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Hier ist Platz für weitere Links zu Thema , wie z.B. Foren und andere Datenbanken.  
Here is space for further links to the topic '''Hifi''', like e.g. forums and shops or equipment manufacturers.  
'''Das -Wiki freut sich auch immer über Backlinks, vielen Dank.'''
'''The -Wiki is also always happy about backlinks, thank you.'''
== Hifi news and magazines ==
* [https://www.analogplanet.com/ AnalogPlanet - US Online Magazine]
* [https://www.audiophil-online.com audiophil-online - International Online Magazine]
* [https://www.audioholics.com/ Audioholics - Online Magazine]
* [https://news.audiomap.de/news/ audiomap - News]
* [https://abo.audio.de/index.php?force_sid=jc8hi51dnrf9sovtq0um4sg441 Audio Magazine]
* [https://www.fidelity-online.de/ FIDELITY - Hifi Online Magazine]
* [https://headfonics.com/ Headfonics - Online Magazine]
* [http://www.monomedia.de/hifi_%26_records/Aktuelle_Ausgabe.html Hifi & records - Magazine]
* [https://www.hifichoice.com/ HI-FI Choice - News]
* [https://www.hificritic.com/ HIFICRITIC - Magazine from England]
* [https://www.hifinews.com/ hi-finews - News]
* [https://www.hifishark.com/news Hifi Shark - News]
* [https://hifi-stars.de/ HifiStars - Magazine]
* [https://www.hifistatement.net/news Hifi Statement - News]
* [https://www.hifitest.de/news Hifitest - News]
* [https://www.hifi-today.de/ hifitoday - Online Magazine]
* [https://www.hifi-today.de/news HIFI-TODAY News]
* [https://hoererlebnis.de/ Hörerlebnis - Online Magazin]
* [https://image-hifi.com/ Image hifi - Magazine]
* [https://klangundton-magazin.de/ Klang + Ton - Magazine]
* [https://www.likehifi.de/news/ likehifi - News]
* [https://www.lite-magazin.de/ Lite - Online Magazine]
* [https://www.lowbeats.de/ LowBeats - Online Magazine]
* [https://www.mintmag.de/ Mint - Magazine]
* [https://www.soundstagehifi.com/ SoundStage! Hi-Fi - Online Audio Magazine]
* [http://www.stereo.de Stereo - Magazine]
* [https://www.stereonet.co.uk/ Stereonet - News]
* [http://www.stereoplay.de Stereoplay - Magazine]
* [https://www.theabsolutesound.com/ The Absolute Sound - Magazine from the USA]
* [https://www.whathifi.com/ What Hi-Fi? - Tech news & reviews]
[== News-Seiten und Magazine ==
== Hifi Forums ==
*[http://www.gaming-headset.de Gaming-Headset.de]
* [https://www.analog-forum.de/wbboard/ Analog Forum]
*[http://www.areadvd.de AreaDVD.de]
* [http://aurum-forum.de aurum-forum.de]
*[http://www.audio.de Audio.de]
* [https://tonbandforum.de/ tape-machine-forum]
*[http://heimkinos-test.de/ heimkinos-test.de]
* [https://www.dual-board.de/ Dual-Board Forum]
*[http://www.audioholics.com/index.html Audioholics.com - Webseite mit Forum (Englisch)]
* [http://www.gr-forum.de/index.php Grundig Forum]
*[http://bluetoothlautsprecher-test.com Die besten Bluetooth Lautsprecher im Test (Deutsch)]
* [https://www.head-fi.org/forums/ Head-Fi - Headphone Forum]
*[http://www.inearkopfhoerer-tests.de/ In-Ear Kopfhörer im Test]
* [https://www.hififorum.at/vbcms.php?area=vbcmsarea_home hififorum.at]
*[http://www.bluetooth-inearkopfhoerer.de/test-2016/ Großer Bluetooth In-Ear Kopfhörer Vergleich]
* [http://www.hifi-forum.de/ Hifi-Forum.de]
*[http://www.subwoofer.net Subwoofer.net]
