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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
Ecouton audio laboratory
An der Bega 11
At the Bega 11
32657 Lemgo
32657 Lemgo
Geschichte: ©Ecouton-Audiolabor, Lemgo
History: ©Ecouton-Audiolabor, Lemgo
"Firmengeschichte ECOUTON-Audiolabor:
"Company history ECOUTON-Audiolabor:
Die Firma ECOUTON-Audiolabor HiFi-Komponenten GmbH wurde 1979 von Werner Lotterbach und Dieter Fricke als Lautsprechervertrieb gegründet, nachdem die Kooperation mit audiolabor, Brinkmann und Knorrn beendet worden war.
The company ECOUTON-Audiolabor HiFi-Komponenten GmbH was founded in 1979 by Werner Lotterbach and Dieter Fricke as a loudspeaker distributor, after the cooperation with audiolabor, Brinkmann and Knorrn had ended.
Das Lieferprogramm war eine Lautsprecherserie – 4 Modelle – aus Dänemark, deren Besonderheit ein Vollholzgehäuse aus Kiefer war, mit Nuten und Zinken verbundenen Ecken mit Namen „MRL“.
The product range was a loudspeaker series - 4 models - from Denmark, whose special feature was a solid pine cabinet, with grooves and prongs connecting the corners, named "MRL".
Nicht sehr erfolgreich.
Not very successful.
Der aktiv tätige Werner Lotterbach schied schon im ersten Jahr wegen Krankheit aus und Manfred Görgen übernahm passiv seinen Anteil.
Werner Lotterbach, who was actively involved, left the company in the first year due to illness and Manfred Görgen took over his share passively.
Das „Naturholzgehäuse“ wurde in ein Foliengehäuse geändert und damit erfolgreich (!!!).
The "natural wood case" was changed to a foil case and thus successful (!!!).
Die MRL 120 machte einen überragenden Testsieg in Stereoplay und die MRL 90 war ein Sieger, der seine Mitbewerber deklassierte lt. AUDIO.
The MRL 120 did an outstanding test win in Stereoplay and the MRL 90 was a winner that outclassed his competitors according to AUDIO.
Für diese Boxen war eine neue Frequenzweiche entwickelt worden, die eine völlig ungewohnte Klangqualität realisierte.
For these speakers a new crossover was developed that produced a completely unusual sound quality.
Aus einer gemeinsamen Entwicklung mit Ulrich Rahe ergab sich die RABox und 1981 die LQL 150 bei uns.
A joint development with Ulrich Rahe resulted in the RABox and in 1981 in the LQL 150.
Der erste Test zeigte zwar die besten Messergebnisse, aber klanglich wurde sie nicht gut beurteilt, zu wenig Bass, zu wenig Höhen.
The first test showed the best results, but the sound quality was not good, too little bass, too little treble.
Die LQL 150 wurde dem japanische Kaizen unterzogen und ständig weiter entwickelt. Bessere Tieftöner, neue Hochtöner, vor allem die neue Weiche, wir nannten sie die „Realistic Phase Weiche“.
The LQL 150 was subjected to the Japanese Kaizen and constantly developed further. Better woofers, new tweeters, especially the new crossover, we called it the "Realistic Phase Crossover".
Und die Art Transmissionline entwickelt sich zum Wellenlängendämpfungslabyrinth, zum Lambda-Q-Labyrinth, LQL.
And the Art Transmissionline evolved into the Wavelength Attenuation Maze, the Lambda-Q Maze, LQL.
Damit „erarbeitete“ sich die Box eine Sonderposition im Bereich des Klangrealismus oder für herausragende Natürlichkeit, was 1990 mit einem Testsieg in der HiFi Vision belohnt wurde.
This "earned" the speaker a special position in the field of sound realism or for outstanding naturalness, which was rewarded with a test victory in HiFi Vision in 1990.
1987 kam dann die LQL 200 raus, mit einem eigenen selbst entwickelten Mittelhochtöner, mit einer sehr niedrigen Eigenresonanz, einem sehr guten Polardiagramm und einem herausragenden Dynamikverhalten.
In 1987 the LQL 200 was released, with a self developed midrange-tweeter, with a very low self-resonance, a very good polar diagram and an outstanding dynamic behaviour.
Auch der Bass war sehr ungewöhnlich, pneumatisch gekoppelt war ein Aussentreiber mit einem Innentreiber für eine ungewöhnlich präzise und „schwarze“ Bassreproduktion auf ein Lambda-Q-Labyrinth mit den Daten Eigenresonanz 30 Hz, Dämpfungsgüte 0,5 und Gehäusehochpass 2. Ordnung.
