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Ich war 83/84 beim Bund und habe mir den RX-500 in schwarz bei SATURN in Köln (Mutterhaus) für etwa 500DM von der Ablösesumme im Herbst 84 gekauft.
I was 83/84 in the Bund and bought the RX-500 in black at SATURN in Cologne (mother store) for about 500DM of the redemption money in autumn 84.
Gibt es Modellvarianten, die erst 86 auf den Markt kamen?
Are there any model variants that only came on the market in 86?
Auf den Fotos, die ich im Internet sehe, sehe ich immer meinen Receiver, der 5m neben meinem PC nach nunmehr 28 Jahren immer noch tagtäglich seinen Dienst tut...
On the photos I see on the Internet, I always see my receiver, which 5m next to my PC after now 28 years still does its job every day...
Ich habe auch noch irgendwo die Original Kaufquittung.
I also still have the original purchase receipt somewhere.
Da ich mit dem K-700 so zufrieden war, holte ich mir den fernbedienbaren Receiver dazu - und das war eben von der Ablösesumme. Er müßte eigentlich auch auf Fotos meiner Studentenbude sichtbar sein, aber alle Unterlagen sind noch irgendwo in Kartons verbuddelt...
Since I was so satisfied with the K-700, I got the remote receiver for it - and that was just from the purchase price. It should be visible on photos of my student digs, but all documents are still buried in boxes somewhere...
Ich wüßte nicht, woher 2 Jahre Differenz bei mir entstanden sein sollten - würde aber keinen Eid darauf schwören, daß es NICHT erst 86 war.
I don't know where 2 years difference should have come from - but I wouldn't swear that it was NOT 86.
== No planned obsolescence ==
I bought my Yamaha in 1985, I mean for 550 DM. Still works fine in 2015!
The sellers of new devices think that the electrolytic capacitors should age. Apparently, quality was sold in the past.

Latest revision as of 06:54, 11 January 2015

I was 83/84 in the Bund and bought the RX-500 in black at SATURN in Cologne (mother store) for about 500DM of the redemption money in autumn 84.

Are there any model variants that only came on the market in 86?

On the photos I see on the Internet, I always see my receiver, which 5m next to my PC after now 28 years still does its job every day...

I also still have the original purchase receipt somewhere.

Since I was so satisfied with the K-700, I got the remote receiver for it - and that was just from the purchase price. It should be visible on photos of my student digs, but all documents are still buried in boxes somewhere...

I don't know where 2 years difference should have come from - but I wouldn't swear that it was NOT 86.

No planned obsolescence[edit]

I bought my Yamaha in 1985, I mean for 550 DM. Still works fine in 2015! The sellers of new devices think that the electrolytic capacitors should age. Apparently, quality was sold in the past.