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== Unternehmensprofil ==
== Company profile ==
Südkoreanischer Hersteller kompakter, tragbarer digitaler mp3-Speichergeräte für Musik-Aufnahme und Wiedergabe, seit 1999. Speichermedien waren zunächst Harddisks, aber auch fest eingebaute Flash-Speicher.  
South Korean manufacturer of compact, portable digital mp3 storage devices for music recording and playback, since 1999. Storage media were initially hard disks, but also included fixed flash memory.  
Die Ausbreitung des Smartphone reduzierte das Kundeninteresse an separaten mp3-Playern, weshalb Iriver seine Geschäftstätigkeit weitgehend eingestellt hat.
The spread of the smartphone reduced customer interest in separate mp3 players, so Iriver largely ceased business.
== Produkte ==
== Products ==
Tragbare mp3-Player, bei vielen iriver-Geräten konnte dank eines eingebauten Mikrofons und entsprechender mp3-Coder-Hard- und Software Musik und Sprache in hoher Qualität live mitgeschnitten werden.
Portable mp3 players, on many iriver devices live music and speech could be recorded in high quality thanks to a built-in microphone and appropriate mp3 coder hardware and software.
== Weblinks ==
== Weblinks ==
* [http://www.iriver.com/ Homepage, deutsch und englisch]
* [http://www.iriver.com/ Homepage, German and English]
* [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iriver]

Latest revision as of 10:17, 7 November 2017

Company profile[edit]

South Korean manufacturer of compact, portable digital mp3 storage devices for music recording and playback, since 1999. Storage media were initially hard disks, but also included fixed flash memory. The spread of the smartphone reduced customer interest in separate mp3 players, so Iriver largely ceased business.


Portable mp3 players, on many iriver devices live music and speech could be recorded in high quality thanks to a built-in microphone and appropriate mp3 coder hardware and software.