* [https://www.xn--kopfhrer-forum-zpb.de/ Headphones Forum]
*[http://www.stereo.de Stereo.de]
* [https://old-fidelity-forum.de/ Old Fidelity Forum - HiFi Klassiker Forum]
*[http://www.stereoplay.de Stereoplay.de]
* [http://www.gardi.de/index.htm Onkyo Forum]
*[http://www.big-screen.de big-screen.de]
*[http://www.hardwarejournal.de Hardwarejournal.de]
*[http://www.kopfhoerertest.net/news/ KopfhoererTest.net]
*[http://www.tvfacts.de TVfacts.de - Home Cinema Portal]
*[http://www.hdreceiver.net hdreceiver.net]
*[http://www.mackern.de Mackern.de Lese ]
*[http://subwoofer-im-test.de Subwoofer Test]
*[http://mikrofon-tests.org Mikrofon Ratgeber]
* http://bluetooth-lautsprecher-test.ch/
* http://www.nevvharmonic.com/
== Seiten zu Herstellern / Geräten ==
== Hifi brands & equipment manufacturers ==
*[http://www.aurum-fanclub.de aurum-fanclub.de - Der offizielle quadral - AURUM Phonologue Fanclub mit Forum]
* [http://www.airtight-anm.com/home.html AIRTIGHT]
*[http://www.gardi.de/ gardi.de - Onkyo Online-Treff / Privat Archiv + Forum]
* [http://www.accuphase.com/ Accuphase]
*[http://www.gr-forum.de gr-forum.de - Grundig-Forum]
* [https://acoustic-signature.com/ Acoustic Signature]
*[http://www.optonica-.com www.optonica-.com - -Ästhetik im Slimline-Format]
* [https://www.akaipro.com/ Akai Audio]
*[http://www.retro-optonica.de Retro-Optonica.de]
* [https://www.arcam.co.uk/ Arcam]
*[http://www.revoxonline.ch Revoxonline.ch - Alles über Revox]
* [https://astintrew.co.uk/ Astin Trew]
*[http://www.mfbfreaks.nl mfbfreaks.nl - Philips Motional Feedback + Forum aus den Niederlanden]
* [https://www.audio-technica.com/de-de/ Audio-Technica]
*[http://transpulsar.piranho.de/ Trans Pulsar - Umfangreiche Seite zu alten Magnat Boxen]
* [https://avm.audio/de/ AVM Audio]
*[http://vintage-.at vintage-.at - Yamaha--Geschichte - Produktlaufzeiten, -preise und Kataloge von Yamaha]
* [https://www.ayonaudio.com/ Ayon Audio]
*[http://www.vintagetechnics.info vintagetechnics.info]
* [https://www.bang-olufsen.com/de Bang & Olufsen]
* [https://bergmannaudio.com/ Bergmann Audio]
* [https://www.bose.de/de_de/index.html Bose]
* [https://braunaudio.de/ braunaudio]
* [https://www.burmester.de/de/ Burmester]
* [https://www.cambridgeaudio.com/deu/de Cambridge Audio]
* [https://www.cyrusaudio.com/ Cyrus]  
* [http://densen.dk/ Densen Audio]
* [https://www.denon.com/de-DE Denon]
* [https://dual.de/ Dual]
* [https://www.dynavox-audio.de/home.html Dynavox]
* [http://feliksaudio.pl/ Feliks Audio]
* [https://www.goldnote.it/ Gold Note]
* [https://www.grundig.com/de-de Grundig]
* [https://www.harmankardon.de/ Karman Kardon]
* [https://integrahometheater.jp/ Integra Home Theater]
* [https://de.jvc.com/ JVC]
* [https://www.krellhifi.com/ Krell]
* [http://www.kronosaudio.com/index.html KRONOS]
* [https://www.korg.com/de/ Korg]
* [https://lammindustries.com/ Lamb]
* [https://www.leakaudio.com/ Leak Audio]
* [https://www.linn.co.uk/ Linn]
* [https://luxman-deutschland.de/ Luxman]
* [https://www.manley.com/ Manley]
* [https://www.marantz.com/de-de/ Marantz]
* [https://www.mcintoshlabs.com/ McIntosh Labs]
* [http://www.mbl.de/ MBL Acoustics]
* [https://nad.de/ NAD]
* [https://www.naimaudio.com/ Naim]
* [https://www.numark.com/ Numark]
* [https://www.intl.onkyo.com/index.html Onkyo]
