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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
[[Datei:winzki.png|mini]] [[Datei:hoerbert-unternehmen.png|mini]]
[[File:winzki.png|mini]] [[File:hoerbert-unternehmen.png|mini]]
''hörbert'' wurde 2011 von Rainer Brang entwickelt, und wird seitdem von der '''WINZKI GmbH & Co. KG''' am Fuße der Schwäbischen Alb in Baden-Württemberg, hergestellt. Rainer Brang war damals auf der Suche nach einem hochwertigen, langlebigen MP3-Player für seine Kinder, den diese selbstständig bedienen können sollten. Nachdem er auf dem Markt nicht fündig wurde, entschied er sich kurzerhand selbst, eine eigene Version seiner Vorstellung nach zu bauenHeraus kam ein nachhaltiges Produkt, bei dessen Produktion viel Wert auf Qualität und Nachhaltigkeit gelegt wird. hörbert ist ein Produkt, dass mit den Kindern mitwächst, aber auch Erwachsene durch seinen guten Klang und des Designs überzeugt. WINZKIs Zulieferer stammen, wie das Unternehmen selbst, aus Deutschland, und der Musik-Player wird in sorgsamer Handarbeit hergestellt. Auch der Service steht für das Unternehmen im Vordergrund. So können alle Einzelteile des hörberts ohne Probleme ausgetauscht werden, denn WINZKI möchte, dass ihre Kunden lange Freude am Produkt haben. WINZKI verkörpert eine Reaktion gegen das Wegwerfspielzeug, für ein Produkt, an dem man auch jahrelang seine Freude hat.  
'''hörbert''' was developed in 2011 by Rainer Brang, and has since been produced by '''WINZKI GmbH & Co. KG'' at the foot of the Swabian Alb in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. At that time, Rainer Brang was looking for a high-quality, durable MP3 player for his children, which they should be able to operate independently. After not finding what he was looking for on the market, he decided without further ado to build his own version based on his own ideasThe result is a sustainable product whose production places great value on quality and sustainability. hörbert is a product that grows with the children, but also convinces adults with its good sound and design. WINZKI's suppliers, like the company itself, come from Germany, and the music player is carefully handcrafted. Service is also a priority for the company. All the individual parts of the hörbert can be replaced without any problems, because WINZKI wants its customers to enjoy the product for a long time. WINZKI embodies a reaction against disposable toys, for a product that you can enjoy for years.  
== Produkte ==
== Products ==
hörbert - Tragbarer Audio-Player aus Holz. Für Kinder geeignet. Mit 9 Playlists, ohne Display.
[[hörbert]] - Portable audio player made of wood. Suitable for children. With 9 playlists, without display.
== Weblinks ==
== Weblinks ==
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Latest revision as of 03:58, 23 May 2017

Company profile[edit]

mini mini 'hörbert was developed in 2011 by Rainer Brang, and has since been produced by WINZKI GmbH & Co. KG at the foot of the Swabian Alb in Baden-Württemberg, Germany. At that time, Rainer Brang was looking for a high-quality, durable MP3 player for his children, which they should be able to operate independently. After not finding what he was looking for on the market, he decided without further ado to build his own version based on his own ideas. The result is a sustainable product whose production places great value on quality and sustainability. hörbert is a product that grows with the children, but also convinces adults with its good sound and design. WINZKI's suppliers, like the company itself, come from Germany, and the music player is carefully handcrafted. Service is also a priority for the company. All the individual parts of the hörbert can be replaced without any problems, because WINZKI wants its customers to enjoy the product for a long time. WINZKI embodies a reaction against disposable toys, for a product that you can enjoy for years.


hörbert - Portable audio player made of wood. Suitable for children. With 9 playlists, without display.


https://www.hoerbert.com https://www.winzki.de