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Rank Arena hat von 1928 bis 1975 Radiogeräte, Receiver und Kompaktstereoanlagen gebaut. Die Geräte waren qualitativ recht gut und hatten teilweise interessante Details. Die Firmengeschichte ist ebenso interessant:
Rank Arena built from 1928 to 1975 first radios, then TVs and finally radio receivers and compact stereos. The hi-fi equipment was quite good in quality and sometimes had interesting details.  
Im Jahre 1928 begann der Unternehmer Ove Hede Nielsen in Horsens, Dänemark, die Produktion von Radiogeräten mit dem Namen "Herofon".
1955 begann die Produktion von Fernsehern mit dem Namen "Arena". Diese Fabrik war in den 60er-Jahren Dänemarks grösster Produzent.
1966 bezog Hede Nielsen eine neue Fabrik ausserhalb von Horsens, die 1970 abbrannte.
Die darauf hin erbaute neue Fabrik entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem englischen Rank-Konzern, der 80% der Kosten finanzierte. Hier wurde von 1971 bis 1975 unter dem Namen Rank Arena produziert bis zum Ende von Rank Arena im Jahre 1975.
Die Fabrik und Mitarbeiter wurden danach von 3F (Folke Fjernsyns Fabrikken) übernommen, die 1979 Konkurs ging.
== Weblinks ==
The company history is equally interesting:
* [[Rank Arena Receiver|Rank Arena]]
In 1928, entrepreneur Ove Hede Nielsen started producing radios in Horsens, Denmark, under the name "Herofon".
In 1955, the production of televisions with the name "Arena" began. This factory was Denmark's largest producer in the 1960s.
In 1966 Hede Nielsen moved to a new factory outside Horsens, which burned down in 1970.
The new factory was built in cooperation with the English Rank Group, which financed 80% of the costs. Production was carried out here from 1971 to 1975 under the name Rank Arena until the end of Rank Arena in 1975.
The factory and employees were then taken over by 3F (Folke Fjernsyns Fabrikken), which went bankrupt in 1979.
Rank Arena, or its German sales company, also distributed the non-Rank brands Lenco (turntables) and KEF (loudspeakers) and ADC (cartridges) in Germany. In addition, Rank sold the brands Rotel (belonged to the Rank group in England at that time) and Leak and Wharfedale (legendary loudspeakers from the UK) via Rank Bild- Ton GmbH in Frankfurt.
At the HighEnd in Munich 2010 the IAG distributor (Quad, Audiolab) presented loudspeakers by Wharfedale (by the way, also belonging to the Rank group until the mid 70s) and the Leak logo was also on display (but no equipment). IAG is a Chinese supplier.
* [[Rank Arena total systems|total systems]]
* [[Rank Arena cassette decks|cassette decks]]
* [[Rank Arena Headphones|Headphones]]
* [[Rank Arena Speakers|speakers]]
* [[Rank Arena Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Rank Arena Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Rank Arena Integrated Amplifier|Power Amplifier]]
== Web links ==

Latest revision as of 10:49, 17 January 2019

Rank Arena built from 1928 to 1975 first radios, then TVs and finally radio receivers and compact stereos. The hi-fi equipment was quite good in quality and sometimes had interesting details.

The company history is equally interesting: In 1928, entrepreneur Ove Hede Nielsen started producing radios in Horsens, Denmark, under the name "Herofon". In 1955, the production of televisions with the name "Arena" began. This factory was Denmark's largest producer in the 1960s. In 1966 Hede Nielsen moved to a new factory outside Horsens, which burned down in 1970. The new factory was built in cooperation with the English Rank Group, which financed 80% of the costs. Production was carried out here from 1971 to 1975 under the name Rank Arena until the end of Rank Arena in 1975. The factory and employees were then taken over by 3F (Folke Fjernsyns Fabrikken), which went bankrupt in 1979. Rank Arena, or its German sales company, also distributed the non-Rank brands Lenco (turntables) and KEF (loudspeakers) and ADC (cartridges) in Germany. In addition, Rank sold the brands Rotel (belonged to the Rank group in England at that time) and Leak and Wharfedale (legendary loudspeakers from the UK) via Rank Bild- Ton GmbH in Frankfurt.

At the HighEnd in Munich 2010 the IAG distributor (Quad, Audiolab) presented loudspeakers by Wharfedale (by the way, also belonging to the Rank group until the mid 70s) and the Leak logo was also on display (but no equipment). IAG is a Chinese supplier.


Web links[edit]