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Die '''Studio Line'''- oder '''"Slim line"'''- Serie folgt der '''Regie''' Serie und ist der Vorläufer der '''Atelier''' Serie.
<div align="right">[[Braun| ''back to'' '''BRAUN''' ''manufacturer's page'']]</div>
Sie zeichnet sich durch ihre extrem flache Bauweise, von nur 6 cm aus, die zu damaligen Zeitpunkt (1978-1981) nahezu einzigartig war.
=BRAUN Studio Line=
Da das Integrationsniveau der Elektronik in den 80er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts nicht so weit fortgeschritten war, wurden die Geräte zwangsläufig breiter. Die Studio Line Einzelkomponenten sind 50 cm breit, die Studio Line Integral Komponenten sind 60 cm breit.
Die flachen Gehäuse bestehen aus einem Druckgussrahmen (mit Innenverstrebung bei Studio Integral) mit einem Deckel unten und einen gewinkelten Deckel oben der die Frontseite darstellt.  
The '''Studio Line''' or '''"Slim line"''' series follows the [[Braun_Series|'''Regie''' series]] and is the predecessor of the [[Braun_Atelier_Series|'''Atelier''' series]].  
Diese '''Studio Line''' Serie bzw. '''Studio Line Integral''' Serie ist die letzte Geräteserie die BRAUN in Deutschland gefertigt hat. Die spätere [[Braun Atelier Serie]] wurde im Auftrag in Japan gefertigt.
Brauntypisch wurde bei diesen Geräten die klaren Gestaltungsrichtlinien der Vergangenheit beibehalten. Man kann die einzelnen Funktionbereich klar unterscheiden. Sehr schön ist die bei der '''Studio Integral Serie''' zu sehen.
* [[http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieter_Rams Dieter Rams]]
* Peter Hartwein and
* Robert Oberheim
Technisch gelten diese Geräte als sehr haltbar. Probleme sind jedoch bei den Kondensatoren in den Verstärkern (sie trocknen aus und können dann platzen) und den Lichtschrankensensoren der Plattenspielerautomatik (Birnchen defekt) sehr häufig anzutreffen. Diese Mägel kann man jedoch leicht beheben lassen. Der Abdeckhaubenmechanismus der Plattenspieler A 501, P 701 bzw des Plattenspeiler- Kassettenrecoderkombi ist nicht besonders elegant gelöst, sodaß die Abdeckhauben meist an dieser Stelle defekt sind oder Bruchstellen aufweisen. 
Optisch sind oft die Beschriftungen der Kontrollelemente fehlerhaft.
It is characterized by its extremely flat design, of only 55 mm (65 mm with feet), which was almost (&rarr; [[Bang &amp; Olufsen]]) unique at the time (1978-1981).
Die meisten Geräete sind auch in der Farbe Grau erhältlich (A 301, A 501, T 301, T 501, TS 501, C 301, PC 1, RA 1, RS 1) jedoch sehr selten. Der Lack der grauen Geräte ist etwas empfindlicher als der der mattschwarzen Geräte.
Die Versärker [[Braun A 301|A 301]] und [[Braun A 501|A 501]] besitzen identische Vorverstärker, unterscheiden sich jedoch in der Leistung er Endstufen.
[[Image: Braun_StudioLine_Logo.jpg|300px]]
[[Image: Braun_StudioLine_Logo_white.jpg|300px]]
Since the level of integration of electronics was not that advanced in the 1980s, the devices inevitably became wider. The Studio Line single components are 50 cm wide, the Studio Line integral components are 60 cm wide.
Die Tuner [[Braun A 301|A 301]] und [[Braun A 501|A 501]] sind analoge Tuner und bilden auch in [[Braun RA 1|RA 1]] die Tunersektion. Der Tuner [[Braun TS 501|TS 501]] ist ein Syntesizer-Tuner und bildet auch in [[Braun RS 1|RS 1]] die Tunersektion. 
Die Kassettenrecoder [[Braun C 301|C 301]] und [[Braun C 301M|C 301M]] unterscheiden sich in der "Metal"-Bandfähigkeit des letztgenannten. Sehr schön gelöst ist das offene Kassettenfach, das optisch eine anlehnung an eine Tonbandmaschine darstellt. Bei Nichtgebrauch kann die Abspielmechanik per dezenter Klappe abgedeckt werden.
The flat cabinets consist of a die-cast frame (with internal bracing for Studio Integral) with side cooling fins and a lid at the bottom and a 90&deg; angled lid at the top, which also forms the front.  
Die '''701er''' Serie gehört mit einer gebauten Stückzahl von nur jeweils 700 Geräte zu den wohl seltesten Geräten in der Braun Hifi Historie. Sie bildet das Flagschiff der Studio Integral Serie. Sie kostete damals ca. DM 3800 und ist auch heute auf dem Sammlermarkt sehr teuer (über Braun Atelier Niveau), aber auch gefragt.
Der [[Braun P 701|P 701]] zählt mit seinem Direktantrieb zu den ausgereiftesten Braun Plattenspielern dieser Serie. Er stellt eine Weiterentwicklung des sehr ähnlichen Plattenspielers [[Braun PDS 550|PDS550]] dar. Er wurde mit einem Moving-Coil Sytem mit elliptischer Nadel ausgeliefert. Alle Funktionen sind per Tipptasten steuerbar (bei [[Braun PDS 550|PDS550]] sind dies Sensortasten).  
