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== Beschreibung ==
== Description ==
Relativ großer Kompaktlautsprecher, der neben Heimanwendung auch im Tonstudio Anwendung findet. Er wurde sogar für die Sprachübertragung in einem Tempel eingebaut (1 Lautsprecher, bis zu ca. 25 m Hörabstand). Das Modell wurde zunächst auf besondere Kundenanforderung als Rücklautsprecher zur [[Myro Grand Concert II]] entwickelt und stellt eine Weiterentwicklung des [[Myro Concert Monitor]] dar. <br />
Relatively large compact loudspeaker, used in recording studios in addition to home applications. It was even installed for speech transmission in a temple (1 speaker, up to approx. 25 m listening distance). The model was initially developed on special customer request as a rear speaker to the [[Myro Grand Concert II]] and represents a further development of the [[Myro Concert Monitor]]. <br />
Das ursprüngliche Design war geprägt durch Myro-typische rustikale und kantige Formen. Eine Überarbeitung 2009 verrundete die Gehäuseformen und glich sie der neuen [[Myro Ocean]] an, welche eine Weiterentwicklung der Whisky mit mehr Kompetenz im Tiefton ist.
The original design was characterized by Myro-typical rustic and angular shapes. A revision in 2009 rounded off the cabinet shapes and brought them into line with the new [[Myro Ocean]], which is a further development of the Whisky with more competence in the low frequency range.
* Kompaktlautsprecher
* Compact loudspeaker
* Wege: 2
* Ways: 2
* Gehäuse: Bassreflex
* Housing: Bass reflex
*Maße (H x B x T) = 58,4 cm x 21 cm x x 37,9 cm
*Dimensions (H x W x D) = 58.4 cm x 21 cm x 37.9 cm
*Impedanz: 4 Ohm
*Impedance: 4 Ohm
*Gewicht: 17 kg
*Weight: 17 kg
Neupreis: 10270 Euro
Original price: 10270 Euro
'''Bestückung'''<br />
'''Equipment'''<br />
Hochton: Mundorf [[AMT 2540]]<br />
tweeter: Mundorf [[AMT 2540]]<br />
Tief-Mittelton: [[Seas]] [[Excel W16-NX001]]
Low-mid: [[Seas]] [[Excel W16-NX001]]
Mindesthörabstand: 1,7 m<br />
Minimum listening distance: 1,7 m<br />
Es sind auch 1,5 m möglich. Dabei sollte man horizontal leicht außerhalb der Achse hören, damit der Hochtonpegel nicht über dem Niveau des Mitteltonpegels liegt. Auch die Sprungantwort ist dabei wieder in Ordnung.  
1.5 m is also possible. When doing so, listen slightly off axis horizontally so that the high frequency level is not above the midrange level. Again, the step response is fine in this case.  
'''Crossover'''<br />
The Whisky has a double rear wall. In between is the crossover chamber, which is decoupled from the pressure volume. Vibrations of the crossover components and the associated microphonic effects are thus minimized.<br />
Due to the Myro-typical filters there is no classical crossover frequency with the Whisky. The crossover range is around 2 to 4 kHz. The woofers are still involved in the action with a smaller proportion above this. The reproduction of the 3 kHz sine wave (first period, picture) is an interaction of the Air Motion Transformer and the Seas drivers. The measuring signal around 3 kHz is one of the hardest touchstones for loudspeakers, as this frequency range is normally the crossover frequency between midrange and tweeter system.
'''Frequenzweiche'''<br />
== Extension ==
Die Whisky verfügt über eine doppelte Rückwand. Dazwischen ist die vom Druckvolumen abgekoppelte Frequenzweichenkammer. Schwingungen der Weichenbauteile und die damit verbundenen Mikrofonieeffekte werden somit minimiert.<br />
The Whisky can be extended with the bass modules [[Myro The Rocks]].  
Aufgrund der Myro-typischen Filter gibt es bei der Whisky keine klassische Trennfrequenz. Der Übergangsbereich befindet sich im Bereich um 2 bis 4 kHz. Die Tieftöner sind mit geringerem Anteil auch darüber noch am Geschehen beteiligt. Die Wiedergabe des 3 kHz Sinus (erste Periode, Bild) ist ein Zusammenspiel des Air Motion Transformers und der Seas-Chassis. Das Messsignal um 3 kHz ist einer der härtesten Prüfsteine für Lautsprecher, da in diesem Frequenzbereich normalerweise die Trennfrequenz zwischen Mittel- und Hochtonsystem liegt.
== Bilder ==
== Pictures ==
Datei:P whisky 480.jpg|Myro Whisky, frühes Design
File:P whisky 480.jpg|Myro Whisky, early design
Datei:Whisky11.jpg|späteres Design
File:Whisky11.jpg|later design
Datei:IMG 5754 Whisky mit Liedtke Stativ 25.jpg
Datei:Myro_Whisky_Weiche.jpg|Frequenzweiche der Whisky
