschaften in Norwegen, Schweden und Dänemark vereinigt. Vertriebsgesellschaft in Norwegen wird Tandberg Nette Radio A/S. Zusammenlegung der Vertriebsgesellschaften Sales Company Tandberg Radio A/S und Radio Nette Radio Factory. Durch stetige Erweiterungen und Beteiligungen geriet Tandberg langsam in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten. Verantwortlich war der damalige Aufsichtsrat. Auf der Hauptversammlung 1978 stellt der Verwaltungsrat fest, dass das Unternehmen zahlungsunfähig ist. Ein Hilferuf an die Regierung, sich finanziell zu beteiligen um die Firma zu retten, blieb erfolglos. Am 13.12.1978 beschließt die Generalversammlung einstimmig den Verwaltungsrat zu beauftragen den Konkurs des Unternehmens zu beantragen.
1977 The sales companies in Norway, Sweden and Denmark are merged. The sales company in Norway becomes Tandberg Nette Radio A/S. The sales companies Tandberg Radio A/S and Radio Nette Radio Factory are merged. Due to constant expansion and investments, Tandberg slowly got into financial difficulties. The board of directors at the time was responsible. At the annual general meeting in 1978, the board of directors determined that the company was insolvent. A call for help from the government to contribute financially to save the company was unsuccessful. On 13.12.1978, the General Assembly unanimously decides to instruct the Board of Directors to file for bankruptcy of the company.
Die Radios und späteren Receiver, bis Ende der 60er Jahre, trugen die Bezeichnung Huldra (Nymphe). Ab Anfang der 70er Jahre wurden die Kürzel: TR, z.B. für Receiver, TD: Deck (Tonbandgerät), TCD, Cassettedeck, usw. eingeführt.
The radios and later receivers, until the end of the 60s, were called Huldra (Nymph). From the beginning of the 70s, the abbreviations: TR, e.g. for receiver, TD: deck (tape recorder), TCD, cassette deck, etc. were introduced.
== Produkte ==
== Products ==
* [[Tandberg Bandmaschinen|Bandmaschinen]]
* [[Tandberg tape machines|Tape machines]]
* [[Tandberg CD-Player|CD-Player]]
* [[Tandberg CD player|CD player]]
* [[Tandberg Endstufen|Endstufen]]
* [[Tandberg power amplifiers|power amplifiers]]
* [[Tandberg Kassettendecks|Kassettendecks]]
* [[Tandberg Cassette Decks|Cassette Decks]]
* [[Tandberg Kompaktanlagen|Kompaktanlagen]]
* [[Tandberg Compact Systems|Compact Systems]]
* [[Tandberg Lautsprecher|Lautsprecher]]
* [[Tandberg Headphones|Headphones]]
* [[Tandberg loudspeaker|speakers]]
* [[Tandberg Record Player|Record Player]]
* [[Tandberg Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Tandberg Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Tandberg Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Tandberg Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Tandberg Vollverstärker|Vollverstärker]]
* [[Tandberg Integrated Amplifier|Power Amplifier]]
* [[Tandberg Vorverstärker|Vorverstärker]]
* [[Tandberg Preamplifier|Preamplifier]]
== Weblinks ==
== Weblinks ==
* Tandberg Deutschland: http://h121453.serverkompetenz.net/extranet/tandberg.de/
* Tandberg Germany: http://h121453.serverkompetenz.net/extranet/tandberg.de/
* Tandbergs Historie und einige Geräte: http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/tandberg.htm
* Tandberg history and some devices: http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/tandberg.htm
* Tandberg bei deutscher Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandberg_(Unternehmen)
* Tandberg at German Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandberg_(company)
* Awg berichtet über Tandberg bei vinylengine (english): http://www.vinylengine.com/turntable_forum/viewtopic.php?t=17944
* Awg reports about Tandberg at vinylengine (english): http://www.vinylengine.com/turntable_forum/viewtopic.php?t=17944
* [http://www.hifi-archiv.info/Tandberg/ Kataloge von Tandberg] (Webseite Hifi Archiv)
* [http://www.hifi-archiv.info/Tandberg/ catalogs of Tandberg] (website Hifi Archiv)
[[Kategorie: Hersteller]]
[[Category: Manufacturer]]