This '''Studio Line''' series or '''Studio Line Integral''' series is the last series of appliances that [[Braun|BRAUN]] manufactured in Germany. The later [[Braun Atelier Series]] was made to order in Japan.
Die Vorstufe [[Braun AC 701|AC 701]] besitzt einen Moving Coil (MC)- und einen Moving Magnet(MM)- Phonoentzerrer und zwei Tapeschleifen.
Die Endstufe [[Braun AP 701|AP 701]] kann per Schalter an der Rückseite per Brückenschaltung in den Mono- Betrieb umgeschaltet werden, und liefert dann 1 mal Sinus 200 W / Musik 300 W (statt 2 mal Sinus 100 Watt / Musik 150 W). Dann sind natürlich zwei AP 701 für den Stereo Betrieb notwendig.  
Typical for Braun, the clear design guidelines of the past were maintained in these appliances. One can clearly distinguish the individual functional areas. Very beautifully this is to be seen with the '''Studio Integral series'''.
* Studio Line
Most devices are also available in grey (A 301, A 501, T 301, T 501, TS 501, C 301, PC 1, RA 1, RS 1) but very rarely. The varnish of the grey units is somewhat more sensitive than that of the matt black units.
** Vollverstärker
*** [[Braun A 301|A 301]]
*** [[Braun A 501|A 501]]
The amplifiers [[Braun A 301|A 301]] and [[Braun A 501|A 501]] have identical preamplifiers, but differ in the power of the output stages.
** Vor- / Endstufen
*** [[Braun AC 701|AC 701]] / [[Braun AP 701|AP 701]]  
** Radioempfänger
The tuners [[Braun T 301|T 301]] and [[Braun T 501|T 501]] are analogue tuners and also form the tuner section in [[Braun Studio RA 1|RA 1]]. The tuner [[Braun TS 501|TS 501]] is a syntesizer tuner and also forms the tuner section in [[Braun Studio RS 1|RS 1]]. 
*** [[Braun T 301|T 301]]
*** [[Braun T 501|T 501]]
*** [[Braun TS 501|TS 501]]
The [[Braun C 301|C 301]] and [[Braun C 301 M|C 301M]] cassette decoders differ in the "metal" tape capability of the latter. The open cassette compartment is very nicely solved, visually reminiscent of a tape machine. When not in use, the playback mechanism can be covered by a discreet flap.
** Plattenspieler
*** [[Braun P 501|P 501]]
*** [[Braun P 701|P 701]]
The record player [[Braun P 501|P 501]] is based on the record player [[Braun P 550S|P 550S]] with its belt drive and its sensor buttons.
** Kassettenrecorder
*** [[Braun C 301|C 301]]
*** [[Braun C 301M|C 301M]]
The '''701''' series belongs with a built number of only 700 (AC 701, AP 701) respectively 900 (P 701) devices to the probably rarest devices in the Braun Hifi history. It is the flagship of the Studio series. At that time it cost about DM 3800 and is still very expensive on the collector's market (priced above Braun Atelier "Last Edition" level), but also in demand.
* Studio Integral
** Receiver
*** [[Braun RA 1|RA 1]]
The [[Braun P 701|P 701]] with its direct drive is one of the most sophisticated Braun turntables of this series. It is a further development of the very similar turntable [[Braun PDS 550|PDS550]]. It was delivered with a moving coil system with elliptical needle. All functions are controllable by touch keys (on [[Braun PDS 550|PDS550]] these are sensor keys).
*** [[Braun RS 1|RS 1]]
** Plattenspieler / Kassettenkombination
*** [[Braun PC 1|PC 1]]
Illustration: BRAUN Studio Line: TS 501 tuner, AC 701 preamplifier, AP 701 stereo/mono power amplifier.
The [[Braun AC 701|AC 701]] preamplifier features a moving coil (MC) and a moving magnet (MM) phono equalizer and two tape loops.
The power amplifier [[Braun AP 701|AP 701]] can be switched to mono mode by a switch on the rear panel, and then supplies 1 x sine 200 W / music 300 W (instead of 2 x sine 100 W / music 150 W). Then, of course, two AP 701 are necessary for stereo operation.
The '''Studio Integral''' series consists of a receiver (RA 1 resp. RS 1) and a turntable / cash register combination (PC 1 resp. PC 1A). The turntable unit of the PC 1 is (presumably) identical with the direct driven top model [[Braun PDS 550|PDS 550]] and also optically with its 12 rubber pads as record support hardly to distinguish from PDS 550.
{| class="prettytable"
|- style="color:#FFFF;background-color:#228B22;"
!device name
!number of pieces
! colspan=2 | Colour variants
|''Receiver'''|| || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun T 301]] || 1978 || DM 698.- || 1978 - 19xx || 10500 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5F5'|
|| [[Braun T 501]] || 1978 || - || 1978 - 19xx || - || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5'|
| [[Braun TS 501]] || 1978 || DM 1198.- || 1978 - 19xx || 10 000 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5'|
|''amp''' || || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun A 301]]  ||1978 || DM 698.- || 1978 - 1980 || 11000 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5F5'|