File:10624740 834014556630600 2195694108998227618 n.jpg|[[Myro Amur D]] and Whisky (center) at the recording studio Zimmerli, Düsseldorf, Germany
Datei:10624740 834014556630600 2195694108998227618 n.jpg|[[Myro Amur D]] und Whisky (Mitte) im Tonstudio Zimmerli, Düsseldorf
File:Whisky system.jpg|Complete system: Whisky and T+A K1
Datei:Whisky Anlage.jpg|Komplettanlage: Whisky und T+A K1
File:WP 20171125 15 43 43 Pro 900x507.jpg|Whisky with [[Myro The Rocks|The Rocks]]
== Messungen ==
[[File:IMG 5754 Whisky mit Liedtke Stativ 25.jpg]]
== Measurements ==
Datei:Test und whisky02.png|Perfektion: Wiedergabe der ersten Periode - Ein- und Ausgangssignal
File:Test and whisky02.png|Perfection: reproduction of the first period - input and output signal
Datei:Whisky 08 (HT, BMT, zusammen).jpg|Perfektion: Sprungantwort des Hochtöners (rot), der Mitteltieftöner (blau) und die Summe (schwarz)
File:Whisky 08 (HT, BMT, together).jpg|Perfection: step response of the tweeter (red), the midrange/woofer (blue) and the sum (black)
Datei:Myro_Whisky.pdf|Umfangreiche Messdokumentation (5,5 MB)
File:Myro_Whisky.pdf|Comprehensive measurement documentation (5.5 MB)
Datei:579586 212706608867198 844297982 n.jpg|Frequenzgang
File:579586 212706608867198 844297982 n.jpg|Frequency response
== Zusatzinformationen ==
== Additional information ==
[http://weidlich-audio.de/myro-whisky.html Produktbeschreibung]
[http://weidlich-audio.de/myro-whisky.html product-description]
=== Opinions ===
Mag. art. Ulrich Katzenberger<br />
Tonmeister (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)<br />
''"I have been working with the myro Whisky speakers for almost a year now and I am still very impressed by their sound qualities. They have a very natural and honest character and bring out even the smallest details and nuances. Especially the spatial imaging of different instruments in the mix is absolutely top class."'<br />
Christian Zimmerli<br />
Recording studio zimmerli SOUNDS<br />
''"Exceptional is the loudspeaker Whisky by Myro in design and sound. Effortless and independent of the style of music, the reproduction impresses with its assured transparency. Panorama and virtual depth are to be felt decidedly, the sound colours are reproduced unadulterated. This is especially helpful when adjusting filters. Since the development of the loudspeaker takes into account the time conditions of the reproduction, the settings of a compressor are easy to understand acoustically and to optimize. Characteristic is the pleasant treble reproduction, the used tweeter impresses with low distortion. Decisive for the use in the studio is finally the transfer of the heard and achieved sound results to the variety of systems outside the studio island. The detailed comparisons were excellent and convincing. The Whisky makes me forget about loudspeakers and listen to the music. The detailed reproduction in terms of space, location and timbre promise exciting, confident work when mixing and sonically editing recordings."
'''Presse'''<br />
=== Press ===
''"Myros Whisky zählt für mich persönlich und subjektiv zu den HiFi-Geräten, die mich während meiner HiFi-Laufbahn mit am stärksten beeindruckt haben."''
''"For me personally and subjectively, Myros Whisky ranks among the hi-fi units that have impressed me the most during my hi-fi career."''
*[http://www.fairaudio.de/test/lautsprecher/2009/test-kompakt-lautsprecher-box-myro-whisky-1.html Test Fairaudio mit Auszeichnung]
*[http://www.fairaudio.de/test/lautsprecher/2009/test-kompakt-lautsprecher-box-myro-whisky-1.html Test Fairaudio with Distinction]]
Datei:Urkunde MyroWhisky Kompaktlaut web.pdf|Urkunde Fairaudio
File:Certificate MyroWhisky Kompaktlaut web.pdf|Certificate Fairaudio
''"Ganz klar: Hier spielt einer der besten Lautsprecher aus der passiven Zwei-Wege-Liga."''
''"Clearly, one of the best speakers from the passive two-way league is playing here."''
Datei:Myro_Whisky_HiFi-Stars_6.pdf‎|Test HIFI STARS (1,15 MB)
File:Myro_Whisky_HiFi-Stars_6.pdf|Test HIFI STARS (1,15 MB)
*[http://www.open-end-music.de/vb3/showthread.php?t=4476 Kundenhörbericht: ''"Ein Rausch der besonderen Art"'']
*[http://www.open-end-music.de/vb3/showthread.php?t=4476 Customer listening report: ''"A rush of a special kind"'']
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Latest revision as of 13:55, 21 January 2018


