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== Beschreibung ==
== Description ==
Die Modelle der Concert Serie unterscheiden sich von anderen Entwicklungen der Firma [[Myro]], da sie nicht primär für den Heimbereich, sondern für Bühnen- und Beschallungsaufgaben konstruiert wurden. Auch für sie gelten aber dieselben Konstruktionsvorgaben und -hintergründe an zeitrichtige Lautsprecher, welche in der [[Myroklopädie]] vorgestellt werden. Damit wurde die Betätigung von Myro in der PA Technik fortgesetzt, die bereits in den 1990er Jahren mit einem aktiven Koaxialmonitor mit Analogrechner stattfand. Gleichwohl eignen sich die Modelle [[Myro Concert]], [[Myro Grand Concert]] und [[Myro Concert Monitor]] auch für den Einsatz in Wohnräumen, während der [[Myro Floor Monitor]] wegen seiner speziellen Anwendung für den Heimbereich nicht in Frage kommt.<br />
The Concert Series models differ from other [[Myro]] developments in that they were not primarily designed for home use, but for stage and sound reinforcement applications. However, the same design specifications and background for period-correct loudspeakers presented in the [[Myroklopedia]] also apply to them. This was a continuation of Myro's activity in PA technology, which already took place in the 1990s with an active coaxial monitor with analog computer. <br />
Vorausgegangen war der Concert Serie bereits die technisch verwandte [[Myro Heaven's Gate]]. Ebenfalls von der Concert Serie abgeleitet ist die für Heimkino-Anwendung vorgesehene [[Myro Pro Fidelity 3.1]] mit identischer Bestückung und ähnlichem Aufbau.
The highest amplitudes in music are found in transients. Asynchronous, out-of-phase loudspeaker transients destroy transient reproduction. This is a considerable compression of the impulse dynamics! This is why most sound reinforcement loudspeakers need relatively much amplifier power for music reproduction, despite the high efficiency (measured in steady state), "time correct" in relation to the efficiency (measured in steady state) relatively little. This is because the energy yield in terms of amplitude height during transients is significantly higher.
Nevertheless, the models [[Myro Concert]], [[Myro Grand Concert]] and [[Myro Concert Monitor]] are also suitable for use in living rooms, while the [[Myro Floor Monitor]] is not suitable for home use because of its special application.<br />
All models are based on the legendary Air Motion Transformer [[ESS Heil AMT 1]] and other chassis from [[Seas]]. They are thus constructively similar to the models [[ESS AMT 1 Tower]] and [[ESS Connoisseur Series AMT 450]], which had previously also been produced by [[Myro]] on behalf of [[http://audikron.com/2012/02/ess-products/?lang=de Audio Int'l]], Frankfurt, and served as the model for the Myro models. The ''Concert Series'' had already been preceded by the technically related [[Myro Heaven's Gate]]. Also derived from the ''Concert Series'' is the [[Myro Pro Fidelity 3.1]], intended for home cinema use, with identical equipment and similar construction.
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Alle Modelle basieren auf dem legendären Air Motion Transformer [[ESS Heil AMT 1]] und weiteren Chassis von [[Seas]]. Sie sind damit konstruktiv ähnlich zu den Modellen [[ESS AMT 1 Tower]] und [[ESS Connoisseur Series AMT 450]], welche im Auftrag von [http://audikron.com/2012/02/ess-products/?lang=de Audio Int'l], Frankfurt, zuvor ebenfalls bei [[Myro]] entstanden waren und als Vorbild der Myro-Modelle dienten.<br />
The models are designed as dipoles, in that the AMT also radiates to the rear, where the sound is diffusely dispersed via a wedge. For this purpose, the cabinet contains an opening on the side for the sound outlet. In the area of the tweeter all cabinets have a special rounding at the front. It complements the horn shape of the ESS AMT 1 and results in a significantly more linear frequency response.<br />
Die Modelle sind als Dipol ausgelegt, indem der AMT auch nach hinten abstrahlt, wo der Schall über einen Keil diffus gestreut wird. Dazu ist in den Gehäusen seitlich eine Öffnung zum Schallaustritt enthalten. Im Bereich des Hochtöners haben alle Gehäuse vorn eine spezielle Verrundung erhalten. Sie ergänzt die Hornform des ESS AMT 1 und bewirkt einen deutlich lineareren Frequenzverlauf.<br />
Due to problems with the supplier [[ESS]] the models had to be discontinued. The [[ESS Heil AMT 1]] can perhaps still be used in pairs, but for a series the necessary series consistency is missing. <br />
Aufgrund von Problemen mit dem Zulieferer ESS mussten die Modelle eingestellt werden. Den ESS Heil AMT 1 kann man vielleicht noch paarweise einsetzen, für eine Serie fehlt jedoch die erforderliche Serienkonstanz. <br />
The [[Myro Grand Concert II]] formed the transition to the subsequent models of the [["Mundorf" Series]].
Die [[Myro Grand Concert II]] bildete den Übergang zu den nachfolgenden Modellen der [["Mundorf" Serie]].  
== Modelle ==
== Models ==
*[[Myro Concert]]<br />
*[[Myro Concert]]<br />
*[[Myro Concert Monitor]]<br />
*[[Myro Concert Monitor]]<br />
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Datei:Concert IMG 1262.jpg|Myro Concert
File:Concert IMG 1262.jpg|Myro Concert
Datei:$ 58.JPG|Myro Grand Concert
File:$ 58.JPG|Myro Grand Concert
Datei:Myro Concert Monitor.jpg|Myro Concert Monitor
File:Myro Concert Monitor.jpg|Myro Concert Monitor
Datei:Floor monitor.jpg|Myro Concert Floor Monitor
File:Floor monitor.jpg|Myro Concert Floor Monitor
Datei:GrandConcertAMT2540 1 50.jpg|Myro Grand Concert II
File:GrandConcertAMT2540 1 50.jpg|Myro Grand Concert II

