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The Cyrus MR3 is an integrated amplifier with only 2 inputs (CD and tuner), but in addition to its amplifier output further 2(3) preamplifier outputs which can output the signal of the two inputs individually, i.e. any source at any volume. For each of the additional preamplifier outputs a stereo power amplifier or active speakers are required. The remote control is done via a radio transmitter, so that the MR3 can be controlled from any room.
Der Cyrus MR3 ist ein Vollverstärker mit nur 2 Eingängen (CD und Tuner), jedoch zusätzlich zu seinem Verstärkerausgang weiteren 2(3) Vorverstärkerausgängen die das Signal der beiden Eingänge individuell, also beleibige Quelle mit beliebiger Lautstärke ausgeben können. Für die zusätzlichen Vorverstärkerausgänge wird jeweils eine Stereoendstufe oder Aktivboxen benötigt. Die Fernsteuerung erfolgt über einen Funkgeber, sodaß aus beliebigen Räumen der MR3 gesteuert werden kann.
= Data =
Mit einem MR3 können somit 3 Hörzonen beschallt werden.
Es können bis zu vier MR3 in Reihe hintereinander geschaltet werden. Somit lassen sich 12 Hörzonen beschallen.
Die Signale der Eingänge werden "verlustfrei" duchgeschleift, sodaß der MR3 in jede Anlage integriert werden kann.
Anm. des Autors: Das Durchschleifen ist keinesweg "verlustfrei" sondern durchaus hörbar,
                  wenn das weitere Equipment dies zulässt.
                  Der integrierte Vollverstärker entspricht in etwa dem des
                  [[Cyrus_Straight_Line |Cyrus Straight Line]],  [[Cyrus_Quattro|Cyrus Quattro]], [[Cyrus_XPA|XPA]]
= Daten =
* Hersteller: Mission Group
* Manufacturer: Mission Group
* Modell: MR 3
* Model: MR 3
* Baujahre: 1996 -  
* Year built: 1996 -  
* Hergestellt in: [http://maps.google.de/maps?q=Hundington%2C%20england&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:de:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&sa=N&tab=wl England, Huntingdon]
* Made in: [http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&amp;hl=de&amp;geocode=&amp;q=Huntingdon,+England,+Ermine+Business+Park&amp;sll=52.336375,-0.186982&amp;sspn=0.009715,0.014935&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;ll=52.336178,-0.186081&amp;spn=0.077723,0.119476&amp;t=h&amp;z=13&amp;iwloc=addr] England, Huntingdon
* Farbe: schwarz
* Colour: black
* Fernbedienung: ja (Funk)
* Remote control: yes (radio)
* Leistungsaufnahme:  
* Power consumption:  
* Abmessungen (H x B x T): 73 x 215 x 360 mm  
* Dimensions (H x W x D): 73 x 215 x 360 mm.
* Gewicht:  
* Weight:  
* Neupreis ca.:
* New price approx:
* Anzahl der Eingänge: 2
* Number of inputs: 2
** intern (Cyrus spezifisch):
** internal (Cyrus specific):
*** MC-Bus (Cyrus - Komponentenverbindung für Fernbedienung)
*** MC bus (Cyrus - component connection for remote control).
*** Netzanschluß
*** mains connection
** extern
** external
*** CD
*** CD
*** Tuner
*** tuner
* Anzahl der Ausgänge: 6  
* number of outputs: 6  
** intern (Cyrus spezifisch):
** internal (Cyrus specific):
*** MC-Bus (Cyrus - Komponentenverbindung für Fernbedienung)
*** MC bus (Cyrus - component connection for remote control).