Relatively large compact loudspeaker, used in recording studios in addition to home applications. It was even installed for speech transmission in a temple (1 speaker, up to approx. 25 m listening distance). The model was initially developed on special customer request as a rear speaker to the Myro Grand Concert II and represents a further development of the Myro Concert Monitor.
The original design was characterized by Myro-typical rustic and angular shapes. A revision in 2009 rounded off the cabinet shapes and brought them into line with the new Myro Ocean, which is a further development of the Whisky with more competence in the low frequency range.


  • Compact loudspeaker
  • Ways: 2
  • Housing: Bass reflex
  • Dimensions (H x W x D) = 58.4 cm x 21 cm x 37.9 cm
  • Impedance: 4 Ohm
  • Weight: 17 kg

Original price: 10270 Euro

tweeter: Mundorf AMT 2540
Low-mid: Seas Excel W16-NX001

Minimum listening distance: 1,7 m
1.5 m is also possible. When doing so, listen slightly off axis horizontally so that the high frequency level is not above the midrange level. Again, the step response is fine in this case.

The Whisky has a double rear wall. In between is the crossover chamber, which is decoupled from the pressure volume. Vibrations of the crossover components and the associated microphonic effects are thus minimized.
Due to the Myro-typical filters there is no classical crossover frequency with the Whisky. The crossover range is around 2 to 4 kHz. The woofers are still involved in the action with a smaller proportion above this. The reproduction of the 3 kHz sine wave (first period, picture) is an interaction of the Air Motion Transformer and the Seas drivers. The measuring signal around 3 kHz is one of the hardest touchstones for loudspeakers, as this frequency range is normally the crossover frequency between midrange and tweeter system.


The Whisky can be extended with the bass modules Myro The Rocks.


IMG 5754 Whisky mit Liedtke Stativ 25.jpg


Additional information



Mag. art. Ulrich Katzenberger
Tonmeister (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)

"I have been working with the myro Whisky speakers for almost a year now and I am still very impressed by their sound qualities. They have a very natural and honest character and bring out even the smallest details and nuances. Especially the spatial imaging of different instruments in the mix is absolutely top class."'

Christian Zimmerli
Recording studio zimmerli SOUNDS

"Exceptional is the loudspeaker Whisky by Myro in design and sound. Effortless and independent of the style of music, the reproduction impresses with its assured transparency. Panorama and virtual depth are to be felt decidedly, the sound colours are reproduced unadulterated. This is especially helpful when adjusting filters. Since the development of the loudspeaker takes into account the time conditions of the reproduction, the settings of a compressor are easy to understand acoustically and to optimize. Characteristic is the pleasant treble reproduction, the used tweeter impresses with low distortion. Decisive for the use in the studio is finally the transfer of the heard and achieved sound results to the variety of systems outside the studio island. The detailed comparisons were excellent and convincing. The Whisky makes me forget about loudspeakers and listen to the music. The detailed reproduction in terms of space, location and timbre promise exciting, confident work when mixing and sonically editing recordings."


"For me personally and subjectively, Myros Whisky ranks among the hi-fi units that have impressed me the most during my hi-fi career."

"Clearly, one of the best speakers from the passive two-way league is playing here."

<zurück: Myro "Mundorf" Serie>
<zurück: Myro Lautsprecher>
<zurück: Myro>