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== Allgemeines ==
== General ==
Die Revox Tonbandmaschine B77 hat berühmte Vorfahren. Die Erfolgsserie A bis G36 veränderte schon 1954 die damals junge Welt der Magnetaufzeichnung. Die Erfolgsserie A77 läuft seit 1967 in Stückzahlen von über einer halben Million; man findet sie vom tropischen Regenwald bis in die Antarktis im unermüdlichen Einsatz.
The Revox tape machine B77 has famous ancestors. The successful A to G36 series changed the then young world of magnetic recording as early as 1954. The successful A77 series has been running in quantities of over half a million since 1967; it can be found in tireless use from the tropical rainforest to the Antarctic.
Die Erfahrungen im Bau professioneller Anlagen hat STUDER REVOX gelehrt, technisch an der Spitze zu sein - am besten um Jahre voraus. Revox Geräte laufen und behalten Ihren Wert über Jahre, ja Jahrzehnte.
Experience in building professional equipment has taught STUDER REVOX to be at the forefront of technology - preferably years ahead. Revox units run and retain their value for years, even decades.
== Daten ==
== Data ==
* Hersteller: [[Revox]]
* Manufacturer: [[Revox]]
* Modell: B-77  
* Model: B-77
* Baujahre: 1977 - 1998
* Years of manufacture: 1977-1982
* Hergestellt in: Deutschland, Löffingen
* Manufactured in: Germany, Löffingen
* Farbe: Nexel-beschichtet (grau)
* Color: Nexel-coated (gray)
* Abmessungen: 452mm x 414mm x 207 mm
* Remote control: optional
**Abmessungen mit 26,5cm-Spulen:
* Dimensions: 452 x 414 x 207 mm (WxHxD)
***größte Breite 538 mm, größte Höhe 463,5 mm
** Dimensions with 26.5 cm coils:
* Gewicht: 17 kg
*** largest width 538 mm, largest height 463.5 mm
* Neupreis ca.: 2'200 DM
* weight: 17 kg
* original price approx.: 2'200 DM
** Option dust cover: 100 DM
Option remote control: 250 DM
** Option retrofit unit for slide projection: 500 DM
* Mikrofon:0,15 mV / 2,2 kOhm
* Microphone: 0.15 mV / 2.2 kOhm
* MIC (asymetrisch):für Mikrofone von 50 ... 600 Ohm
* MIC (asymmetrical): for microphones from 50-600 Ohm
* Position LO: Stecker: Klinke, 6,3mm
* LO position: jack plug 6.3 mm
* Mikrofon: 2,8 mV / 110 kOhm
* Microphone: 2.8 mV / 110 kOhm
* MIC (asymetrisch): für Mikrofone von 50 ... 20 kOhm
* MIC (asymmetrical): for microphones from 50-20 kOhm
* Position HI Stecker: Klinke, 6,3mm
* HI position: jack plug 6.3 mm
* Radio
**2,8 mV / 20 kOhm
** 2.8 mV / 20 kOhm
**Stecker: 5polig nach DIN
** Plug: 5-pin according to DIN
**40 mV / 220 kOhm
40 mV / 220 kOhm
**Stecker: Cinch
** Connector: Cinch
*Übersteuerungsfestigkeit aller Eingänge: 40 dB (1:100)
* Overload resistance of all inputs: 40 dB (1:100)
*Ausgänge, pro Kanal (Pegel bei 0 VU + 6 dB resp. 514 nWb/m)
* Outputs, per channel (level at 0 VU +6 dB resp. 514 nWb/m)
** Output
***1,55 V/ Ri 390 Ohm, max. 1,5 kOhm
*** 1.55 V/ Ri 390 Ohm, max. 1.5 kOhm
***mit Pegelsteler regelbar, max. -26 dB
*** adjustable with level control, max. -26 dB
***Stecker: Chinch
*** Connector: Chinch
***1,55 V/ Ri 390 Ohm, max. 4,7 kOhm
*** 1.55 V/ Ri 390 Ohm, max. 4.7 kOhm
***mit Pegelsteler regelbar, max. -26 dB
*** adjustable with level control, max. -26 dB
***Stecker: 5polig nach DIN
*** Plug: 5-pin according to DIN
**Phones (Kopfhörer)
Phones (headphones)