Also the bass was very unusual, pneumatically coupled was an outer driver with an inner driver for an unusually precise and "black" bass reproduction on a Lambda-Q labyrinth with the data natural resonance 30 Hz, damping quality 0.5 and cabinet high pass 2nd order.
Die Box hatte eine Vielzahl sehr guter Testberichte in allen Special-Interest-Magazinen und den Ruf eine herausragende Instrumenten-platzierung in einem realistischen völlig losgelösten Klangfeld zu realisieren. Auch die Basswiedergabe und die dynamische Feinauflösung sind bei der Box außergewöhnlich. Es gibt einige ernsthafte Musikliebhaber, die die LQL 200 bis dato für die musikalischste Box, die es zu kaufen gibt, halten.
The speaker received many very good reviews in all special interest magazines and had the reputation to produce an outstanding instrument placement in a realistic and completely detached sound field. The bass response and the dynamic resolution are also exceptional. There are some serious music lovers who consider the LQL 200 to be the most musical speaker available to date.
Als letzte Optimierung in der Serie wurde die LQL 200 mit einem Zeit schiebenden Allpass ausgerüstet, der den von jeder Frequenzweiche verursachten Zeitversatz zwischen Tief/Mitteltöner und Mittelhochtöner Typ MHT 50/25 ausgleichen sollte. Damit waren wir wohl einer der ganz wenigen am Markt, der eine solche Optimierung vorgenommen hat.
As a final tweak in the series, the LQL 200 was equipped with a time-shifting all-pass filter to compensate for the time offset between bass/midrange and midrange/tweeter type MHT 50/25 caused by any crossover. Thus, we were probably one of the very few on the market to carry out such an optimisation.
Am Markt gab es praktisch keine „bezahlbaren“ Verstärker, die das Dynamikpotential der LQL Lautsprecher, besonders der LQL 200 ausreizen konnten. Deshalb wurde intensiv nach einer Kooperationsmöglichkeit mit einem Verstärkerspezialisten gesucht, leider nicht erfolgreich.
There were practically no "affordable" amplifiers on the market that could exploit the dynamic potential of the LQL loudspeakers, especially the LQL 200. Therefore, we searched intensively for a cooperation with an amplifier specialist, unfortunately not successfully.
Wir haben deshalb eigene Verstärker entwickelt, die unter der Marke „QUINTESSENCE“ angeboten wurden, die in Klang und Leistung eine eigene Liga darstellten und oft Wettbewerbsobjekten doppelten Preises überlegen waren.
We therefore developed our own amplifiers, offered under the brand name "QUINTESSENCE", which were in a league of their own in terms of sound and performance, and were often superior to competing products of twice the price.
Leider passierte dabei ein unglaubliches Unglück: In allen Verstärkern und in unserem Lagerbestand öffneten die Netzteilkondensatoren ihr Sicherheitsventil und dadurch wurde über 100 Geräte, die teilweise schon bei Kunden waren unreparierbar zerstört. Das ergab insgesamt einen Schaden von ca. DM 500.000, was uns an den Existenzrand brachte.
Unfortunately an unbelievable misfortune happened: In all amplifiers and in our stock the power supply capacitors opened their safety valve and thus more than 100 units, some of which were already at customers, were irreparably destroyed. This resulted in a total damage of about DM 500.000, which brought us to the edge of our existence.
Unser Lautsprecherkabel „transientone QUADRAX kombi“, das auch eine Ausnahmeperformance ermöglichte, wurde vom Handel wegen zu komplexer Handhabung nicht angenommen und belastete uns auch mit DM 30.000.
Our loudspeaker cable "transientone QUADRAX kombi", which also provided an exceptional performance, was not accepted by the trade because of too complex handling and also burdened us with DM 30,000.
1991 war jedoch ein ausgesprochen erfolgreiches Geschäftsjahr und der Herr Bundeskanzler Kohl uns ja nach der Wiedervereini­gung blühende Landschaften versprochen hat, waren wir guter Hoffnung, unsere Verluste ausgleichen zu können.
However, 1991 was an extremely successful business year and since Chancellor Kohl had promised us flourishing landscapes after reunification, we were hopeful that we would be able to compensate for our losses.
