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== Swans Speaker Systems Inc.Acoustic Technology ist einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller hochwertiger Lautsprechersysteme. Einige der besten Elektro- Akustik-Ingenieure und Techniker sind in diesem Unternehmen beschäftigt. 1994 wurde eines der modernsten Forschungs- und Entwicklungslabors in Toronto, Kanada gegründet, welches unter anderem durch die Erfolge revolutionärer und innovativer Lautsprecherentwicklungen vergangener Jahre angetrieben wurde. 1997 fusionierte der legendäre amerikanische Lautsprecherhersteller Swans-Speaker Systems mit HiVi-Research, einem der größten asiatischen Lautsprecherhersteller. Es wurde eine gemeinsame Niederlassung in Monterey Park, Kalifornien gegründet. Der weltweit anerkannte Experte für Audiotechnik Frank Hale, ehemaliger Präsident und Gründer von Swans, übernahm die Position des Entwicklungsleiters für die Lautsprechersysteme. Neben Frank Hale waren bekannte Entwickler, wie unter anderem Joe D'Appolito sowie Vance Dickason (Loudspeaker Design Coockbook), maßgeblich an den innovativen Entwicklungen beteiligt. Swans/Hivi's eigene Technologien, wie zum Beispiel die legendären Planar-Bändchenhochtöner, werden von weltweit anerkannten HighEnd-Lautsprecher- Herstellern verwendet. Viele bekannte Lautsprecher- Marken lassen ihre Chassis oder die kompletten Lautsprecherboxen bei Swans/HiVi produzieren und teilweise entwickeln. So werden jährlich über 3 Mio. Lautsprecherchassis und ca. 600000 Lautsprecher- boxen produziert. Die gesamte Produktion ist selbstverständlich nach ISO-9002 zertifiziert. Mit massiven Investitionen in Forschung und Entwicklung setzt Swans/HiVi auf fortschrittliche Technologien und modernste Fertigung.
== Company Profile==
Das Unternehmen verfügt über einen der weltweit größten und modernsten Akustikmeßräume. Bei der Entwicklung werden Meßsysteme wie z.B. MLSSA, B&K, Clio, LMS/LEAP, TEF usw. eingesetzt. Der Zusammschluss mit HiVi-Research brachte Swans in die Lage, höchstwertige Lautsprecher- Systeme kostengünstigst zu produzieren. Zahlreiche internationale Auszeichnungen zeugen von der kompromisslosen Qualität der Swans Lautsprecher.Das Produktsortiment von Swans/HiVi-Research für Lautsprecherchassis- und Boxen ist seit vielen Jahren im nordamerikanischen, europäischen und asiatischen Markt bekannt. Allein in Asien besitzt Swans/HiVi über 300 Niederlassungen und verfügt zusätzlich über ein Fachhändlernetzwerk von mehr als 800 Geschäften. Mit dem ernormen Erfolg kam ein beachtliches Wachstum des Unternehmens, welches fast unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten bei der Produktentwicklung-u.Fertigung schafft. Nicht zuletzt hierdurch ist das schon fast unglaubliche Preis-Leistungsverhältnis der Swans Lautsprecher zu begründen. HiVi-Research Gründer und Präsident Hong Bo Yao treibt den Aufbau der Firma mit dem Ziel voran, höchstwertige und innovative audiophile Produkte zu produzieren und das Sortiment ständig zu erweitern. So umfasst das Produktsortiment neben den HighEnd-u.Homecinema- Lautsprecher- systemen auch unterschiedlichste Produkte aus dem professionellen Beschallungs- und Multimediabereich sowie Elektronikkomponenten inclusive Mobilemedia. Der kompromisslos hohe Qualitätsanspruch der Firmeninhaber sorgt dabei maßgeblich für die überzeugende audiophile Performance der Swans u. HiVi-Komponenten, die selbst den kritischsten Hörer überzeugt.==
Swans Speaker Systems Inc.Acoustic Technology is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high quality speaker systems. Some of the best electro-acoustic engineers and technicians are employed by this company.  
In 1994, one of the most advanced research and development laboratories in Toronto, Canada was established, driven in part by the success of revolutionary and innovative loudspeaker developments of years past. In 1997, the legendary American loudspeaker manufacturer Swans-Speaker Systems merged with HiVi-Research, one of the largest Asian loudspeaker manufacturers. A joint subsidiary was established in Monterey Park, California. The world-renowned expert in audio technology Frank Hale, former president and founder of Swans, took over the position of development manager for the speaker systems. In addition to Frank Hale, well-known developers such as Joe D'Appolito and Vance Dickason (Loudspeaker Design Coockbook), among others, were instrumental in the innovative developments. Swans/Hivi's proprietary technologies, such as the legendary Planar ribbon tweeters, are used by world-renowned high-end loudspeaker manufacturers. Many well-known loudspeaker brands have their chassis or complete loudspeaker cabinets produced and partly developed by Swans/HiVi. Thus, more than 3 million loudspeaker chassis and approx. 600000 loudspeaker cabinets are produced annually. The entire production is of course certified according to ISO-9002. With massive investments in research and development, Swans/HiVi focuses on advanced technologies and state-of-the-art manufacturing.
== High End Lautsprecher, Heimkino Lautsprecher, Homecinema Lautsprecher, Einbau Lautsprecher, Caraudio, Lautsprecher Chassis, Bändchen Hochtöner ==
The company has one of the world's largest and most modern acoustic measuring rooms. Measurement systems such as MLSSA, B&K, Clio, LMS/LEAP, TEF etc. are used in development. The cooperation with HiVi-Research has enabled Swans to produce high quality loudspeaker systems at low cost. Numerous international awards testify to the uncompromising quality of Swans loudspeakers. The Swans/HiVi-Research product range of loudspeaker chassis and cabinets has been well known for many years in the North American, European and Asian markets. In Asia alone, Swans/HiVi has over 300 branches and also has a dealer network of more than 800 stores. With the enormous success came a considerable growth of the company, which creates almost unlimited possibilities in product development and manufacturing. This is one of the reasons for the almost unbelievable price-performance ratio of the Swans loudspeakers. HiVi-Research founder and president Hong Bo Yao drives the development of the company with the aim to produce high quality and innovative audiophile products and to constantly expand the product range. The product range includes high-end and home cinema loudspeaker systems as well as various products from the professional sound and multimedia sector and electronic components including mobile media. The uncompromisingly high quality standards of the company owners are the main reason for the convincing audiophile performance of the Swans and HiVi components, which will convince even the most critical listener.
== http://www.swans-speaker.com ==
== Products ==
* [[Swans Speaker Loudspeaker]]
* [[Swans Speaker Speaker Chassis|Loudspeaker Chassis]]
* [[Swans Speaker Subwoofer|Subwoofer]]
== Links ==
* [[http://www.swans-speaker.com Official Homepage]]
[[Category:Loudspeaker manufacturer]]

