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== Daten ==
== Data ==
* Hersteller: [[Luxman]]
* Modell: Laboratory Reference 5E-24
* Manufacturer: [[Luxman]]
* Baujahre: 1976 - 1982
* Model: Laboratory Reference 5E-24
* Hergestellt in: Japan
* Type: Stereo level meter
* Farbe: Silber
* Years of manufacture: 1976 - 1982
* Typ: Stereo Pegelmesser
* Made in: Japan
* Leistungsaufnahme: 10 W
* Color: Silver
* Abmessungen (BxHxT): 442 x 57 x 400mm
* Power consumption: 10 W
* Gewicht: 5,5 kg  
* Dimensions (WxHxD): 442 x 57 x 400mm
* Neupreis ca.: 80'000 Yen (Japan, 1977), 895 US-$, 1100 DM
* Weight: 5.5 kg  
* Original price approx.: 80'000 Yen (Japan, 1977), 295 US-$, 1'100 DM
* Anzahl der Eingänge:
* Number of inputs:
** Phono MM 1: 2.5 mV, 50kohm (regelbar von 30 - 100 kOhm)
** Input with input sensitivity High at input impedance 50 kOhm:
** Phono MM 2: 2.5 mV, 50kohm (regelbar von 30 - 100 kOhm)
*** 20 W (selector: - 10 dB at 12.6 V).
** Phono MC: Anschluss für externen Signalübertrager
*** 200 W (selector: 0 dB at 40V)
** Tuner: 150 mV, 50kOhm
** Input with input sensitivity Low at input impedance 50 kOhm:  
** Aux: 150 mV, 50kOhm
*** 1 V (selector: 0 dBs)
** Tape 1: 150 mV, 50kOhm
*** 0.316 V (selector: -10 dBs)
** Tape 1 DIN:
** Tape 2: 150 mV, 50kOhm
* Anzahl der Ausgänge:
** Pre Out 1 & 2: typisch 1V, max. 18V, <0,005%, 500 Ohm
** Tape 1 Rec Out: 150mV, max. 18V, <0,005%, 500 Ohm
** Tape 1 DIN:
** Tape 2 Rec Out: 150mV, max. 18V, <0,005%, 500 Ohm
'''Technical Data'''
* Frequency response: 10 Hz - 40'000 Hz, - 0.5dB
* Rise time: 0.1 seconds
* Hold time: 30 ms
* Display accuracy:
** Within 0.5 dB (-12 dB to + 3 dB).
** Within - 1 dB (-15 dB to - 30 dB)
'''Technische Daten'''
* Frequenzgang:
** Phono: 20Hz - 20'000 Hz, ±0.2dB
** Tuner, AUX: 1Hz - 200'000 Hz, 0.5dB
* Klirrfaktor:
** Phono MM 1 & 2, MC: <0.005%
** Tuner, AUX1, 2: 0.005%
* Signalrauschabstand:
** Phono MM 1 & 2: 80dB
** Phono MC:
** Tuner, AUX: 100dB
** Tape 1 & 2: 100dB 
* Lautstärkeabschwächer: regelbar von -40 dB bis - 15 dB
* Klangregelung: nur Regler von Sharp bis Broad
* Loudness: nein
* High Filter: umschaltbar 12 kHz, Off, 18 kHz
* Low Filter (Subsonic): umschaltbar 4 Hz, Off, 7 Hz
'''Special Features'''
* Electronically constructed level peak display
* Display is in the range of - 30 dB to + 30 dB in 3 dB steps with the help of 12 LEDs per channel
Peak-Hold function allows freezing of the peak value with the help of a LED
'''Besondere Ausstattungen'''
* DC Vorverstärker mit Funktionsanzeigenlampe: "Weiss" = Normalbetrieb, "Rot" = DC Offset
* Linear Equalizer mit Regelbereich von Up-Tilt bis Down-Tilt
* Mono - Stereo - Reverse - Umschalter
* Lautstärkeabschwächer umschaltbar: Preset (regelbar von -40 dB bis - 15 dB), Off, Signal Off
* Anschluss für MC Step-up Transformator, Einsteckplatz auf der Rückseite
== Remarks ==
* The Luxman Laboratory Reference Series made its debut in 1976.
* Highlights included the first Real Time Processed DC amplifier and the first synthesizer tuner.
* Other components of the Laboratory Reference Series included the 5M-21 power amplifier, the 5G-12 graphic equalizer, the 5F-70 parametric tone control, and the 5E-24 LED level meter unit.
* In 1977 and 1978 the Luxman Laboratory Reference Series was extended by the following units: The 5L-15 integrated amplifier, the 5M-20 power amplifier without VU meter as well as a cheaper tuner, the 5T-10 and the cassette tape deck 5K-50. The latter was probably purchased from a third party manufacturer.
* The functionality, performance and innovative design made the series unique and distinctive.
* Special features were:
** World's first DC amplifier and synthesizer tuner.
** Computer controlled cassette deck
Stackable components (the 4 device feet had corresponding recesses with the device standing underneath)
== Bemerkungen ==
* Die Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie hatte ihr Debüt 1976.
* Highlights waren der erste Real Time Processed DC-Verstärker und der erste Synthesizer Tuner.
* Weitere Komponenten der Laboratory Reference Series waren nebst der Endstufe 5M-21, der 5G-12 Graphic Equalizer, der 5F-70 Parametrische Klangregler sowie die 5E-24 LED Pegelanzeige Einheit.
* 1977 und 1978 wurde die Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie um folgende Geräte erweitert: Der 5L-15 Vollverstärker, der 5M-20 Endverstärker ohne VU-Meter sowie ein günstigerer Tuner, der 5T-10 und das Kassetten Tape Deck 5K-50. Letzteres wurde wahrscheinlich von einem Dritthersteller bezogen.
