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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
H.H. SCOTT wurde 1946 von Hermon Hosmer Scott (1909 - 1975) gegründet. Das Kürzel H.H. wurde verwendet um eine Verwechslung mit E. H. Scott, der "Radio Company of Chicago", Hersteller von sogenannten "Rolls Royce" Mittelwellen Radios, zu vermeiden.  
H.H. SCOTT was founded in 1946 by Hermon Hosmer Scott (1909 - 1975). The abbreviation H.H. was used to avoid confusion with E. H. Scott, the "Radio Company of Chicago", manufacturer of so-called "Rolls Royce" medium wave radios.  
1947 wurden der Scott Dynaural Vorverstärker und der erste Hifi Verstärker vorgestellt. Beginnend mit der Dynaural Rauschunterdrückung, das Radiostationen erlaubte auf Schallplatte und Tonband gespeicherte Musik zum ersten Mal originalgetreu und fast rauschfrei zu übertragen, hat H.H. Scott den Weg geebnet. Mit dem innovativen Design, sowie mit Feldeffekttransistoren (FETs), einheitlichen Stromkreisen (ICs), kontrollierten Scheinwiderstand Lautsprechern und der Digitaltechnologie hat sich Scott ebenfalls verdient gemacht. Es waren die folgenden Neuerungen von H.H Scott Inc., die geholfen haben, eine Hifi Industrie zu schaffen.  
In 1947 the Scott Dynaural preamplifier and the first Hifi amplifier were introduced. H.H. Scott paved the way with Dynaural Noise Reduction, which allowed radio stations to transmit music stored on records and tapes faithfully and almost noise-free for the first time. Scott also made his mark with innovative design, as well as field-effect transistors (FETs), integrated circuits (ICs), controlled impedance loudspeakers, and digital technology. It was the following innovations by H.H Scott Inc. that helped create a hi-fi industry.  
1952, H.H. Scott führte integrierte Verstärker der ersten sogenannten "schlanken Linie", den TYP Scott 99-A ein.  
1952, H.H. Scott introduced integrated amplifiers of the first so-called "slim line", the TYPE Scott 99-A.  
1955, Scott brachte den ersten Breitbandtuner, UKW und Mittelwelle (FM/AM), und den Plattenspieler H. H. Scott 710-A auf den Markt. Bis anhin gab es lediglich nur Mittelwellen Tuner bzw. Receiver.  
1955, Scott introduced the first wideband tuner, FM and medium wave (FM/AM), and the H. H. Scott 710-A record player. Until then, only medium wave tuners or receivers had been available.  
1958 begann Scott mit seiner revolutionären "Stereomaster"-Familie, unter anderem mit dem integrierten Verstärker des TYP 299. Das Wort STEREOMASTER wurde im Laufe der Jahre zu einem Begriff.
In 1958 Scott started with his revolutionary "Stereomaster" family, including the integrated amplifier of TYPE 299, and the word STEREOMASTER became a household word over the years.
1959 folgte der erste Stereo Verstärker und der Stereo Vorverstärker Scott 130. Die Stereo LP - Aufzeichnung (ab 1957), vierspurige Tonbandgeräte, UKW Stereo (FM Matrix, aus 2 Mono Kanälen generiertes Signal) und späteres richtiges Stereo (mehrfach FM ab 1961 in den USA gesendet), vergrößerte die Nachfrage nach Hi-Fi Produkten enorm.  
In 1959 the first stereo amplifier and the stereo preamplifier Scott 130 followed. Stereo LP recording (from 1957), four-track tape recorders, VHF stereo (FM matrix, signal generated from 2 mono channels) and later real stereo (multiple FM broadcast in the USA from 1961), increased the demand for hi-fi products enormously.  
1961 folgte der erste Stereo Multiplex Tuner von Scott.  
In 1961 the first stereo multiplex tuner from Scott followed.  
Mitte der 60ger Jahre fand man bei Verstärkern von Scott schon Anschlussmöglichkeiten für einen Center Speaker, z.B. Scott 296. Diese Geräte hatten einen Ausgang zum Anschluss einer zusätzlichen Mono Endstufe die mit einem dritten Lautsprecher verbunden, ein aus den beiden Stereokanälen generiertes Matrix Signal wiedergaben. Der Vorteil war eine wesentlich räumlichere Musikwiedergabe.  