Latest revision as of 02:27, 15 March 2008

Company Profile[edit]

Swans Speaker Systems Inc.Acoustic Technology is one of the world's leading manufacturers of high quality speaker systems. Some of the best electro-acoustic engineers and technicians are employed by this company.

In 1994, one of the most advanced research and development laboratories in Toronto, Canada was established, driven in part by the success of revolutionary and innovative loudspeaker developments of years past. In 1997, the legendary American loudspeaker manufacturer Swans-Speaker Systems merged with HiVi-Research, one of the largest Asian loudspeaker manufacturers. A joint subsidiary was established in Monterey Park, California. The world-renowned expert in audio technology Frank Hale, former president and founder of Swans, took over the position of development manager for the speaker systems. In addition to Frank Hale, well-known developers such as Joe D'Appolito and Vance Dickason (Loudspeaker Design Coockbook), among others, were instrumental in the innovative developments. Swans/Hivi's proprietary technologies, such as the legendary Planar ribbon tweeters, are used by world-renowned high-end loudspeaker manufacturers. Many well-known loudspeaker brands have their chassis or complete loudspeaker cabinets produced and partly developed by Swans/HiVi. Thus, more than 3 million loudspeaker chassis and approx. 600000 loudspeaker cabinets are produced annually. The entire production is of course certified according to ISO-9002. With massive investments in research and development, Swans/HiVi focuses on advanced technologies and state-of-the-art manufacturing.

The company has one of the world's largest and most modern acoustic measuring rooms. Measurement systems such as MLSSA, B&K, Clio, LMS/LEAP, TEF etc. are used in development. The cooperation with HiVi-Research has enabled Swans to produce high quality loudspeaker systems at low cost. Numerous international awards testify to the uncompromising quality of Swans loudspeakers. The Swans/HiVi-Research product range of loudspeaker chassis and cabinets has been well known for many years in the North American, European and Asian markets. In Asia alone, Swans/HiVi has over 300 branches and also has a dealer network of more than 800 stores. With the enormous success came a considerable growth of the company, which creates almost unlimited possibilities in product development and manufacturing. This is one of the reasons for the almost unbelievable price-performance ratio of the Swans loudspeakers. HiVi-Research founder and president Hong Bo Yao drives the development of the company with the aim to produce high quality and innovative audiophile products and to constantly expand the product range. The product range includes high-end and home cinema loudspeaker systems as well as various products from the professional sound and multimedia sector and electronic components including mobile media. The uncompromisingly high quality standards of the company owners are the main reason for the convincing audiophile performance of the Swans and HiVi components, which will convince even the most critical listener.