** extern
** external
*** Lautspecheranschluss des Verstärkers (Zone 1)  
*** Loudspeaker connection of the amplifier (Zone 1)  
*** Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 1)  
*** Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 1)  
**** Anschluß zusätzlicher MR3 Module oder
**** Connection of additional MR3 modules or
**** externe Endstufe oder
**** external power amplifier or
**** zusätzliche Endstufe (siehe Bi-Amping)
**** additional power amplifier (see Bi-Amping)
*** Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 2)
*** Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 2)
*** Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 3)
*** Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 3)
*** Analog Out: CD  
*** Analog Out: CD  
**** vom CD Eingang durchgeschleiftes Signal zum Anschluß des CD Signals an einen externen Eingang (z.B: Vollverstärker)
**** signal looped through from the CD input for connecting the CD signal to an external input (e.g.: integrated amplifier)
*** Analog Out: Tuner
*** Analog Out: Tuner
**** vom Tuner Eingang durchgeschleiftes Signal zum Anschluß des Tuner Signals an einen externen Eingang (z.B: Vollverstärker)
**** signal looped through from the tuner input to connect the tuner signal to an external input (e.g.: integrated amplifier)
=Technische Daten=
=Technical data=
* Dauerleistung
* Continuous power
** Zone 1: 2 x 40 W (8 &Omega;)  
** Zone 1: 2 x 40 W (8 &Omega;)  
* Gesamtklirrfaktor:
* Total harmonic distortion:
* Dämpfungsfaktor:
* Attenuation factor:
* Frequenzgang:  
* Frequency response:  
** Zone 1 - 3: 1 Hz - 100 kHz (-3dB)  
** Zone 1 - 3: 1 Hz - 100 kHz (-3dB).
** Zone 1: 2 Hz - 80 kHz (-3 dB)
** Zone 1: 2 Hz - 80 kHz (-3 dB).
* Verzerrung:
* Distortion:
** Zone 1 - 3: 0.005 %  
** Zone 1 - 3: 0.005 %  
** Zone 1: 0.05 % / 1 kHz, 8 &Omega;
** Zone 1: 0.05 % / 1 kHz, 8 &Omega;
* Signalrauschabstand:
* Signal-to-noise ratio:
* Stereokanaltrennung:
* Stereo channel separation:
* Klangregelung:
* Balance: yes (double assignment volume control).
** Bass: nein
* Tone control:
** Höhen: nein
** Bass: no
* Loudness: nein
treble: no
* High Filter: nein
* Loudness: no
* Low Filter (Subsonic): nein
* High Filter: no
* Mute: nein
* Low Filter (Subsonic): no
* Mute: yes
* Direct/Line-Straight: 2
* Direct/Line-Straight: 2
[[Bild: Cyrus_MR3_Frontview.jpg | 800px]]
[[Image: Cyrus_MR3_Frontview.jpg | 800px]]
'''Abbildung 1:''' Cyrus MR3 Frontansicht.  
''Figure 1:'' '''Cyrus MR3'''' front view.
Bedienelemente (von links nach rechts)
Controls (from left to right)
* Mute
* Lock
* Mute
* Lautstärke und Balance (durch Tastenkombintion wird der Lautstärkeregler zum Balanceregler)
* Lock
* Volume and balance (by key combination the volume control becomes the balance control)
* Ein- /Ausschalter für Hörzonen
* Hochpegeleingänge CD und Tuner  
* On / Off switch for listening zones
High level inputs CD and Tuner  
[[Bild: Cyrus_MR3_Rearview.jpg | 800px]]
[[Picture: Cyrus_MR3_Rearview.jpg | 800px]]
'''Abbildung 2:''' Cyrus MR3 Rückansicht.  
''Figure 2:'' '''Cyrus MR3''' Rear View.
* Speaker connection right for listening zone 1 (internal 40 W amplifier).
* High level input CD
High level input TU
High level output CD (looped signal of input CD)
High level output TU (looped signal of input TU)
Preamplifier outputs for listening zone 1
Preamplifier outputs for listening zone 2
* Preamplifier outputs for listening zone 3
MC-Bus (Cyrus internal system bus for central control)
* Loudspeaker connection left for listening zone 1 (internal 40 W amplifier)
* Mains switch
* Fuse
* Power socket
* Antenna cable for radio remote control "X-pander
* Lautsprecheranschluß Rechts für Hörzone 1 (interner 40 W Verstäker)
* Hochpegeleingang CD
* Hochpegeleingang TU
* Hochpegelausgang CD (durchgeschleiftes Signal des Eingangs CD)
* Hochpegelausgang TU (durchgeschleiftes Signal des Eingangs TU)
* Vorvertärkerausgänge für Hörzone 1
* Vorvertärkerausgänge für Hörzone 2
* Vorvertärkerausgänge für Hörzone 3