* [https://www.panasonic.com/de/ Panasonic]
* [https://www.peachtreeaudio.com/ Peachtree Audio]
* [https://pioneer.onkyo.com/jp/ Pioneer]
* [https://primare.net/?v=06fa567b72d7 Primare Audio]
* [https://www.project-audio.com/de/ Pro-Ject]
* [https://www.quad-hifi.co.uk/ Quad Hifi]
* [https://www.rega.co.uk/ Rega]
* [https://revox.com/ Revox]
* [https://www.rogers-hifi.uk/ Rogers]
* [http://www.rotel.com/de Rotel]
* [http://www.sansuisound.com/ Sansui]
* [https://www.sony.de/ Sony]
* [https://www.sugdenaudio.com/ SUGDEN AUDIO]
* [https://www.symphonic-line.de/ Symphonic Line]
* [https://www.teac-audio.eu/de/ Teac]
* [https://techdas.jp/ TechDAS]
* [https://www.technics.com/de/ Technics]
* [https://www.thorens.com/de/ Thorens]
* [http://www.transrotor.de/ Transrotor]
* [https://www.vincent-tac.de/home.html Vincent]
* [https://de.yamaha.com/index.html Yamaha]
== Hifi speaker manufacturer ==
*[http://www.akustik-markt.de/markt akustik-markt.de - Akustik Kleinanzeigen und Branchenbuch]
* [https://www.acoustic-preference.com/ acoustic preference]
*[http://www.audiodoo.de/ AUDIODOO - Forum für  und Higend Marktplatz neu und gebraucht]
* [https://www.adam-audio.com/de/ Adam Audio]
*[http://www.audio-markt.de audio-markt.de - Sehr umfangreicher Highend-Markt]
* [https://audiovector.com/ Audiovector]
*[http://www.audiomap.de/ audiomap.de - Audio-News und Marktplatz]
* [http://atcloudspeakers.co.uk/ ATC Loudspeaker]
*[http://www.hifisell.de HiFisell.de -  und Heimkino Kleinanzeigen mit Forum für Händler]
* [https://www.bowerswilkins.com/de-de Bowers & Wilkins]
* [https://dahlquistspeakers.com/ Dahlquist]
* [https://www.dali-speakers.com/de/ Dali]
* [https://www.dynaudio.com/ Dynaudio]
* [https://eve-audio.de/index.php EVE Audio]
* [https://www.elac.de/ Elac]
* [https://www.focal.com/fr FOCAL - JMLAB]
* [https://www.inklang.de/de/ Inklang]
* [https://de.kef.com/ KEF]
* [https://www.klipsch.jp/ Klipsch]
* [https://www.ks-audio.de/index.php/de-de/ KS - Audio]
* [https://www.magnat.de/ Magnat]
* [https://marshall.com/ Marshall]
* [https://mksound.com/ M&K Sound]
* [https://www.monitoraudio.com/de/ Monitor Audio]
* [https://www.nubert.de/ Nubert]
* [https://piega.ch/ Piega]
* [https://pmc-lautsprecher.de/ PMC]
* [https://www.quadral.com/ Quadral]
* [https://www.revelspeakers.com/home Revel]
* [https://www.spendoraudio.com/ Spendor]
* [https://www.sonusfaber.com/ Sonus faber]
* [https://soundkaos.audio/ Soundkaos Audio]
* [https://www.tannoy.com/ Tannoy]
* [https://teufel.de/ Teufel]
* [https://www.wharfedale.co.uk/ Wharfedale]
* [https://www.yg-acoustics.com/ YG Acoustics]
* [http://www.zingaliacoustics.com/ Zingali Acoustics]
* [https://www.zuaudio.com/ To Audio]
== Sonstige -Seiten ==
== Hifi headphone manufacturer ==
*[http://www.aaanalog.de aaanalog.de - Analogue Audio Association]
* [https://eu.abyss-headphones.com/ ABYSS]
*[http://www.amplifier.cd/ amplifier.cd - Audio, Verstärker, Meßgeräte und analoge Elektronik]
* [https://de.akg.com/ AKG Acoustics]
*[http://www.audio-markt.de audio-markt.de - Sehr detaillierte Händer- und Herstellerdatenbank]
* [https://www.audeze.com/ AUDEZE]
*[http://www.audiophil-online.de/ audiophil-online.de - -Portal über audiophiles Tuning von Highend-Anlagen]
* [https://www.beyerdynamic.de/ bayerdynamic]