Ab 1. Juli 1992 wurde dann der Solidarzuschlag erhoben und unser Umsatz brach nach einem erfolgreichen ersten Halbjahr im zweiten total ein, zum Jahresende ein weiterer Verlust von ca. DM 30.000.
Then, as of July 1, 1992, the solidarity surcharge was levied and, after a successful first half of the year, our turnover totally collapsed in the second half, with a further loss of about DM 30,000 at the end of the year.
Die Versuche, 1993 neue Investitionsmittel zu bekommen waren wegen der allgemeinen Verunsicherung auch nicht erfolgreich und nach einer Negativinformation an unsere Hausbank, sperrte diese unser Geschäftskonto, wodurch wir handlungsunfähig waren.
The attempts to get new investment funds in 1993 were also unsuccessful due to the general uncertainty and after a negative information to our house bank, this blocked our business account, whereby we were unable to act.
Da die Rechts- und Geschäftsform einer GmbH gesetzlichen Regelungen unterliegt, musste nach 20 Tagen im Mai 1993 bedauerlicherweise die Insolvenz angemeldet werden
Since the legal and business form of a limited liability company is subject to legal regulations, we regrettably had to file for insolvency after 20 days in May 1993."
Modelle {{Navigation}}
[[Category:Loudspeaker manufacturer]]
* Hersteller: [[Ecouton Audiolabor]]
== LQL series ==
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 50|LQL 50]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 50|LQL 50]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 70|LQL 70]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 70|LQL 70]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 100|LQL 100]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 80|LQL 80]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 120|LQL 120]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 100|LQL 100]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 150|LQL 150]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 120|LQL 120]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 155|LQL 155]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 150|LQL 150]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 160|LQL 160]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 155|LQL 155]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 175|LQL 175]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 160|LQL 160]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 200|LQL 200]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 175|LQL 175]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor LQL 300|LQL 300]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 200|LQL 200]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab LQL 300|LQL 300]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor MRL 50 Plus|MRL 50 Plus]]
== MRL series ==
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor MRL 70|MRL 70]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab MRL 50 Plus|MRL 50 Plus]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor MRL 80 Plus |MRL 80 Plus]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab MRL 70|MRL 70]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor MRL 90 |MRL 90]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab MRL 80 Plus|MRL 80 Plus]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor MRL 90 Plus |MRL 90 Plus]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab MRL 90 |MRL 90]]
* [[Ecouton Audiolabor MRL 120 Plus|MRL 120 Plus]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab MRL 90 Plus |MRL 90 Plus]]
* [[Ecouton Audio Lab MRL 120 Plus |MRL 120 Plus]]
[[en:Ecouton Audiolabor Loudspeaker]]
[[en:Ecouton Audiolabor Loudspeaker]]
== Bilder ==
== Pictures ==
Ecouton93 02.jpg
Ecouton93 02.jpg
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== Links ==
== Links ==
== Weblinks ==
== Weblinks ==
* [http://www.ecouton-audiolabor.de/ Deutsche Homepage]
* [http://www.ecouton-audiolabor.de/ German Homepage]
* Technical support, repairs and updates for Ecouton Audiolabor, etc.: [http://www.klangmeister.de/ Klangmeister]
* [http://www.hifi-archiv.info/Ecouton/ HiFi-Archiv: extensive product catalog collection]
[[Category:Loudspeaker manufacturer]]
[[en:Ecouton audio lab]]