In the middle of the 60s, Scott amplifiers already had connections for a centre speaker, e.g. Scott 296. These units had an output for connecting an additional mono power amplifier which, connected to a third loudspeaker, reproduced a matrix signal generated from the two stereo channels. The advantage was a much more spatial music reproduction.  
1964 kam der erste volltransistorierte Receiver von Scott.  
In 1964 came the first fully transistorized receiver from Scott.  
Scott war 1966 der erste Hifi Hersteller der Feld Effekt Transistoren in den FM Tunern verwendete. Ebenso stellte Scott den ersten Receiver her, welcher ausschließlich mit ICs bestückt war.  
In 1966 Scott was the first hi-fi manufacturer to use field effect transistors in FM tuners. Likewise Scott produced the first receiver, which was equipped exclusively with ICs.  
1967 folgten der Scott 348 und das Scott S-11 Lautsprecher System.  
In 1967 the Scott 348 and the Scott S-11 loudspeaker system followed.  
Das Scott Copley S-12 Lautsprecher System kam 1968.  
The Scott Copley S-12 speaker system came in 1968.  
1969, der erste Receiver mit Quarz Kristall Tuning und der Scott LR-88 Stereo Receiver Bausatz.  
1969, the first receiver with quartz crystal tuning and the Scott LR-88 stereo receiver kit.  
Bis Ende der 60ger Jahre erfolgte die Produktion von (Tube) Röhrengeräten, Röhren-Receivern, Röhren-Tuner und Röhren-Verstärker.  
By the end of the 60's, production of (tube) tube sets, tube receivers, tube tuners and tube amplifiers.  
Der erste Digital Frequenz Synthesizer Tuner der Welt (Scott T-33 S) kam ebenfalls von Scott, 1970 - 1975. Die Verstärker und Receiver zeichnen sich nicht nur durch ihr schönes Aussehen aus sie verfügen darüber hinaus auch über exzellente Klangeigenschaften. Das gilt auch schon für den Kleinsten, den A 416 ab Anfang der 70ger Jahre. Es wurden bei der Herstellung der Hifi Geräte nur Bauteile höchster Qualität verwendet. Da die Produktion der Hifi Geräte überschaubar war, sind die Geräte mittlerweile Raritäten. Da wären z.B. auch die Verstärker Scott A 426, Scott A 436, Scott A 236, die Receiver Scott R 31, Scott R 34, Scott R 36, Scott R 316, Scott R 326, Scott R 77, Scott R 75, Scott R 74, die Tuner Scott T 526, Scott T 33. Zu den optisch schönsten Geräten zählten die Receiver Scott R 31, Scott R 34, Scott R 36 und der Verstärker Scott A 236.  
The first digital frequency synthesizer tuner in the world (Scott T-33 S) also came from Scott, 1970 - 1975. The amplifiers and receivers are not only characterized by their beautiful appearance they also have excellent sound characteristics. This also applies to the smallest, the A 416 from the beginning of the 70s. Only components of the highest quality were used in the manufacture of the hi-fi units. Since the production of the Hifi devices was manageable, the devices are meanwhile rarities. There are e.g. also the amplifiers Scott A 426, Scott A 436, Scott A 236, the receivers Scott R 31, Scott R 34, Scott R 36, Scott R 316, Scott R 326, Scott R 77, Scott R 75, Scott R 74, the tuners Scott T 526, Scott T 33. The receivers Scott R 31, Scott R 34, Scott R 36 and the amplifier Scott A 236 were among the optically most beautiful devices.  
== Produkte ==
== Products ==
* [[Scott Endstufen|Endstufen]]
* [[Scott power amps|power amps]]
* [[Scott Lautsprecher|Lautsprecher]]
* [[Scott cassette decks|cassette decks]]
* [[Scott Plattenspieler|Plattenspieler]]
* [[Scott speakers|speakers]]
* [[Scott Record Player|Record Player]]
* [[Scott Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Scott Receiver|Receiver]]
* [[Scott Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Scott Tuner|Tuner]]
* [[Scott Vollverstärker|Vollverstärker]]
* [[Scott Integrated Amplifier|Power Amplifier]]
* [[Scott Vorverstärker|Vorverstärker]]
* [[Scott Preamplifier|Preamplifier]]
== Weblinks ==
== Web links ==
* Vintage Hifi H.H.Scott: [https://www.vintageshifi.com/hhscott.php]
== Logo ==
[[File:Scott Audio Logo.jpg]]