| [[Braun A 501]] || 1978 || DM 998.- || 1978 - 1980 || 7200 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5'| 
| [[Braun AP 701]] || 1980 || DM 1398.- || 1980 - || 700 || bgcolor='#000000'||
|'''Preamplifier''' || || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun AC 701]] || 1980 || DM 1048.- || 1980 - || 700 || bgcolor='#000000'||
|'''Control units (Receiver) ''' || || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun RA 1 Integral]] || 1978 || DM 1198.- || 1978 - || 6600 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5F5'|
| [[Braun RS 1 Integral]] ||1978 || DM 1798.- || 1978 - || 7600 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5'|
|''record player'' || || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun P 501]] || 1981 || DM 898.- || 1981 - || 1100 || bgcolor='#000000'|
| [[Braun P 701]] || 1981 || DM 1390.- || 1981 - || 900 || bgcolor='#000000'|
|''Cassette recorder'''|| || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun C 301]] ||1978 || DM 798.- || 1978 - || 24000 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5F5'|
[[Brown C 301 M|Brown C 301M]] ||1979 || DM 848.- || 1979 || see C 301 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5'|
|''record player with cassette recorder'''|| || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun PC 1 Integral]] ||1978 || DM 1998.- || 1978 - || 9300 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5F5'|
| [[Braun PC 1 Integral|Braun PC 1A Integral]] ||1979 || DM 848.- || 1979 - || see PC 1 Integral || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5'|
|'''Equipment cabinets/ equipment base ''' || || || colspan=2 |
| [[Braun GT 500]] || 1978 || DM 330.- || || bgcolor='#000000'|
| colspan=7, bgcolor='#FFFF' | * ''List price at market launch''
{| class="prettytable"
|- style="color:#FFFF;background-color:#228B22;"
!device name
!number of pieces
|''Receiver + record player''|| || ||
|P 4000 || 1977 || DM 1298.- || 1977 - || 4700
|''Receiver + record player + cassette recorder'''|| || || ||
|PC 4000 || 1977 || DM 1998.- || 1977 - || 7300
|''Receiver + Cassette Recorder'''|| || || ||
|C 4000 || 1977 || DM 1198.- || 1977 - || 1500
| colspan=5, bgcolor='#FFFF' | * ''List price at launch''
{| class="prettytable"
|- style="color:#FFFF;background-color:#228B22;"
!device name
!Price (piece)*
!number of pieces
|''Boxes'''|| || ||
| L 530 S || 1977 || DM 348.- || 1977 - || 12200
| L 350 || 1977 || DM 248.- || 1977 - || 2000
| L 1030/8 || 1978 ||  || 1978 -  ||
| SM 1001 || 1980 || DM 298.- || 1978 - || 5000
| SM 1002 || 1978 || DM 398.- || 1978 - || 17000
| SM 1003 || 1978 || DM 498.- || 1978 - || 18300
| SM 1004 || 1978 || DM 598.- || 1978 - || 14500
| SM 1005 || 1978 || DM 698.- || 1978 - || 9500
| SM 1005 || 1978 || DM 698.- || 1978 - || 9500
| SM 1006 || 1980 || DM 698.- || 1980 - || 9500
|''Subwoofer'''|| || || ||
| LW 1 || 1978 || DM 798.- || 1978 - || 1600
|'''Satellites (small/small loudspeakers)''''|| || ||
| L 100 || 1975 || DM 198.- || 1977 - || 55000
| L 200 || 1976 || DM 198.- || 1978 - || 11300
| L 300 || 1977 || DM 298.- || 1977 - || 
| colspan=5, bgcolor='#FFFF' | * ''List price at market launch''
==Second-hand market==
Technically, these units are considered very durable. However, problems are very common with the capacitors in the amplifiers (they dry out and can then burst) and the light cabinet sensors of the automatic record player (bulbs defective). However, these defects can easily be repaired. The cover mechanism of the turntables A 501, P 701 or of the record spooler-cassette encoder combination is not very elegantly solved, so that the covers are mostly defective or broken at this point. 
Visually, the labels of the control elements are often faulty.
=Sources / References:=
* Design + Design (No. 39), [http://www.design-und-design.de Design + Design Verlag, Hamburg]
** Braun Studio P701, P501
* Design + Design (No. 43), [http://www.design-und-design.de Design + Design Verlag, Hamburg]
** Braun Studio AC701, AP701, A501, A301
* Design + Design (No. 54), [http://www.design-und-design.de Design + Design Verlag, Hamburg]
** Braun Studio Systems Integral PC1, RA1, RS1
* Braun + Design Tax 6 (2006 edition), [http://www.design-und-design.de Design + Design Verlag, Hamburg]
** Used price list for Braun products
* Bernd Polster: BRAUN - 50 years of product innovations, [http://www.dumont-buchverlag.de/sixcms/detail.php?id=608 Dumont Handbuch Design] (with many technical errors, but nice pictures)
<div align="right">[[Braun| ''back to'' '''BRAUN''' ''manufacturer's page'']]</div></br></br></br></br>