* MC-Bus (Cyrus interner Systembus für zentrle Verbedienung)
* Lautsprecheranschluß Links für Hörzone 1 (interner 40 W Verstäker)
[[Image: Cyrus_MR3_RemoteControl.jpg | 200px]]
* Netzschalter
''Figure 3:'' '''Cyrus MR3''' radio remote control "X-pander"'''
* Sicherung
* Kaltgerätebuchse
* Selection listening zone 1
* Antennenkabel für Funkfernbedienung "X-pander"
* Selection listening zone 2
* Selection listening zone 3
Balance (select listening zone + Balance + Shift left / right)
Mute (select listening zone + mute)
Volume (AUswahl listening zone + volume)
Shift (CD track or tuner station)
=Further information=
'''Special Features'''
[[Bild: Cyrus_MR3_RemoteControl.jpg | 200px]]
* Radio remote control
'''Abbildung 3:''' Cyrus MR3 Funkfernbedienung "X-pander"
'''Optional Equipment'''
* Auswahl Hörzone 1
One MR3 can be used to provide sound to 3 listening zones.
* Auswahl Hörzone 2
Up to four MR3 can be connected in series. Thus 12 listening zones can be sounded.
* Auswahl Hörzone 3
* Balance (Auswahl Hörzone + Balance + Shift linke / rechts)
The signals of the inputs are looped through "loss-free", so that the MR3 can be integrated into any system.
* Mute (Auswahl Hörzone + Mute)
* Lautstärke (AUswahl Hörzone + Lautstärke)
* Shift (CD Titel bzw. Tuner Sender)
=Weitere Informationen=
Author's note: The looping through is by no means "loss-free" but quite audible,
'''Besondere Ausstattungen'''
                  if the other equipment allows it.
                  The integrated integrated amplifier corresponds approximately to that of the
                  [[Cyrus_Straight_Line |Cyrus Straight Line]], [[Cyrus_Quattro|Cyrus Quattro]], [[Cyrus_XPA|XPA]]
                  The sound quality does not come close to the quality of the [[Cyrus_IIIi|Cyrus IIIi]] but is better
                  than most other devices.
'''Optionale Ausstattung'''
A high-quality power cord leads, as with all Cyrus - components, to a clear improvement of the sound quality.
Author's note: In my test with [[Groneberg Series 3]] - mains cables (approx. 50 € 1m assembled / or approx. 10 €/m)
Als zusätlichen Endstufen für die Hörzone empfiehlt Cyrus:
As additional power amplifiers for the further listening zone Cyrus recommends:
* [[Cyrus_Power|Cyrus Power]] - Stereoendstufe mit 2 x 50 W(70 W) bzw. 100 W Monoblock (mit [[Cyrus_PSX-R|PSX-R]])
* [[Cyrus_XPA|Cyrus XPA]] - Stereo power amplifier with 2 x 50 W (70 W) with automatic switch-on and switch-off depending on the input signal.
* [[Cyrus_XPA|Cyrus XPS]] - Stereoendstufe mit 2 x 50 W (70 W) mit automatischer An- und Abschaltung abh. vom Eingangssignal
* [[Cyrus_Smartpower|Cyrus Smartpower]] - stereo power amplifier
* any other [[Cyrus_Smartpower|Cyrus Power Amplifier]]
* any other [[power amplifier]]
* Cyrus Produktkatalog 1997
Author's note: for the quality of the MR3's preamp output and the long signal paths (via RCA cables)
                  or long loudspeaker cables to further listening areas the following power amplifiers are in my opinion
                  too bad, because their potential cannot unfold.
                  * [[Cyrus_Power|Cyrus Power]] - Stereo power amplifier with 2 x 50 W(70 W)  
                                                  resp. 100 W monoblock (with [[Cyrus_PSX-R|PSX-R]])
                  * [[Cyrus_aPA7|Cyrus aPA7]] - Monoblock with 1 x 150 W each (240 W)  
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* Cyrus product catalog 1997
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[[Kategorie:Cyrus Multiroom]]
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[[Category:Integrated amplifier]]