* Die Funktionalität, Performance und das innovative Design machte die Serie einmalig und unverkennbar.
* Besondere Kennzeichen waren:
** Erster DC-Verstärker und Synthesizer Tuner der Welt
** Computergesteuertes Kassettendeck
** Stapelbare Komponenten (die 4 Gerätefüße hatten entsprechende Vertiefungen beim darunter stehenden Gerät)
* Other models in the same series:
* Weitere Modelle der gleichen Serie:
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5C-50|5C-50 Preamplifier]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5C-50|5C-50 Vorverstärker]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5M-21|5M-21 Power Amplifier]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5M-21|5M-21 Endstufe]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5T-50|5T-50 Tuner]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5T-50|5T-50 Tuner]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5F-70|5F-70 Klangregler]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5F-70|5F-70 Tone Control]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5G-12|5G-12 Equalizer]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5G-12|5G-12 Equalizer]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24|5E-24 Pegelmesser]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24|5E-24 Level Meter]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5L-15|5L-15 Vollverstärker]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5L-15|5L-15 Integrated Amplifier]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5M-20|5M-20 Endstufe]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5M-20|5M-20 Power Amplifier]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5T-10|5T-10 Tuner]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5T-10|5T-10 Tuner]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5K-50|5K-50 Tape]]
** [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5K-50|5K-50 Tape]]
== Bilder ==
== Pictures ==
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie 5C-50 Front
* [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 Front
[[Datei:Luxman Laboratory Reference 5C-50-1.jpg]]
[[File:Luxman 5E-24-1.jpg]]
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie 5C-50 Frontdetails Links
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 Front Details Left
[[Datei:Luxman Laboratory Reference 5C-50-2.jpg]]
[[File:Luxman 5E-24-2.jpg]]
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie 5C-50 Frontdetails Mitte
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 Front Details Right
[[Datei:Luxman Laboratory Reference 5C-50-3.jpg]]
[[File:Luxman 5E-24-3.jpg]]
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie 5C-50 Frontdetails Rechts
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 rear panel details.
[[Datei:Luxman Laboratory Reference 5C-50-4.jpg]]
[[File:Luxman 5E-24-4.jpg]]
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Serie 5C-50 Rückseite
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Series brochure image
[[Datei:Luxman Laboratory Reference 5C-50-6.jpg]]
[[File:Luxman Laboratory Reference Series-1.jpg]]
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Series Prospektbild
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Series description from Luxman USA
[[Datei:Luxman Laboratory Reference Series-1.jpg]]
[[File:Luxman Laboratory USA Series-2.jpg]]
* Luxman Laboratory Reference Series Beschreibung von Luxman USA
[[Datei:Luxman Laboratory USA Series-1.jpg]]
== Reports ==
== Berichte ==
* Externer Bericht: Webseite "Hifi Studio": [http://www.hifi-studio.de/hifi-klassiker/luxman.htm]
== Links ==
* External Link: "Hifi Archive" website: [http://www.hifi-archiv.info/Luxman/1980/Luxman80_05.jpg]
== Links ==
* External Link: "Hifi Archive" website: [http://www.hifi-archiv.info/Luxman/Lab/luxman-03.jpg]
* Externer Link: Webseite "Wegavision Pytalhost": [http://wegavision.pytalhost.com/Luxman/1980/Luxman80_04.jpg]
* Externer Link: Webseite "Wegavision Pytalhost": [http://wegavision.pytalhost.com/Luxman/Lab/luxman-04.jpg]
* External Link: "The Vintage Knob" website: [http://www.thevintageknob.org/luxman-Laboratory_Reference_Series.html]
* Externer Link: Webseite "The Vintage Knob": [http://www.thevintageknob.org/luxman-Laboratory_Reference_Series.html]
* External link: Audio Heritage, Japan website: [http://audio-heritage.jp/LUXMAN/etc/5e24.html]
* Externer Link: Webseite "Audio Heritage, Japan": [http://audio-heritage.jp/LUXMAN/etc/5e24.html]
Luxman Produkteübersicht: [[Luxman]]