*[http://www.computer-.de Computer-.de - Modernes Forum rund um  Audio per PC]
* [https://www.beatsbydre.com/ Beats]
*[http://mikrofon-tests.de Mikrofon-Tests.de - Mikrofon Tests mit Videos zu gängigen Modellen]
* [https://www.danclarkaudio.com/ Dan Clark Audio]
*[http://www.crossfire-designs.de/index.php?lang=de&what=articles&name=showarticle.htm&article=soundcards&page=1 Meilensteine der Klangerzeugung am PC unter DOS - Soundkartenentwicklungen bis 1995]
* [https://snext-final.com/de/ final]
*[http://www.wirelesspirat.com/bluetooth-kopfhoerer/beste-bluetooth-kopfhoerer-im-test/ Die besten Bluetooth-Kopfhörer im Test]
* [https://www.focal.com/headphones/ FOCAL]
*[http://www.design-heimkino.de Vertrieb von Raumakustikelementen]
* [https://gradolabs.com/ Grado]
*[http://www.epicenter.de epicenter.de - Grundlagenseite zum Thema  / Carhifi und PA]
* [https://hedd.audio/heddphone/ HEDD Audio]
*[http://www.bluetooth-kopfhörer-test.com/ Bluetooth Kopfhörer Test]
* [https://hifiman.com HIFIMAN]
*[http://www.fertinger.com/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 fertinger.com - Receiver-Klassiker]
* [https://de.jbl.com/ JBL]
*[http://www.hifiengine.com/manuals.shtml hifiengine.com - Anleitungen von -Geräten in Deutsch und Englisch]
* [https://www.koss.com/ Koss]
*[http://www.hifimesse.com/ Homecinema-HighFidelity - Die - und Heimkinomesse im Norden]
* [https://mezeaudio.com/ Meze Audio]
*[http://www.-studio.de/-klassiker/hificlassics/ Private -Klassiker Webseite - Technische Daten, Bilder, Infos 1970 ~ 1990]
* [https://www.nuraphone.com/ nuraphone]
*[http://www.-tuning.com/ -Tuning, Entwicklung, Herstellung & Vertrieb von &High-End Komponenten]
* [https://www.philips.de/c-m-so/kopfhoerer Philips Headphones]
*[http://www.soundmarkt.com/ Soundmarkt.com - Gratis  Testberichte]
* [http://www.rossonaudiodesign.com/ Rosson Audio Design]
*[http://www.noise-cancelling-kopfhoerer-guru.com Noise Cancelling Kopfhörer Vergleich]
* [https://de-de.sennheiser.com/ Sennheiser]
*[http://www.noise-cancelling-kopfhoerer.net Noise Cancelling Kopfhörer Info Portal]
* [http://www.sivgaaudio.com/ SIVGA]
*[http://www.-handbuch.de -handbuch.de - Handbuch der Highfidelity]
* [https://staxaudio.com/ Stax Audio]
*[http://www.klang-projekt.de klang-projekt.de - private Webseite für audiophile Selbstbauprojekte]
* [https://ultrasone.com/ Ultrasone]
*[http://www.-regler.de -regler.de - Fachversand -REGLER®, München]
* [https://www.v-moda.com/eu/de v-moda]
*[http://www.lautsprecher.org Lautsprecher.org – Das Bluetooth Lautsprecher Testportal]
*[http://www.overearkopfhoerer-tests.de/ Over Ear Kopfhörer Test]
*[http://www.subwoofertests.de Subwoofer Test - Unabhäniger Subwoofer Test]
*[http://www.tonkopie.de tonkopie.de - Digitale Sicherung von Tonträgern]
*[http://www.thevintageknob.org The Vintage Knob - Feine -Technik, Datenblätter, Wissenswertes, Raritäten und "missing-links"]
*[http://www.vintagecassette.com vintagecassette.com - Kassettendecks von vielen Herstellern]
*[http://wegavision.pytalhost.com/ Prospekte und Anleitungen zu Hi-fi Geräten]
*[http://www.lautsprecherwelt.de Lautsprecherwelt.de – Das Magazin für mobile Lautsprecher]
*[http://www.stassen-.de Stassen  - Geschäft mit einem -Schloss und 21 Hörstudios]