Latest revision as of 14:59, 14 December 2014

The Cyrus MR3 is an integrated amplifier with only 2 inputs (CD and tuner), but in addition to its amplifier output further 2(3) preamplifier outputs which can output the signal of the two inputs individually, i.e. any source at any volume. For each of the additional preamplifier outputs a stereo power amplifier or active speakers are required. The remote control is done via a radio transmitter, so that the MR3 can be controlled from any room.



Cyrus MR3 Frontview.jpg
  • Manufacturer: Mission Group
  • Model: MR 3
  • Year built: 1996 -
  • Made in: [1] England, Huntingdon
  • Colour: black
  • Remote control: yes (radio)
  • Power consumption:
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 73 x 215 x 360 mm.
  • Weight:
  • New price approx:



  • Number of inputs: 2
    • internal (Cyrus specific):
      • MC bus (Cyrus - component connection for remote control).
      • mains connection
    • external
      • CD
      • tuner
  • number of outputs: 6
    • internal (Cyrus specific):
      • MC bus (Cyrus - component connection for remote control).
    • external
      • Loudspeaker connection of the amplifier (Zone 1)
      • Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 1)
        • Connection of additional MR3 modules or
        • external power amplifier or
        • additional power amplifier (see Bi-Amping)
      • Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 2)
      • Analog Out: Chinch (Zone 3)
      • Analog Out: CD
        • signal looped through from the CD input for connecting the CD signal to an external input (e.g.: integrated amplifier)
      • Analog Out: Tuner
        • signal looped through from the tuner input to connect the tuner signal to an external input (e.g.: integrated amplifier)

Technical data[edit]

  • Continuous power
    • Zone 1: 2 x 40 W (8 Ω)
  • Total harmonic distortion:
  • Attenuation factor:
  • Frequency response:
    • Zone 1 - 3: 1 Hz - 100 kHz (-3dB).
    • Zone 1: 2 Hz - 80 kHz (-3 dB).
  • Distortion:
    • Zone 1 - 3: 0.005 %
    • Zone 1: 0.05 % / 1 kHz, 8 Ω
  • Signal-to-noise ratio:
  • Stereo channel separation:
  • Balance: yes (double assignment volume control).
  • Tone control:
    • Bass: no

treble: no

  • Loudness: no
  • High Filter: no
  • Low Filter (Subsonic): no
  • Mute: yes
  • Direct/Line-Straight: 2


Cyrus MR3 Frontview.jpg

Figure 1: Cyrus MR3' front view.
Controls (from left to right)
* Mute
* Lock
* Volume and balance (by key combination the volume control becomes the balance control)
* On / Off switch for listening zones
High level inputs CD and Tuner 


Figure 2: Cyrus MR3 Rear View. 

* Speaker connection right for listening zone 1 (internal 40 W amplifier).
* High level input CD
High level input TU
High level output CD (looped signal of input CD)
High level output TU (looped signal of input TU)
Preamplifier outputs for listening zone 1
Preamplifier outputs for listening zone 2
* Preamplifier outputs for listening zone 3
MC-Bus (Cyrus internal system bus for central control)
* Loudspeaker connection left for listening zone 1 (internal 40 W amplifier)

* Mains switch
* Fuse
* Power socket
* Antenna cable for radio remote control "X-pander

Cyrus MR3 RemoteControl.jpg

Figure 3: Cyrus MR3 radio remote control "X-pander"

* Selection listening zone 1
* Selection listening zone 2
* Selection listening zone 3

Balance (select listening zone + Balance + Shift left / right)
Mute (select listening zone + mute)
Volume (AUswahl listening zone + volume)
Shift (CD track or tuner station)

Further information[edit]

Special Features

  • Radio remote control

Optional Equipment

One MR3 can be used to provide sound to 3 listening zones. Up to four MR3 can be connected in series. Thus 12 listening zones can be sounded.

The signals of the inputs are looped through "loss-free", so that the MR3 can be integrated into any system.

Author's note: The looping through is by no means "loss-free" but quite audible, 
                 if the other equipment allows it.
                 The integrated integrated amplifier corresponds approximately to that of the
                 Cyrus Straight Line, Cyrus Quattro, XPA
                 The sound quality does not come close to the quality of the Cyrus IIIi but is better
                 than most other devices.

A high-quality power cord leads, as with all Cyrus - components, to a clear improvement of the sound quality.

Author's note: In my test with Groneberg Series 3 - mains cables (approx. 50 € 1m assembled / or approx. 10 €/m)


As additional power amplifiers for the further listening zone Cyrus recommends:

Author's note: for the quality of the MR3's preamp output and the long signal paths (via RCA cables) 
                 or long loudspeaker cables to further listening areas the following power amplifiers are in my opinion 
                 too bad, because their potential cannot unfold.

                 * Cyrus Power - Stereo power amplifier with 2 x 50 W(70 W) 
                                                 resp. 100 W monoblock (with PSX-R)
                 * Cyrus aPA7 - Monoblock with 1 x 150 W each (240 W) 


  • Cyrus product catalog 1997