Latest revision as of 14:53, 5 December 2017

BRAUN Studio Line[edit]

The Studio Line or "Slim line" series follows the Regie series and is the predecessor of the Atelier series.


It is characterized by its extremely flat design, of only 55 mm (65 mm with feet), which was almost (→ Bang & Olufsen) unique at the time (1978-1981).

Braun StudioLine Logo.jpg 300px

Since the level of integration of electronics was not that advanced in the 1980s, the devices inevitably became wider. The Studio Line single components are 50 cm wide, the Studio Line integral components are 60 cm wide.

The flat cabinets consist of a die-cast frame (with internal bracing for Studio Integral) with side cooling fins and a lid at the bottom and a 90° angled lid at the top, which also forms the front.

This Studio Line series or Studio Line Integral series is the last series of appliances that BRAUN manufactured in Germany. The later Braun Atelier Series was made to order in Japan.

Typical for Braun, the clear design guidelines of the past were maintained in these appliances. One can clearly distinguish the individual functional areas. Very beautifully this is to be seen with the Studio Integral series.

Most devices are also available in grey (A 301, A 501, T 301, T 501, TS 501, C 301, PC 1, RA 1, RS 1) but very rarely. The varnish of the grey units is somewhat more sensitive than that of the matt black units.

The amplifiers A 301 and A 501 have identical preamplifiers, but differ in the power of the output stages.

The tuners T 301 and T 501 are analogue tuners and also form the tuner section in RA 1. The tuner TS 501 is a syntesizer tuner and also forms the tuner section in RS 1.

The C 301 and C 301M cassette decoders differ in the "metal" tape capability of the latter. The open cassette compartment is very nicely solved, visually reminiscent of a tape machine. When not in use, the playback mechanism can be covered by a discreet flap.

The record player P 501 is based on the record player P 550S with its belt drive and its sensor buttons.