*[http://bandmaschinen.jimdo.com Informationen über Bandmaschinen und Kassettendecks]
*[http://www.nicer-fusion-dicer-plus-test.de/ Nicer Dicer Lautsprecher]
*[http://www.datrecorders.co.uk/index.php Alles über DAT's]
*[http://www.-studio.de/ Klassiker]
*[http://www.vinyl-audiophil.de/ Klangheimat - Analoges Hören. Entspannung in und um Vinyl]
*[http://bluetoothlautsprecher-test.net BluetoothLautsprecher-Test.net – Die besten Bluetooth Lautsprecher im Vergleich - seit 2015]
*[http://www.berlin-.de -Studio Falkensee das Geschäft für Audiophile]
*[http://www.multiroomlautsprecher.de Multiroom-Lautsprecher Test]
*[http://www.wlan-lautsprecher-tests.de Wlan-Lautsprecher Test]
*[http://sonos-test.org sonos-test.org - Internetratgeber für Sonoslautsprecher und Bluetoothlautsprecher]
*[http://cinch-kabel.org Cinch-Kabel.org - Das Portal über Cinch-Kabel]
*[http://lautsprecherkabel-test.de Lautsprecherkabel-test.de - Welches Lautsprecherkabel taugt wirklich was?]
*[http://plattenspielerkaufen.net/ Plattenspieler kaufen + Infoseite + Ratgeber]
*[http://sonos-play-1.de Sonos-Play-1.de - Testberichte, Kaufberatung und Zubehör Empfehlungen]
== Andere Wikis oder Link-Listen für weiterführende Information ==
== Hifi Audio Cable Manufacturer ==
*[http://www.-forum.de/viewthread-42-7.html Link-Liste aus dem -Forum]
* [http://audiomica.com/ Audiomica]
*[http://www.mister-wong.de/groups// -Gruppe bei Mister-Wong.de]
* [https://www.audioquest.de/ audioquest]
*[http://www.sengpielaudio.com/Links01.htm Link-Liste von Eberhard Sengpiel]
* [https://www.avinity-cable.com/ AVINITY]
*[http://www.raumakustiker.com Raum-Akustik Forum]
* [https://www.black-connect.de/ Black Connect]
*[http://wiki.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?title=Main_Page Wiki von hydrogenaudio (auf Englisch)]
* [http://www.cardas.com/welcome.php Cardas Audio]
*[http://www.audiodirectory.nl/ World Wide Pro Audio Directory (auf Englisch)]
* [https://chord.co.uk/ Chord company]
*[http://www.analog-forum.de analog Forum]
* [https://enoaudio.de/ enoaudio]
*[http://www.-und-lebensart.de Forum  und Lebensart]
* [http://www.furutech.com/ Furutech]
*[http://www.aktives-hoeren.de Forum aktives Hören]
* [https://www.goldkabel.de/ Goldkabel]
* [https://www.in-akustik.de/de/ Inakustik]
* [http://www.kscables.com/index.html Kubala-Sosna]
* [http://wp.neotechcable.com/ Neotech Cable]
* [https://www.oehlbach.com/de/ OEHLBACH]
* [https://oidiosound.co.uk/ OIDIO SOUND - Headphone Cable (handcrafted in UK)]
* [http://www.oyaide.com/ENGLISH/pg599.html oyaide]
* [https://www.qedcable.de/ QED]
* [https://www.silent-wire.de/de/ Silent Wire]
* [https://www.siltechcables.com/ Siltech]
* [https://www.sommercable.com/de/ Summer cable]
* [https://www.taralabs.com/ TARALABS - Audio Cable]
* [https://telluriumq.com/ Tellurium Q]
* [https://www.vandenhul.com/ van den hul]
* [https://viablue.de/de/index.php Viablue]
* [http://www.wireworldcable.de/ Wireworld]
* [https://www.zensati.com/ ZenSati]
== Webkataloge ==
== Hifi-Phono Accessories Manufacturer ==
*[http://www.campuswomenlead.org Webkatalog]
* [https://www.goldring.co.uk/ Goldring - Cartridges]
*[http://www.deutscher-index.info Deutscher-Index.info]
* [https://www.hanacartridges.com/ Hana - Cartridges]