Latest revision as of 13:21, 9 February 2021

Company profile[edit]

Ecouton audio laboratory At the Bega 11 32657 Lemgo

History: ©Ecouton-Audiolabor, Lemgo "Company history ECOUTON-Audiolabor:

The company ECOUTON-Audiolabor HiFi-Komponenten GmbH was founded in 1979 by Werner Lotterbach and Dieter Fricke as a loudspeaker distributor, after the cooperation with audiolabor, Brinkmann and Knorrn had ended. The product range was a loudspeaker series - 4 models - from Denmark, whose special feature was a solid pine cabinet, with grooves and prongs connecting the corners, named "MRL". Not very successful. Werner Lotterbach, who was actively involved, left the company in the first year due to illness and Manfred Görgen took over his share passively. The "natural wood case" was changed to a foil case and thus successful (!!!). The MRL 120 did an outstanding test win in Stereoplay and the MRL 90 was a winner that outclassed his competitors according to AUDIO. For these speakers a new crossover was developed that produced a completely unusual sound quality. A joint development with Ulrich Rahe resulted in the RABox and in 1981 in the LQL 150. The first test showed the best results, but the sound quality was not good, too little bass, too little treble. The LQL 150 was subjected to the Japanese Kaizen and constantly developed further. Better woofers, new tweeters, especially the new crossover, we called it the "Realistic Phase Crossover". And the Art Transmissionline evolved into the Wavelength Attenuation Maze, the Lambda-Q Maze, LQL. This "earned" the speaker a special position in the field of sound realism or for outstanding naturalness, which was rewarded with a test victory in HiFi Vision in 1990. In 1987 the LQL 200 was released, with a self developed midrange-tweeter, with a very low self-resonance, a very good polar diagram and an outstanding dynamic behaviour. Also the bass was very unusual, pneumatically coupled was an outer driver with an inner driver for an unusually precise and "black" bass reproduction on a Lambda-Q labyrinth with the data natural resonance 30 Hz, damping quality 0.5 and cabinet high pass 2nd order. The speaker received many very good reviews in all special interest magazines and had the reputation to produce an outstanding instrument placement in a realistic and completely detached sound field. The bass response and the dynamic resolution are also exceptional. There are some serious music lovers who consider the LQL 200 to be the most musical speaker available to date. As a final tweak in the series, the LQL 200 was equipped with a time-shifting all-pass filter to compensate for the time offset between bass/midrange and midrange/tweeter type MHT 50/25 caused by any crossover. Thus, we were probably one of the very few on the market to carry out such an optimisation. There were practically no "affordable" amplifiers on the market that could exploit the dynamic potential of the LQL loudspeakers, especially the LQL 200. Therefore, we searched intensively for a cooperation with an amplifier specialist, unfortunately not successfully. We therefore developed our own amplifiers, offered under the brand name "QUINTESSENCE", which were in a league of their own in terms of sound and performance, and were often superior to competing products of twice the price. Unfortunately an unbelievable misfortune happened: In all amplifiers and in our stock the power supply capacitors opened their safety valve and thus more than 100 units, some of which were already at customers, were irreparably destroyed. This resulted in a total damage of about DM 500.000, which brought us to the edge of our existence. Our loudspeaker cable "transientone QUADRAX kombi", which also provided an exceptional performance, was not accepted by the trade because of too complex handling and also burdened us with DM 30,000. However, 1991 was an extremely successful business year and since Chancellor Kohl had promised us flourishing landscapes after reunification, we were hopeful that we would be able to compensate for our losses. Then, as of July 1, 1992, the solidarity surcharge was levied and, after a successful first half of the year, our turnover totally collapsed in the second half, with a further loss of about DM 30,000 at the end of the year. The attempts to get new investment funds in 1993 were also unsuccessful due to the general uncertainty and after a negative information to our house bank, this blocked our business account, whereby we were unable to act. Since the legal and business form of a limited liability company is subject to legal regulations, we regrettably had to file for insolvency after 20 days in May 1993."

LQL series[edit]

MRL series[edit]




  • Technical support, repairs and updates for Ecouton Audiolabor, etc.: Klangmeister