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Breitbänder sind scheinbar für zeitrichtige Lautsprecher bestens geeignet, da man bei ihnen ein einziges akustisches Zentrum für einen weiten Bereich annimmt und die Wiedergabe der Punktschallquelle so möglichst nahe kommt. Sieht man aber genauer hin, dann erkennt man, dass Breitbänder vor allem die Nachteile anderer Chassis in sich vereinen und kaum ein Vorteil übrig bleibt.
A wideband is more like a narrowband compared to multi-way designs. It is a minimum phase system, but one with a very narrow quasi-linear frequency response. And it is also - at least on rough inspection - a point source, but one with often very uneven radiation characteristics. A full-range driver, however, is free of the usual phase and impulse problems that otherwise occur in the transition regions of drivers. There are limitations:
* the maximum sound pressure level
Ein Breitbänder ist im Vergleich mit Mehrwege-Konstruktionen eher ein Schmalbänder. Denn er ist zwar ein Minimalphasensystem, aber eines mit einem sehr schmalen quasi-linearen Übertragungsbereich. Und er ist auch - bei grober Betrachtung - eine Punktschallquelle, aber eine mit nicht gerade besonders guten Abstrahlverhalten. Ein Breitbänder ist aber frei von den üblichen Phasen- und Impulsproblemen, die sonst in den Übergangsbereichen auftreten. Einschränkungen gibt es:
* in the high frequency range (cut-off frequency / fine resolution)
* beim Maximalschalldruck
* in the bass range (cut-off frequency / / excursion / distortion)
* im Hochtonbereich (Grenzfrequenz / Feinauflösung)
* in the impulse response (the radiation resistance curve causes weak first half waves in the fundamental and especially in the bass range).
* im Bassbereich (Grenzfrequenz / Klirr)
* bei der Impulswiedergabe (Der Strahlungswiderstandsverlauf bedingt schwache erste Halbwellen im Grundton- und besonders im Bassbereich.)
Die Verwandschaft zu anderen "zeitrichtigen" Konzepten besteht messtechnisch in der zeitsynchronen Spielweise. Innerhalb des Übertragungsbereichs spielt alles auf den Punkt zusammen. Es entsteht das Gefühl von Natürlichkeit beim Hören. Die höchste Empfindlichkeit unseres Hörorgans liegt in der Mitte des Hörspektrums und bei den Transienten und kann daher mit einem Breitbänder sehr gut bedient werden. Dabei endet der nutzbare Übertragungsbereich oft bei deutlich weniger als 10 kHz. Die Amplitudenwerte im höheren Frequenzbereich sind dann nur eine Überlagerung von Membranresonanzen auf den Tiefpass des Chassis. Gelegentlich werden Beitbänder auch mit einem weiteren Hochtöner kombiniert, um die Hochtonwiedergabe zu verbessern. Doch dies ist zeitrichtig prinzipiell nicht möglich, da bei dem chaotischen Amplituden- und Phasenverhalten im oberen Übertragungsbereich eines Breitbändes die Addition und Subtraktion der Schallwellen ebenfalls zufällig und nicht gemäß dem Musiksignal erfolgt.  
Breitbänder haben meist nicht nur einen starken Antrieb, sondern auch sehr leichte Membranen. Daraus resultiert der angegebene, sehr hohe Wirkungsgrad. Leichte Membranen sind aber nicht sehr steif, damit entstehen die sogenannten Partialschwingungen. Sie sind das Resultat partieller Membranschwingungen, bei denen die Membran in viele kleine Teilflächen zerfällt, die jede für sich schwingen. Sie besitzen alle jeweils ihr eigenes akustisches Zentrum. Es ist also kein reiner Punktstrahler. Aufgrund dieser auf der Membran verteilten akustischen Zentren, die zudem noch zeitlich variieren, werden zeitversetzte, chaotische Schalladditionen und -subtraktionen erzeugt, welche als Interferenzen zu Unebenheiten im Frequenzgang führen.  
Full range drivers have great difficulties especially at the ends of the frequency range. They are not really powerful bass speakers. The limited linear excursion and the relatively small diaphragm area seldom allow a significant extension of the bass response at low frequencies, especially if you exceed room volume.<br />
| [[Datei:Myro.jpg]]<br />