***(2 x) max.5,6 V/ Ri 220 Ohm kurzschlußfest, optimal für Kopfhörer von 200 ... 600 Ohm
(2 ×) max.5,6 V/ Ri 220 Ohm short-circuit proof, optimal for headphones 200-600 Ohm
Stecker Stereoklinke, 6,3mm
Plug stereo jack, 6.3 mm
*Sonstige Anschlüsse
* Other connections
**Fernbedienung mit Laufwerksfunktionen
Remote control with drive functions
**Fernbedienung varialble Bandgeschwindigkeit
Remote control varialble tape speed
**Diaprojektor oder Überblendeinheit (nachrüstbar)
** Slide projector or cross-fade unit (retrofittable)
'''Technische Daten'''
'''Technical data'''
* Motors
**Dreimotorenlaufwerk, 2 AC-Wickelmotoren; 1 AC-Capstanmotor, elektronisch geregelt(Direktantrieb)
** Three-motor drive, 2 AC winding motors; 1 AC capstan motor, electronically controlled(direct drive)
* Belt speed
**19 cm/s und 9,5 cm/s, elektronisch umgeschaltet. Toleranz der Sollgeschwindigkeit ± 0,2 % (mit externem Zusatz: variable Geschwindigkeit von 6,5 ... 28 cm/s, mit eingebauter Geschwindigkeitsregelung bei der MK II: ±10%)
** 19 cm/s and 9.5 cm/s, electronically switched. Tolerance of target speed ±0.2% (with external add-on: variable speed 6.5-28 cm/s, with built-in speed control on MK II: ±10%).
**max. 0,2 %
** max. 0.2 %
* Pitch fluctuation
**(nach DIN 45507)
** (according to DIN 45507)
**bei 9,5 cm/s besser als 0,1 %
** at 9,5 cm/s better than 0,1 %
**bei 19 cm/s besser als 0,08 %
** at 19 cm/s better than 0.08 % * coil size
* Coil size
**bis 26,5 cm (10,5 Zoll) Durchmesser (Mindest-Kerndurchmesser 6 cm). Bandzug umschaltbar (für kleine Kerndurchmesser)
** up to 26.5 cm (10.5 in.) diameter (minimum core diameter 6 cm). Tape tension switchable (for small core diameters)
* Rewinding times
**Ca. 135 sec. für 1100m Tonband
** approx. 135 sec. for 1100 m tape
*Ununterbrochene Spieldauer
* Uninterrupted playing time
**Mit Langspielband 1100 m
** With long playing tape 1100 m
**3 Std. 12 Min. bei 9,5 cm/s
** 3 hrs. 12 min. at 9.5 cm/s
**1 Std. 36 Min. bei 19 cm/s
** 1 hr. 36 min. at 19 cm/s
* Counter
**4 stelliges Zählwerk
** 4-digit counter
* Drive control
**Integrierte Logik für beliebige Funktionsübergänge mit Bandlaufsensor, Motoren kontaktlos, elektronisch umgeschaltet. Alle Funktionen fernsteuerbar. Schaltuhrbetrieb mit Fernbedienung möglich.
** Integrated logic for arbitrary function transitions with belt run sensor, motors contactless, electronically switched. All functions remote controllable. Timer operation with remote control possible.
** Audio electronics
* Equalization
**(nach NAB)
** (according to NAB)
**-9,5 cm/s: 90 µsec / 3180 µsec
** 9.5 cm/s: 90 µsec / 3180 µsec
**19 cm/s: 50 µsec / 3180 µsec
** 19 cm/s: 50 µsec / 3180 µsec
* Frequency responses
**(über Band gemessen, bei -20 VU)
**(measured over band, at -20 VU)
**bei 9,5 cm/s
** at 9.5 cm/s
***30 Hz bis 16000 Hz + 2/-3 dB
*** 30-16,000 Hz +2/-3 dB
***50 Hz bis 10000 Hz ±1,5 dB
*** 50-10,000 Hz ±1.5 dB
**bei 19 cm/s
** at 19 cm/s
***30 Hz bis 20000 Hz + 2/-3 dB
*** 30-20,000 Hz +2/-3 dB
***50 Hz bis 15000 Hz ± 1,5 dB
*** 50-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB
* Full scale
**514 nWb/m entsprechen 6 dB über 0 VU
** 514 nWb/m corresponds to 6 dB above 0 VU
* Level meter