Latest revision as of 09:35, 6 May 2019

Company profile[edit]

Norwegian manufacturer founded in Oslo in 1933 by Vebjørn Tandberg (founder and namesake of the Tandberg Radio Factory, 1904 -1978). He started in Oslo in January 1933 in a room of only 40 square meters. The business initially involved the development, production and sale of loudspeakers and radios. He started with three employees. In the same year he moves to Grünerløkka. The premises there were 120 square meters. The first products are loudspeakers, but already in the first year the first battery-powered radio is produced. 1934 Huldra 1 goes into production, the world's first mass-produced radio. 1936 Super Silver 1 and Super Akku 1 follow. The company moves to Rodeløkka in 1937. The size of the company was now 600 m² and was expanded to 2,000 m² in 1939. In 1941 the German occupation forces banned radio listening in Norway and the production of radio receivers stagnated. The ban was lifted on August 1941, and production was thus able to continue as far as possible during the following years of the war. In 1945 Tandberg Radio was transformed into a joint-stock company. The post-war economic situation caused a further decline in sales of radio receivers and the company worked on a new product, a tape recorder for the general public. In 1950 the first export order for battery radios came to Turkey. In 1952 Tandberg produced the first tape recorder. The model 12 (below), at that time for 1570, - DM to buy. An outrageous price at that time and rather intended for professional use. 4000 units were sold in the course of the year. 1954 the first FM (frequency modulated) radio receiver, Silver Super 6 FM, is launched in conjunction with Norway's first VHF transmitter. 1956 The Hi-Fi receiver Huldra 5 is launched. Vebjørn Tandberg decided to develop TV receivers. 1957 the first stereo tape decks are manufactured and exported. 1958 the first TV receivers are manufactured and marketed. 1960 the first subsidiary outside Norway is established in Sweden. In 1963 a subsidiary follows in Finland, in 1964 in Denmark and later, in 1966, in the Netherlands. In 1965 the stereo receiver Huldra 8 was launched. Huldra 8 was the first receiver from Tandberg to use transistors (germanium transistors) in addition to tubes. In 1967 the export share of Tandberg products was already 50%. The successor of the Huldra 8, Huldra 9 (1969) had a flatter housing. It was the first receiver to feature the design of a new generation of receivers. 1969 Tandberg Management Company of America Inc. is founded with its own production facility for the manufacture of printed circuit boards. 1970 The first CTV receiver developed in Norway is produced. The company works on the first computer product. The Nette Radio Company, the oldest radio factory founded in 1927, acquires shares in Tandberg for financial support. In 1971 a subsidiary is established in Austria. The first digital tape drive for connection to larger computer systems is introduced. 1972 Tandberg Radio acquires Radio Nette. Radio Nette had suffered a substantial financial loss since 1969, DM 3.7 million in 1972 alone. Tandberg receives the Norwegian Export Award in 1971. 1975 The Production Company is founded in Haddington, Scotland for the production of CTV. In 1976 a subsidiary is established in San Diego, USA for the development, production and distribution of computer products. 1977 The sales companies in Norway, Sweden and Denmark are merged. The sales company in Norway becomes Tandberg Nette Radio A/S. The sales companies Tandberg Radio A/S and Radio Nette Radio Factory are merged. Due to constant expansion and investments, Tandberg slowly got into financial difficulties. The board of directors at the time was responsible. At the annual general meeting in 1978, the board of directors determined that the company was insolvent. A call for help from the government to contribute financially to save the company was unsuccessful. On 13.12.1978, the General Assembly unanimously decides to instruct the Board of Directors to file for bankruptcy of the company. The radios and later receivers, until the end of the 60s, were called Huldra (Nymph). From the beginning of the 70s, the abbreviations: TR, e.g. for receiver, TD: deck (tape recorder), TCD, cassette deck, etc. were introduced.