In terms of measurement, the relationship to other "time-directed" concepts is in the time-synchronous way of playing. Within the transmission range everything plays together to the point. The result is a feeling of naturalness when listening. The highest sensitivity of our hearing organ lies in the middle of the hearing spectrum and with the transients and can therefore be served very well with a full range driver. The usable frequency range often ends at considerably less than 10 kHz. The amplitude values in the higher frequency range are then only a superposition of membrane resonances on the low pass of the chassis, which cannot be corrected by filters. <br />
Occasionally full range drivers are combined with another tweeter to improve the high frequency reproduction. However, this is not possible in principle, because the chaotic amplitude and phase behaviour in the upper transmission range of a full range driver means that the addition and subtraction of the sound waves is also random and not in accordance with the music signal. So-called "super tweeters" or coupled basses destroy the characteristic of the point source, unless it is already limited by partial oscillations.
''[[File:Myro.jpg]]<br />
''[[Wild Thing]]''
''[[Wild Thing]]''
Full-range drivers usually have not only a powerful drive, but also very light diaphragms. This results in the stated very high efficiency ''at a given frequency.'' Considered over the entire bandwidth, however, the efficiency is already significantly lower! High efficiency due to often short voice coils and light paper diaphragms also leads to non-linear excursion with strong distortions and, due to the diaphragm, to an early uneven drop of the dynamic phase. <br />
Lightweight diaphragms are also not very stiff, resulting in so-called partial oscillations. These are the result of partial diaphragm vibrations, in which the diaphragm breaks down into many small partial areas, each of which vibrates separately. They each have their own acoustic centre. It is therefore not a pure point source. Due to these acoustic centers distributed on the membrane, which also vary in time, time-shifted, chaotic sound additions and subtractions are generated, which as interferences lead to unevenness in the frequency response. <br />
Flat diaphragm loudspeakers as in the [[Myro Spirit IV]] are still the most suitable for a broadband application. The resonance phenomena are in the upper high frequency range and are often perceived by the listeners "only" as lively highs. On the other hand, the advantages of a much deeper coupling to the mid-woofers than with the usual tweeters outweigh the disadvantages, which ensures a more benign vertical dispersion behaviour of the overall system.
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[[Datei:Ess ps61.jpg]]<br />
[[File:Ess ps61.jpg]]<br />
''[[ESS PS-61]]''
''[[ESS PS-61]]''
'''Das Einschwingen'''<br />
'''The transient'''<br />
Ein Breitbänder vereint die Eigenschaften von Hoch- und Tieftönern. Sein Einschwingverhalten wird damit von einem Hoch- und einem Tiefpass an der unteren und oberen Grenzfrequenz bestimmt. Die Einschwingverzerrungen sind damit ebenso vorhanden wie bei getrennten Hoch- und Tieftönern.
A full-range driver combines the characteristics of tweeters and woofers. Its transient response is thus determined by a high-pass and a low-pass at the lower and upper cut-off frequencies. The transient distortions are thus just as present as with separate tweeters and woofers.
Ein zeitrichtiger Lautsprecher sollte einen schnell einschwingenden Hochtöner haben, der bereits die erste Halbwelle korrekt reproduzieren kann. Dies erfordert eine hohe Resonanzfrequenz. Bisher bieten die Accuton Diamanthochtöner die besten Eigenschaften. Der Breitbänder verhält sich aber umgekehrt. Betrachtet man seinen Frequenzgang, so sieht man neben einem recht glatten Verlauf im Mitteltonbereich zu zunehmende Welligkeit im Hochtonbereich. Das sind [[Resonanzen]], welche den Hochtonpegel erzeugen. Wie bei allen Resonanzen handelt es sich um unmodulierten Schall, der keine Musikinformation enthält. Breitbänder geben daher im Hochton kaum Musik wieder, sondern ein chaotisch erzeugtes Frequenzgemisch. Die für die Musik vorhandene Nutzbandbreite ist also sehr viel geringer als der Frequenzgang angibt! Entsprechend hat man den Eindruck, dass es zwar nicht an Hochtonpegel, aber an Auflösung fehlt. Es ist anzumerken, dass im Datenblatt dargestellte Frequenzgänge oft geglättet wurden, die Welligkeit bei der realen Messung also noch deutlich stärker ausfälltAufgrund der Trägheit der Membran und der Entstehung von Hochtonresonenzen ist im Hochton mit einer sehr schlechten Reproduktion der ersten Wellenfront rechnen. <br />