**VU-Meter nach ASA-Norm, mit LED Übersteuerungsanzeigen
** VU meter according to ASA standard, with LED overdrive indicators
*Klirrfaktor (bezogen auf Revox 631 Mastering Tape, 2-Spur)
Distortion factor (referred to Revox 631 Mastering Tape, 2-track)
**Bei 0 VU (257 nWb/m)
** at 0 VU (257 nWb/m)
**bei 9,5 cm/s < 0,5 %
** at 9.5 cm/s &lt;0.5 %
**bei 19 cm/s < 0,2 %
** at 19 cm/s &lt;0.2 %
**Bei 0 VU (514 nWb/m)
** at 0 VU (514 nWb/m)
**bei 9,5 cm/s < 1,5 %
** at 9.5 cm/s &lt;1.5 %
**bei 19 cm/s < 0,5 %
** at 19 cm/s &lt;0.5 %
*Geräuschspannungsabstand(nach ASA-A über Band gemessen)
* Noise-to-voltage ratio(measured over band according to ASA-A).
** 2-track:
***bei 9,5 cm/s besser als 64 dB (A)
*** at 9.5 cm/s &gt;64 dB (A)
***bei 19 cm/s besser als 67 dB (A)
*** at 19 cm/s &gt;67 dB (A)
***bei 9,5 cm/s besser als 60 dB (A)
*** at 9.5 cm/s &gt;60 dB (A)
***bei 19 cm/s besser als 63 dB (A)
*** at 19 cm/s &gt;63 dB (A)
* Crosstalk attenuation
**(bei 1000 Hz)
** (at 1000 Hz)
**Stereo besser als 45 dB
Stereo &gt;45 dB
**Mono besser als 60 dB
Mono &gt;60 dB
* Cancellation attenuation
**Bei 19 cm/sbesser als 75 dB
** at 19 cm/s &gt;75 dB
* Componentry
**11 IC, 1 Opto-Koppler, 4 Triac, 60 Transistoren, 33 Dioden, 5 LED, 2 Brückengleichrichter, 3 Relais
** 11 IC, 1 opto-coupler, 4 triac, 60 transistors, 33 diodes, 5 LED, 2 bridge rectifier, 3 relay
* Power supply
**100 ... 240 V ~ ± 10% umschaltbar: 100 V, 120 V, 140 V, 200 V, 220 V, 240 V. Netzfrequenzen 50 bis 60 Hz ohne Umschaltung. Leistungsaufnahme 80 Watt
** 100-240 V ~ ±10 % switchable: 100 V, 120 V, 140 V, 200 V, 220 V, 240 V. Mains frequencies 50 to 60 Hz without switching. Power consumption 80 watts
**Netzsicherungen: 100 bis 140 V: 1 AT, 200 bis 240 V: 0,5 AT ***bei 230V Netz***Spannungswahlschalter immer auf 240V***
** Mains fuses: 100 to 140 V: 1 AT, 200 to 240 V: 0.5 AT ***For 230 V mains***Voltage selector switch always on 240 V***.
'''Besondere Ausstattungen'''
'''Special Equipment'''
== Bemerkungen ==
== Remarks ==
* Weitere Modelle der gleichen Serie:
* Other models of the same series:
*[[Revox A 77]], Vorgänger.
* [[Revox A 77]], predecessor.
*[[Revox A 700]]
* [[Revox A 700]]
*[[Revox B 77]]
* [[Revox B 77]]
*[[Revox PR 99]]
* [[Revox PR 99]]
== Bilder ==
== Pictures ==
* Image: Revox B 77
* Picture: Revox B 77
* Picture: Revox B 77
* Picture: Revox B 77
* Picture: Revox B 77
* Picture: Revox B 77
* Picture: Revox B 77
* Picture: Revox B 77
== Test reports ==
* [http://asc6000.de/downloads/tests/test_hifi_05-79_as6002_revoxb77dolby.pdf Revox B77 Dolby compared to ASC 6002], HiFi-Stereophonie 1979-05 (Arndt Klingelnberg)
== Testberichte ==
* Report in "FonoForum" 9 / 1978
* [http://asc6000.de/downloads/tests/test_hifi_05-79_as6002_revoxb77dolby.pdf Revox B77 Dolby im Vergleich zu ASC 6002], HiFi-Stereophonie 1979-05 (Arndt Klingelnberg)
== Links ==
== Links ==
* [http://www.analogstereo.com/revox_service_manuals.htm Revox A77 user manual, Revox B77 service manual]
* [http://www.analogstereo.com/revox_service_manuals.htm Revox A77 user manual, Revox B77 service manual]
*[http://www.revox.com/de/classics/tonbandmaschinen.html Bandmaschinen auf Revox-Webseite, Juli 2015]
* [http://www.revox.com/de/classics/tonbandmaschinen.html tape machines on Revox website, July 2015]
[[Category:Tape machines]]