Latest revision as of 05:44, 8 November 2020

Company profile[edit]

H.H. SCOTT was founded in 1946 by Hermon Hosmer Scott (1909 - 1975). The abbreviation H.H. was used to avoid confusion with E. H. Scott, the "Radio Company of Chicago", manufacturer of so-called "Rolls Royce" medium wave radios. In 1947 the Scott Dynaural preamplifier and the first Hifi amplifier were introduced. H.H. Scott paved the way with Dynaural Noise Reduction, which allowed radio stations to transmit music stored on records and tapes faithfully and almost noise-free for the first time. Scott also made his mark with innovative design, as well as field-effect transistors (FETs), integrated circuits (ICs), controlled impedance loudspeakers, and digital technology. It was the following innovations by H.H Scott Inc. that helped create a hi-fi industry. 1952, H.H. Scott introduced integrated amplifiers of the first so-called "slim line", the TYPE Scott 99-A. 1955, Scott introduced the first wideband tuner, FM and medium wave (FM/AM), and the H. H. Scott 710-A record player. Until then, only medium wave tuners or receivers had been available. In 1958 Scott started with his revolutionary "Stereomaster" family, including the integrated amplifier of TYPE 299, and the word STEREOMASTER became a household word over the years. In 1959 the first stereo amplifier and the stereo preamplifier Scott 130 followed. Stereo LP recording (from 1957), four-track tape recorders, VHF stereo (FM matrix, signal generated from 2 mono channels) and later real stereo (multiple FM broadcast in the USA from 1961), increased the demand for hi-fi products enormously. In 1961 the first stereo multiplex tuner from Scott followed. In the middle of the 60s, Scott amplifiers already had connections for a centre speaker, e.g. Scott 296. These units had an output for connecting an additional mono power amplifier which, connected to a third loudspeaker, reproduced a matrix signal generated from the two stereo channels. The advantage was a much more spatial music reproduction. In 1964 came the first fully transistorized receiver from Scott. In 1966 Scott was the first hi-fi manufacturer to use field effect transistors in FM tuners. Likewise Scott produced the first receiver, which was equipped exclusively with ICs. In 1967 the Scott 348 and the Scott S-11 loudspeaker system followed. The Scott Copley S-12 speaker system came in 1968. 1969, the first receiver with quartz crystal tuning and the Scott LR-88 stereo receiver kit. By the end of the 60's, production of (tube) tube sets, tube receivers, tube tuners and tube amplifiers. The first digital frequency synthesizer tuner in the world (Scott T-33 S) also came from Scott, 1970 - 1975. The amplifiers and receivers are not only characterized by their beautiful appearance they also have excellent sound characteristics. This also applies to the smallest, the A 416 from the beginning of the 70s. Only components of the highest quality were used in the manufacture of the hi-fi units. Since the production of the Hifi devices was manageable, the devices are meanwhile rarities. There are e.g. also the amplifiers Scott A 426, Scott A 436, Scott A 236, the receivers Scott R 31, Scott R 34, Scott R 36, Scott R 316, Scott R 326, Scott R 77, Scott R 75, Scott R 74, the tuners Scott T 526, Scott T 33. The receivers Scott R 31, Scott R 34, Scott R 36 and the amplifier Scott A 236 were among the optically most beautiful devices.


Web links[edit]

  • Vintage Hifi H.H.Scott: [1]


Scott Audio Logo.jpg