A time aligned loudspeaker should have a fast transient tweeter, which can already reproduce the first half wave correctly. This requires a high resonant frequency. So far the Accuton diamond tweeters offer the best characteristics. But the full range driver behaves the other way round. If one looks at its frequency response, one sees besides a quite smooth course in the midrange to increasing ripple in the high frequency range. These are [[resonances]], which produce the high frequency level. As with all resonances, this is unmodulated sound that contains no musical information. Wide-range drivers therefore hardly reproduce any music in the high-frequency range, but a chaotically generated mixture of frequencies. The useful bandwidth available for music is therefore much smaller than the frequency response indicates! Accordingly, one has the impression that there is no lack of high frequency level, but there is a lack of resolution. It has to be noted that the frequency response shown in the data sheet is often smoothed, so the ripple is even more pronounced in real measurementsDue to the inertia of the diaphragm and the development of high frequency resonances, a very poor reproduction of the first wavefront is to be expected in the high frequencies. <br />
Für den Tiefton fehlt es hingegen an der nötigen Membranfläche.  
For the low frequencies, on the other hand, there is a lack of the necessary diaphragm area.  
Im Einschwingen wird aus dem Breitbänder also ein Chassis, das nur in einem schmalbandigen Bereich eine korrekte Reproduktion liefert.
In the transient response the full range driver becomes a driver that only delivers a correct reproduction in a narrow band range.
'''Abstrahlung unter Winkel'''<br />
'''Radiation under angle'''<br />
Für [[Zeitrichtiges Hören im Raum]] sind nicht nur der Direktschall, sondern auch die Reflexionen an den Seitenwänden relevant. Denn auch Reflexionen sind von unterschiedlicher Authentizität und tragen ihren Teil zum Klangerlebnis bei. Breitbänder sind außerhalb der Achse in der Regel aber extrem nichtlinear und daher gibt es auch keine zeitrichtigen Reflexionen im Raum.  
For [[time-correct listening in a room]] not only the direct sound but also the reflections at the side walls are relevant. This is because reflections are also of varying authenticity and contribute their part to the sound experience. However, full range drivers are usually extremely non-linear off-axis and therefore there are no time-corrected reflections in the room. Filters should only be used to correct non-linearities that do not occur only at certain angles. There are many resonances which, for example, lead to extreme overshoots on axis, but form a dip at an angle, e.g. 30 degrees, because the partial oscillations cancel each other out at this angle. Especially with drivers that are operated openly in their upper transmission range, i.e. with full-range drivers, these problems show up clearly. And they are not covered by the sound component of a tweeter.
Wenn Membranresonanzen den Frequenzgang bei höheren Frequenzen ausmachen und diese vor allem aus Partialschwingungen bestehen, dann wird das nichts mit der Zeitrichtigkeit unter Winkel.<br />
If diaphragm resonances make up the frequency response at higher frequencies and these mainly consist of partial oscillations, then the time correctness under angle does not work.<br />
''- Fortsetzung folgt -''
<''zurück: [[Myroklopädie]]''><br />
<''zurück: [[Myroklopädie]]''><br />
<''zurück: [[Myro]]''>
<''zurück: [[Myro]]''>