Latest revision as of 07:24, 18 September 2020



  • Manufacturer: Luxman
  • Model: Laboratory Reference 5E-24
  • Type: Stereo level meter
  • Years of manufacture: 1976 - 1982
  • Made in: Japan
  • Color: Silver
  • Power consumption: 10 W
  • Dimensions (WxHxD): 442 x 57 x 400mm
  • Weight: 5.5 kg
  • Original price approx.: 80'000 Yen (Japan, 1977), 295 US-$, 1'100 DM


  • Number of inputs:
    • Input with input sensitivity High at input impedance 50 kOhm:
      • 20 W (selector: - 10 dB at 12.6 V).
      • 200 W (selector: 0 dB at 40V)
    • Input with input sensitivity Low at input impedance 50 kOhm:
      • 1 V (selector: 0 dBs)
      • 0.316 V (selector: -10 dBs)

Technical Data

  • Frequency response: 10 Hz - 40'000 Hz, - 0.5dB
  • Rise time: 0.1 seconds
  • Hold time: 30 ms
  • Display accuracy:
    • Within 0.5 dB (-12 dB to + 3 dB).
    • Within - 1 dB (-15 dB to - 30 dB)

Special Features

  • Electronically constructed level peak display
  • Display is in the range of - 30 dB to + 30 dB in 3 dB steps with the help of 12 LEDs per channel

Peak-Hold function allows freezing of the peak value with the help of a LED


  • The Luxman Laboratory Reference Series made its debut in 1976.
  • Highlights included the first Real Time Processed DC amplifier and the first synthesizer tuner.
  • Other components of the Laboratory Reference Series included the 5M-21 power amplifier, the 5G-12 graphic equalizer, the 5F-70 parametric tone control, and the 5E-24 LED level meter unit.
  • In 1977 and 1978 the Luxman Laboratory Reference Series was extended by the following units: The 5L-15 integrated amplifier, the 5M-20 power amplifier without VU meter as well as a cheaper tuner, the 5T-10 and the cassette tape deck 5K-50. The latter was probably purchased from a third party manufacturer.
  • The functionality, performance and innovative design made the series unique and distinctive.
  • Special features were:
    • World's first DC amplifier and synthesizer tuner.
    • Computer controlled cassette deck

Stackable components (the 4 device feet had corresponding recesses with the device standing underneath)


  • [[Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 Front

Luxman 5E-24-1.jpg

  • Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 Front Details Left

Luxman 5E-24-2.jpg

  • Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 Front Details Right

Luxman 5E-24-3.jpg

  • Luxman Laboratory Reference Series 5E-24 rear panel details.

Luxman 5E-24-4.jpg

  • Luxman Laboratory Reference Series brochure image

Luxman Laboratory Reference Series-1.jpg

  • Luxman Laboratory Reference Series description from Luxman USA

Luxman Laboratory USA Series-2.jpg



  • External Link: "Hifi Archive" website: [1]
  • External Link: "Hifi Archive" website: [2]
  • External Link: "The Vintage Knob" website: [3]
  • External link: Audio Heritage, Japan website: [4]