*[http://www.findorama.de Webkatalog Findorama]
* [https://www.jelco-ichikawa.co.jp/index.html JELCO - Tonearms, Cartridges, Headshells, etc.]
*[http://www.openWBK.com Webkatalog-openWBK.com]
* [https://nagaoka.de/ Nagaoka - Cartridges]
*[http://www.-verzeichnis.de  Verzeichnis]
* [https://www.ortofon.com/ Ortofon - Cartridges, Headshells, etc.]
* [http://www.shelter-audio.co.jp/index_e.html Shelter - Cartridges, Headshells, etc.]
* [https://sumikophonocartridges.com/ SUMIKO - Cartridges]
== Hifi-Shops ==
* [https://www.aktivstudio.at/ Aktivstudio-Shop - Shop from Austria]
* [https://www.audio-markt.de/ Audio-Markt Shop]
* [https://www.auditorium.de/ Auditorium Shop]
* [https://www.dienadel.de/ Die Nadel - Home Hifi Shop]
* [https://www.fein-hifi.de/ Fein-Hifi Shop]
* [https://hifibuys.com/ hifibuys - Shop from USA]
* [https://www.hificorner.co.uk/ hificorner - Shop from Scotland]
* [https://www.hifigear.co.uk/eu/ HIFIGEAR - Shop from England]
* [https://hifiheaven.net/shop/ Hifi Heaven - Shop from USA]
* [https://www.hifihouse.de/ hifihouse Shop]
* [https://www.hifiklubben.de/ Hifi Klubben - Shop]
* [https://www.hifi-phono-house.de/ Hifi Phono House - Shop]
* [https://www.hifisound.de/ hifisound Shop]
* [https://hifi-suite.de/ Hifi Suite - Shop]
* [https://www.hifi-regler.de/ Hifi Regulator Shop]
* [https://hifivintage.co.uk/ HiFi Vintage Ltd - Vintage Equipment Shop from the UK]
* [https://www.hifi-zubehoer.shop/ hifi-zubehoer - Shop]
* [https://www.highend-audiokabel.de/ Highend Audio Cables Shop]
* [https://www.highend-hifi-shop.de/ Highend Hifi Shop]
* [https://www.hi-stands.eu/de/ Hi-Stands - Shop from the Netherlands]
* [https://www.justhifi.de/ JUSTHIFI - Shop]
* [https://www.vinyl-audiophil.de/ Klangheimat]
* [https://www.koan-akustik.de/ Koan Acoustics - Shop]
* [https://www.kondensator-mikrofon.info/ Condenser Microphone Shop]
* [https://www.kolumbus24.com/de Kolumbus24.com - Hifi Shop]
* [https://www.loftsound.de/ Loftsound Shop]
* [https://www.mobile-club-sounds.de/LAUTSPRECHERDATENBANK mobile-club-sounds - Lautsprecher Shop]
* [https://mrstylus.com/ MrStylus Shop]
* [https://phonobar.se/ PhonoBar - Shop from Sweden]
* [https://www.pickupnaalden.com/ Pickup Needles - Shop from the Netherlands]
* [https://premiumsound.co.uk/ Premiumshop - Shop from the UK]
* [https://studioincar.co.uk/ Studio Incar - Shop from the UK]
* [https://www.topkaufmusik.de/ Topkaufmusik]
* [https://www.vintagechief.com/ VintageChief - Shop from the Netherlands]
== Other sites for Hifi ==
* [https://www.audiodoo.de/ Audiodoo]
* [https://dekoniaudio.com/ Dekonie Audio - Headphone Pads]
* [https://www.highendsociety.de/startseite.html High End Society]
* [https://www.hifiberry.com/ HifiBerry]
* [http://www.hifimuseum.de/ hifimuseum - virtual hifi museum]
* [https://www.hifi-studio.de/ Hifi Studio]
* [https://www.hifitest.de/ hifitest]
* [https://hifi-tests.de/ Hifi Tests]
* [https://hifitrends.com/ Hi-Fi Trends]
* [https://www.inearkopfhoerer-tests.de/ in-ear headphones]
* [https://www.jukebox-kaufportal.de/ Jukebox Buying Portal]
* [https://www.kopfhoerer.de/ Kopfhoerer.de]
* [https://www.mikrofonwelt.de/ Microphone World]
* [https://www.musicstore.de/de_DE/EUR Music Store]
* [http://www.naks.com/home.html naks.com - unofficial Nakamichi site]