Latest revision as of 13:15, 31 October 2020

Template:Delete candidate

A wideband is more like a narrowband compared to multi-way designs. It is a minimum phase system, but one with a very narrow quasi-linear frequency response. And it is also - at least on rough inspection - a point source, but one with often very uneven radiation characteristics. A full-range driver, however, is free of the usual phase and impulse problems that otherwise occur in the transition regions of drivers. There are limitations:

  • the maximum sound pressure level
  • in the high frequency range (cut-off frequency / fine resolution)
  • in the bass range (cut-off frequency / / excursion / distortion)
  • in the impulse response (the radiation resistance curve causes weak first half waves in the fundamental and especially in the bass range).

Full range drivers have great difficulties especially at the ends of the frequency range. They are not really powerful bass speakers. The limited linear excursion and the relatively small diaphragm area seldom allow a significant extension of the bass response at low frequencies, especially if you exceed room volume.
In terms of measurement, the relationship to other "time-directed" concepts is in the time-synchronous way of playing. Within the transmission range everything plays together to the point. The result is a feeling of naturalness when listening. The highest sensitivity of our hearing organ lies in the middle of the hearing spectrum and with the transients and can therefore be served very well with a full range driver. The usable frequency range often ends at considerably less than 10 kHz. The amplitude values in the higher frequency range are then only a superposition of membrane resonances on the low pass of the chassis, which cannot be corrected by filters.
Occasionally full range drivers are combined with another tweeter to improve the high frequency reproduction. However, this is not possible in principle, because the chaotic amplitude and phase behaviour in the upper transmission range of a full range driver means that the addition and subtraction of the sound waves is also random and not in accordance with the music signal. So-called "super tweeters" or coupled basses destroy the characteristic of the point source, unless it is already limited by partial oscillations. Myro.jpg
Wild Thing

Full-range drivers usually have not only a powerful drive, but also very light diaphragms. This results in the stated very high efficiency at a given frequency. Considered over the entire bandwidth, however, the efficiency is already significantly lower! High efficiency due to often short voice coils and light paper diaphragms also leads to non-linear excursion with strong distortions and, due to the diaphragm, to an early uneven drop of the dynamic phase.
Lightweight diaphragms are also not very stiff, resulting in so-called partial oscillations. These are the result of partial diaphragm vibrations, in which the diaphragm breaks down into many small partial areas, each of which vibrates separately. They each have their own acoustic centre. It is therefore not a pure point source. Due to these acoustic centers distributed on the membrane, which also vary in time, time-shifted, chaotic sound additions and subtractions are generated, which as interferences lead to unevenness in the frequency response.
Flat diaphragm loudspeakers as in the Myro Spirit IV are still the most suitable for a broadband application. The resonance phenomena are in the upper high frequency range and are often perceived by the listeners "only" as lively highs. On the other hand, the advantages of a much deeper coupling to the mid-woofers than with the usual tweeters outweigh the disadvantages, which ensures a more benign vertical dispersion behaviour of the overall system.

Ess ps61.jpg

The transient
A full-range driver combines the characteristics of tweeters and woofers. Its transient response is thus determined by a high-pass and a low-pass at the lower and upper cut-off frequencies. The transient distortions are thus just as present as with separate tweeters and woofers.

A time aligned loudspeaker should have a fast transient tweeter, which can already reproduce the first half wave correctly. This requires a high resonant frequency. So far the Accuton diamond tweeters offer the best characteristics. But the full range driver behaves the other way round. If one looks at its frequency response, one sees besides a quite smooth course in the midrange to increasing ripple in the high frequency range. These are resonances, which produce the high frequency level. As with all resonances, this is unmodulated sound that contains no musical information. Wide-range drivers therefore hardly reproduce any music in the high-frequency range, but a chaotically generated mixture of frequencies. The useful bandwidth available for music is therefore much smaller than the frequency response indicates! Accordingly, one has the impression that there is no lack of high frequency level, but there is a lack of resolution. It has to be noted that the frequency response shown in the data sheet is often smoothed, so the ripple is even more pronounced in real measurements. Due to the inertia of the diaphragm and the development of high frequency resonances, a very poor reproduction of the first wavefront is to be expected in the high frequencies.
For the low frequencies, on the other hand, there is a lack of the necessary diaphragm area. In the transient response the full range driver becomes a driver that only delivers a correct reproduction in a narrow band range.

Radiation under angle
For time-correct listening in a room not only the direct sound but also the reflections at the side walls are relevant. This is because reflections are also of varying authenticity and contribute their part to the sound experience. However, full range drivers are usually extremely non-linear off-axis and therefore there are no time-corrected reflections in the room. Filters should only be used to correct non-linearities that do not occur only at certain angles. There are many resonances which, for example, lead to extreme overshoots on axis, but form a dip at an angle, e.g. 30 degrees, because the partial oscillations cancel each other out at this angle. Especially with drivers that are operated openly in their upper transmission range, i.e. with full-range drivers, these problems show up clearly. And they are not covered by the sound component of a tweeter. If diaphragm resonances make up the frequency response at higher frequencies and these mainly consist of partial oscillations, then the time correctness under angle does not work.

<zurück: Myroklopädie>
<zurück: Myro>