Latest revision as of 08:13, 2 May 2020


The Revox tape machine B77 has famous ancestors. The successful A to G36 series changed the then young world of magnetic recording as early as 1954. The successful A77 series has been running in quantities of over half a million since 1967; it can be found in tireless use from the tropical rainforest to the Antarctic.

Experience in building professional equipment has taught STUDER REVOX to be at the forefront of technology - preferably years ahead. Revox units run and retain their value for years, even decades.



  • Manufacturer: Revox
  • Model: B-77
  • Years of manufacture: 1977-1982
  • Manufactured in: Germany, Löffingen
  • Color: Nexel-coated (gray)
  • Remote control: optional
  • Dimensions: 452 x 414 x 207 mm (WxHxD)
    • Dimensions with 26.5 cm coils:
      • largest width 538 mm, largest height 463.5 mm
  • weight: 17 kg
  • original price approx.: 2'200 DM
    • Option dust cover: 100 DM

Option remote control: 250 DM

    • Option retrofit unit for slide projection: 500 DM


  • Microphone: 0.15 mV / 2.2 kOhm
  • MIC (asymmetrical): for microphones from 50-600 Ohm
  • LO position: jack plug 6.3 mm
  • Microphone: 2.8 mV / 110 kOhm
  • MIC (asymmetrical): for microphones from 50-20 kOhm
  • HI position: jack plug 6.3 mm
  • Radio
    • 2.8 mV / 20 kOhm
    • Plug: 5-pin according to DIN
  • AUX

40 mV / 220 kOhm

    • Connector: Cinch
  • Overload resistance of all inputs: 40 dB (1:100)
  • Outputs, per channel (level at 0 VU +6 dB resp. 514 nWb/m)
    • Output
      • 1.55 V/ Ri 390 Ohm, max. 1.5 kOhm
      • adjustable with level control, max. -26 dB
      • Connector: Chinch


      • 1.55 V/ Ri 390 Ohm, max. 4.7 kOhm
      • adjustable with level control, max. -26 dB
      • Plug: 5-pin according to DIN

