Difference between revisions of "Talk:Kenwood KX-9010"

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Hallo Berlingo63,
Hello Berlingo63,
einige von mir gemachte Änderungen hast Du zurückgeändert, hm. Ich möchte nicht einen Edit-war, so nennen sie es meines Wissens bei der Wikipedia, führen. Drum Nachfragen:<br />
some edits I made you changed back, huh. I don't want to have an edit-war, that's what they call it at Wikipedia as far as I know. Drum inquiries:<br />
I) Was hast Du gegen den Tausendertrennungspunkt beim Preis oder bei hohen Frequenzen, z.B. 21.000 Hz, dient doch der besseren Lesbarkeit?<br />
I) What do you have against the thousand separation point at the price or at high frequencies, e.g. 21,000 Hz, serves the better readability, doesn't it?<br />
II) Warum müssen die bei den technischen Daten genannten Motoren noch bei besonderer Ausstattung wieder auftauchen, für mein Empfinden "doppeltgemoppelt", wie man so schön sagt. Auch die 3 Köpfe hatte ich dort aufgeführt, das ist doch ein Grundmerkmal dieses Modells, die besondere Ausstattung geht m.E. eher in Richtung Features.<br />
II) Why do the motors mentioned in the technical data have to reappear in the special equipment, for my feeling "doubled", as they say. I had also listed the 3 heads there, that is a basic feature of this model, the special equipment goes m.E. rather in the direction of features.<br />
Die Mithörkontrolle ist doch auch keine besondere Ausstattung, sondern der Sinn der 3Kopf-Decks, die man automatisch mitgeliefert bekommt.<br />
The monitoring control is also no special equipment, but the sense of the 3 head decks, which are automatically supplied.<br />
III) Warum nicht das HX-Pro, das schon weitaus günstigere Decks zu der Zeit hatten, beim Dolby aufführen; es war da keine besondere Ausstattung mehr, und es genügt völlig, es bei der Technik aufzuführen.<br />
III) Why not list the HX-Pro, which much cheaper decks had at the time, with the Dolby; it was no longer a special feature, and it is completely sufficient to list it with the technology.<br />
IV) Bei den weiteren Modellen der Serie, braucht man doch das Modell des Artikels nicht mehr aufzuführen, es ist doch kein w e i t e r e s Modell.<br />
IV) With the other models of the series, one does not need to list the model of the article, it is not a further model.<br />
V) Was ist verkehrt, wenn beim Bericht auch auf das [Sony TC-K 870 ES|870]] verlinkt ist, wurde doch in der Zeit gebaut?
V) What is wrong, if the report is also linked to the [[Sony TC-K 870 ES|Sony 870]], was built in the time?
Bitte Rückmeldung.<br />
Please feedback.<br />
MfG, --[[Benutzer:Analoghatwas|Analoghatwas]] ([[Benutzer Diskussion:Analoghatwas|Diskussion]]) 18:45, 23. Nov. 2017 (CET)
MfG, --[[User:Analoghatwas|Analoghatwas]] ([[User Discussion:Analoghatwas|Discussion]]) 18:45, 23 Nov 2017 (CET)
Hello "Analogwas"
thanks for your message.
<br />
to I: You can do that, but you don't have to. I have referred to the original price in the specified test magazines. They wrote quite simply without point. With the frequencies the point of view can remain from me, also here the operating instructions and the Hifi- magazines wrote the numbers without auxiliary point. I have learned to write numbers like 18000 exactly the same way. My daughter learns it in the meantime also with writing of the auxiliary point. <br />
To II: That a cassette deck has 3 heads (and rear tape control) is already a special equipment (and was clearly more expensive than 2-head equipment). The simple units - and also more and more units of the late 90s - didn't have that (anymore), and not everybody who is interested in these units and opens the page knows that today. I'm all for mentioning this here - even though it's actually 2x on the page. But one headline asks about technical, the other about special equipment. That's very different. // It's the same with Dolby "S" (not mentioned here, but e.g. on Sony devices, Kenwood KX-9050 S). For many analogue buyers of used decks it is a purchase criterion until today and should be mentioned with the special equipment. At that time the equipment was really expensive. Sony had secured itself (after 1991) with Dolby S a co-sale right. <br />
to III: You can also leave it next to it, it doesn't matter. HX Pro is something else: HX Pro was and is not a noise reduction system, it only comes from the Dolby Corp. It improves the recording and cannot be switched on or off. <br />
IV: I agree. Most of the time (on almost all technical pages) the model is mentioned in black letters, as is the case right now with the KX-9010. That would certainly not have to be. <br />
to V: I don't know what's wrong with it. This and other devices can be mentioned for all I care. I don't know that any change came from me here. I also did not change the remark with the "Bringer", although this is not High German. <br />
In general, mostly numbers and technical details came from me here, which I found important and want to pass on. I am owner of two KX-9010. <br />
Kind regards - [[User:Berlingo63]] ([[User Discussion:Berlingo63|Discussion]])