* [http://www.phonosophie.de/ Phonosophy]
* [http://www.retro-optonica.de/ Retro-Optonica]
* [http://www.rft-hifi.de/ RFT-Hifi - DDR Hifi equipment]
* [https://www.sieveking-sound.de/ Sieveking Sound]
* [https://tonmeister.org/de/ vdt - Verband Deutscher Tonmeister e.V.]
* [http://vintagecassettes.com/index.htm Vintage Cassettes - illustrated cassette database from AGFA Fe, BASF CR to MAXELL XL, TDK SA]
* [http://www.mtk-physio.de/Marantz/marantz.html vintage - Marantz]
== Sites for car hifi ==
* [https://www.carhifi-onlineshop.com/ carhifi-onlineshop (i-sotec GmbH)]
* [https://car-hifi.de/ profi-hifi]
* [https://studioincar.co.uk/ Studio Incar - Car Audio / HiFi Specialist - UK]
== Hifi for musicians & DJ ==
* [https://ashdownmusic.com/ Ashdown]
* [https://www.behringer.com/ Behringer]
* [https://www.cortguitars.com/?lanOk=ger Cort]
* [https://shop.fender.com/de-DE/start Fender]
* [https://geminisound.com/ Gemini Sound]
* [https://harleybenton.com/ Harley Benton]
* [https://www.ibanez.com/eu/ Ibanez]
* [https://nektartech.com/ Nektar]
* [https://www.rotosound.com/ Rotosound]
* [https://www.tama.com/eu/ Tama Drums]
* [https://www.takamineguitars.de/home.html Takamine]
== Hifi databases or hifi link lists ==
* [https://www.cassettecomeback.com/ Cassette Comeback]
* [https://www.cassettedeck.org/ CassetteDeck]
* [http://www.datrecorders.co.uk/index.php Digital Audio Tapes - Database]
* [https://www.dual-plattenspieler.de/ Dual Turntables - Archive/Database]
* [https://www.hifi-archiv.info/ Hifi Archive - Database]
* [https://www.hifiengine.com/database/hifi_database.php hifiengine - database]
* [https://www.vintagecassette.com/ Vintage Cassette - Database & Shop]
* [https://vintagetechnics.audio/ Vintage Technics - Database]
* [https://www.vinylengine.com/turntable-database.php Vinylengine - Database]
* [http://walkman-archive.com/gadgets/index.html The Walkman Archive]
* [http://www.sengpielaudio.com/Links01.htm Link List by Eberhard Sengpiel]
== Hifi Tuning ==
* [http://www.biophotone-audio.com/Startseite/ Biophtone Audio]
* [https://www.bfly-audio.de/ bfly-audio - absorbers, etc. + shop]
* [https://creaktiv-systems.com/ creativ Systems]
* [https://www.epluggs.de/index.php EPLUGGS]
* [https://conceptgravity.com/ Gravity]
* [https://ifi-audio.com/ ifi Audio - Sound Enhancement & Accessories]
* [https://nordost.com/ Northeast]
* [https://www.refine-audio.com/ refine-audio - refining audio]
* [https://schnerzinger.com/ Schnerzinger]
* [https://www.synergisticresearch.com/ Synergistic Research]
* [https://das.raumtuning.info/ Vortex Hifi]
* [https://www.wbt.de/ WBT - Sound Enhancement]

Latest revision as of 05:50, 4 July 2024

Here is space for further links to the topic Hifi, like e.g. forums and shops or equipment manufacturers.

The -Wiki is also always happy about backlinks, thank you.

Hifi news and magazines[edit]

Hifi Forums[edit]

Hifi brands & equipment manufacturers[edit]

Hifi speaker manufacturer[edit]

Hifi headphone manufacturer[edit]

Hifi Audio Cable Manufacturer[edit]

Hifi-Phono Accessories Manufacturer[edit]


Other sites for Hifi[edit]

Sites for car hifi[edit]

Hifi for musicians & DJ[edit]

Hifi databases or hifi link lists[edit]

Hifi Tuning[edit]