Latest revision as of 12:22, 21 August 2016


The Concert Series models differ from other Myro developments in that they were not primarily designed for home use, but for stage and sound reinforcement applications. However, the same design specifications and background for period-correct loudspeakers presented in the Myroklopedia also apply to them. This was a continuation of Myro's activity in PA technology, which already took place in the 1990s with an active coaxial monitor with analog computer.
The highest amplitudes in music are found in transients. Asynchronous, out-of-phase loudspeaker transients destroy transient reproduction. This is a considerable compression of the impulse dynamics! This is why most sound reinforcement loudspeakers need relatively much amplifier power for music reproduction, despite the high efficiency (measured in steady state), "time correct" in relation to the efficiency (measured in steady state) relatively little. This is because the energy yield in terms of amplitude height during transients is significantly higher.

Nevertheless, the models Myro Concert, Myro Grand Concert and Myro Concert Monitor are also suitable for use in living rooms, while the Myro Floor Monitor is not suitable for home use because of its special application.
All models are based on the legendary Air Motion Transformer ESS Heil AMT 1 and other chassis from Seas. They are thus constructively similar to the models ESS AMT 1 Tower and ESS Connoisseur Series AMT 450, which had previously also been produced by Myro on behalf of [Audio Int'l], Frankfurt, and served as the model for the Myro models. The Concert Series had already been preceded by the technically related Myro Heaven's Gate. Also derived from the Concert Series is the Myro Pro Fidelity 3.1, intended for home cinema use, with identical equipment and similar construction.

The models are designed as dipoles, in that the AMT also radiates to the rear, where the sound is diffusely dispersed via a wedge. For this purpose, the cabinet contains an opening on the side for the sound outlet. In the area of the tweeter all cabinets have a special rounding at the front. It complements the horn shape of the ESS AMT 1 and results in a significantly more linear frequency response.
Due to problems with the supplier ESS the models had to be discontinued. The ESS Heil AMT 1 can perhaps still be used in pairs, but for a series the necessary series consistency is missing.
The Myro Grand Concert II formed the transition to the subsequent models of the "Mundorf" Series.


<zurück: Myro Lautsprecher>
<zurück: Myro>