The 701 series belongs with a built number of only 700 (AC 701, AP 701) respectively 900 (P 701) devices to the probably rarest devices in the Braun Hifi history. It is the flagship of the Studio series. At that time it cost about DM 3800 and is still very expensive on the collector's market (priced above Braun Atelier "Last Edition" level), but also in demand.

The P 701 with its direct drive is one of the most sophisticated Braun turntables of this series. It is a further development of the very similar turntable PDS550. It was delivered with a moving coil system with elliptical needle. All functions are controllable by touch keys (on PDS550 these are sensor keys).

Braun StudioLine 701-501 800px.jpg

Illustration: BRAUN Studio Line: TS 501 tuner, AC 701 preamplifier, AP 701 stereo/mono power amplifier.

The AC 701 preamplifier features a moving coil (MC) and a moving magnet (MM) phono equalizer and two tape loops.

The power amplifier AP 701 can be switched to mono mode by a switch on the rear panel, and then supplies 1 x sine 200 W / music 300 W (instead of 2 x sine 100 W / music 150 W). Then, of course, two AP 701 are necessary for stereo operation.

The Studio Integral series consists of a receiver (RA 1 resp. RS 1) and a turntable / cash register combination (PC 1 resp. PC 1A). The turntable unit of the PC 1 is (presumably) identical with the direct driven top model PDS 550 and also optically with its 12 rubber pads as record support hardly to distinguish from PDS 550.


Brown C 301M ||1979 || DM 848.- || 1979 || see C 301 || bgcolor='#000000'| || bgcolor='#F5F5'|
device name year price production number of pieces Colour variants
Braun T 301 1978 DM 698.- 1978 - 19xx 10500
Braun T 501 1978 - 1978 - 19xx -
Braun TS 501 1978 DM 1198.- 1978 - 19xx 10 000
Braun A 301 1978 DM 698.- 1978 - 1980 11000
Braun A 501 1978 DM 998.- 1978 - 1980 7200
Braun AP 701 1980 DM 1398.- 1980 - 700 bgcolor='#000000'
Braun AC 701 1980 DM 1048.- 1980 - 700 bgcolor='#000000'
Control units (Receiver)
Braun RA 1 Integral 1978 DM 1198.- 1978 - 6600
Braun RS 1 Integral 1978 DM 1798.- 1978 - 7600
record player
Braun P 501 1981 DM 898.- 1981 - 1100
Braun P 701 1981 DM 1390.- 1981 - 900
Cassette recorder'
Braun C 301 1978 DM 798.- 1978 - 24000
record player with cassette recorder'
Braun PC 1 Integral 1978 DM 1998.- 1978 - 9300
Braun PC 1A Integral 1979 DM 848.- 1979 - see PC 1 Integral
Equipment cabinets/ equipment base
Braun GT 500 1978 DM 330.-
* List price at market launch
device name year price production number of pieces
Receiver + record player
P 4000 1977 DM 1298.- 1977 - 4700
Receiver + record player + cassette recorder'
PC 4000 1977 DM 1998.- 1977 - 7300
Receiver + Cassette Recorder'
C 4000 1977 DM 1198.- 1977 - 1500
* List price at launch
device name year Price (piece)* production number of pieces
L 530 S 1977 DM 348.- 1977 - 12200
L 350 1977 DM 248.- 1977 - 2000
L 1030/8 1978 1978 -
SM 1001 1980 DM 298.- 1978 - 5000
SM 1002 1978 DM 398.- 1978 - 17000
SM 1003 1978 DM 498.- 1978 - 18300
SM 1004 1978 DM 598.- 1978 - 14500
SM 1005 1978 DM 698.- 1978 - 9500
SM 1005 1978 DM 698.- 1978 - 9500
SM 1006 1980 DM 698.- 1980 - 9500
LW 1 1978 DM 798.- 1978 - 1600
Satellites (small/small loudspeakers)'
L 100 1975 DM 198.- 1977 - 55000
L 200 1976 DM 198.- 1978 - 11300
L 300 1977 DM 298.- 1977 -
* List price at market launch

Second-hand market[edit]

Technically, these units are considered very durable. However, problems are very common with the capacitors in the amplifiers (they dry out and can then burst) and the light cabinet sensors of the automatic record player (bulbs defective). However, these defects can easily be repaired. The cover mechanism of the turntables A 501, P 701 or of the record spooler-cassette encoder combination is not very elegantly solved, so that the covers are mostly defective or broken at this point.

Visually, the labels of the control elements are often faulty.

Sources / References:[edit]