Latest revision as of 09:23, 25 November 2017

Hello Berlingo63,

some edits I made you changed back, huh. I don't want to have an edit-war, that's what they call it at Wikipedia as far as I know. Drum inquiries:

I) What do you have against the thousand separation point at the price or at high frequencies, e.g. 21,000 Hz, serves the better readability, doesn't it?

II) Why do the motors mentioned in the technical data have to reappear in the special equipment, for my feeling "doubled", as they say. I had also listed the 3 heads there, that is a basic feature of this model, the special equipment goes m.E. rather in the direction of features.
The monitoring control is also no special equipment, but the sense of the 3 head decks, which are automatically supplied.

III) Why not list the HX-Pro, which much cheaper decks had at the time, with the Dolby; it was no longer a special feature, and it is completely sufficient to list it with the technology.

IV) With the other models of the series, one does not need to list the model of the article, it is not a further model.

V) What is wrong, if the report is also linked to the Sony 870, was built in the time?

Please feedback.
MfG, --Analoghatwas (Discussion) 18:45, 23 Nov 2017 (CET)

Hello "Analogwas" thanks for your message.

to I: You can do that, but you don't have to. I have referred to the original price in the specified test magazines. They wrote quite simply without point. With the frequencies the point of view can remain from me, also here the operating instructions and the Hifi- magazines wrote the numbers without auxiliary point. I have learned to write numbers like 18000 exactly the same way. My daughter learns it in the meantime also with writing of the auxiliary point.

To II: That a cassette deck has 3 heads (and rear tape control) is already a special equipment (and was clearly more expensive than 2-head equipment). The simple units - and also more and more units of the late 90s - didn't have that (anymore), and not everybody who is interested in these units and opens the page knows that today. I'm all for mentioning this here - even though it's actually 2x on the page. But one headline asks about technical, the other about special equipment. That's very different. // It's the same with Dolby "S" (not mentioned here, but e.g. on Sony devices, Kenwood KX-9050 S). For many analogue buyers of used decks it is a purchase criterion until today and should be mentioned with the special equipment. At that time the equipment was really expensive. Sony had secured itself (after 1991) with Dolby S a co-sale right.

to III: You can also leave it next to it, it doesn't matter. HX Pro is something else: HX Pro was and is not a noise reduction system, it only comes from the Dolby Corp. It improves the recording and cannot be switched on or off.

IV: I agree. Most of the time (on almost all technical pages) the model is mentioned in black letters, as is the case right now with the KX-9010. That would certainly not have to be.

to V: I don't know what's wrong with it. This and other devices can be mentioned for all I care. I don't know that any change came from me here. I also did not change the remark with the "Bringer", although this is not High German.

In general, mostly numbers and technical details came from me here, which I found important and want to pass on. I am owner of two KX-9010.

Kind regards - User:Berlingo63 (Discussion)