Phones (headphones) (2 ×) max.5,6 V/ Ri 220 Ohm short-circuit proof, optimal for headphones 200-600 Ohm Plug stereo jack, 6.3 mm

  • Other connections

Remote control with drive functions Remote control varialble tape speed

    • Slide projector or cross-fade unit (retrofittable)

Technical data

  • Motors
    • Three-motor drive, 2 AC winding motors; 1 AC capstan motor, electronically controlled(direct drive)
  • Belt speed
    • 19 cm/s and 9.5 cm/s, electronically switched. Tolerance of target speed ±0.2% (with external add-on: variable speed 6.5-28 cm/s, with built-in speed control on MK II: ±10%).


    • max. 0.2 %
  • Pitch fluctuation
    • (according to DIN 45507)
    • at 9,5 cm/s better than 0,1 %
    • at 19 cm/s better than 0.08 % * coil size
  • Coil size
    • up to 26.5 cm (10.5 in.) diameter (minimum core diameter 6 cm). Tape tension switchable (for small core diameters)
  • Rewinding times
    • approx. 135 sec. for 1100 m tape
  • Uninterrupted playing time
    • With long playing tape 1100 m
    • 3 hrs. 12 min. at 9.5 cm/s
    • 1 hr. 36 min. at 19 cm/s
  • Counter
    • 4-digit counter
  • Drive control
    • Integrated logic for arbitrary function transitions with belt run sensor, motors contactless, electronically switched. All functions remote controllable. Timer operation with remote control possible.
    • Audio electronics
  • Equalization
    • (according to NAB)
    • 9.5 cm/s: 90 µsec / 3180 µsec
    • 19 cm/s: 50 µsec / 3180 µsec
  • Frequency responses
    • (measured over band, at -20 VU)
    • at 9.5 cm/s
      • 30-16,000 Hz +2/-3 dB
      • 50-10,000 Hz ±1.5 dB
    • at 19 cm/s
      • 30-20,000 Hz +2/-3 dB
      • 50-15,000 Hz ±1.5 dB
  • Full scale
    • 514 nWb/m corresponds to 6 dB above 0 VU
  • Level meter
    • VU meter according to ASA standard, with LED overdrive indicators

Distortion factor (referred to Revox 631 Mastering Tape, 2-track)

    • at 0 VU (257 nWb/m)
    • at 9.5 cm/s <0.5 %
    • at 19 cm/s <0.2 %
    • at 0 VU (514 nWb/m)
    • at 9.5 cm/s <1.5 %
    • at 19 cm/s <0.5 %
  • Noise-to-voltage ratio(measured over band according to ASA-A).
    • 2-track:
      • at 9.5 cm/s >64 dB (A)
      • at 19 cm/s >67 dB (A)


      • at 9.5 cm/s >60 dB (A)
      • at 19 cm/s >63 dB (A)
  • Crosstalk attenuation
    • (at 1000 Hz)

Stereo >45 dB Mono >60 dB

  • Cancellation attenuation
    • at 19 cm/s >75 dB
  • Componentry
    • 11 IC, 1 opto-coupler, 4 triac, 60 transistors, 33 diodes, 5 LED, 2 bridge rectifier, 3 relay
  • Power supply
    • 100-240 V ~ ±10 % switchable: 100 V, 120 V, 140 V, 200 V, 220 V, 240 V. Mains frequencies 50 to 60 Hz without switching. Power consumption 80 watts
    • Mains fuses: 100 to 140 V: 1 AT, 200 to 240 V: 0.5 AT ***For 230 V mains***Voltage selector switch always on 240 V***.

Special Equipment



  • Image: Revox B 77


  • Picture: Revox B 77


  • Picture: Revox B 77


  • Picture: Revox B 77


  • Picture: Revox B 77


  • Picture: Revox B 77


  • Picture: Revox B 77


  • Picture: Revox B 77


Test reports[edit]

  • Report in "FonoForum" 9 / 1978
