Difference between revisions of "Bose 901 V"

(Nicht vorlagenkonform)
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{{Nicht vorlagenkonform}}
The [[Bose 901]] was introduced in 1968.<br />
With the audio CD came the BOSE 901 Series V equalizer: it has a dynamic range of 106 db compared to the 85 db of the previous [[Bose 901 III|III]] and [[Bose 901 IV|IV]] series. Even if only a - let's say - theoretical value - BOSE preferred to play it safe.<br />
Mit der Audio-CD kam der BOSE 901 Serie V Equalizer: er hat einen Dynamikumfang von 106 db gegenüber den 85 db der vorherigen Serien III und IV. Wenn auch nur ein - sagen wir - theoretischer Wert - so ging BOSE lieber auf Nummer sicher. Das Gehäuse wurde jetzt komplett geschlossen: waren bei den Serien III und IV die furnierten Spanplatten noch Seiten, Böden und Deckel der Kammern, sind jetzt die Kammern des Acoustic Matrix® komplett geschlossen. Optisch äußert sich dies durch die Aluminiumwangen an jeder 901 Serie V. Während der Bauzeit der Serie V wurde der Korb des HVC-Drivers leicht überarbeitet. Er hat nun eine umlaufende Nut und stellt so die heute erhältliche Form dar.
'''Housing'''<br />
The housing was now completely closed: were in the series [[Bose 901 III|III]] and [[Bose 901 IV|IV]] the veneered chipboard still sides, bottoms and lids of the chambers, are now the chambers of the Acoustic Matrix® completely closed. Visually, this is expressed by the aluminum cheeks on each 901 Series V.<br />
'''Chassis'''<br />
During the construction period of the Series V, the basket of the HVC driver ("Helical Voice Coil", compare Series [[Bose 901 III|III]]) was slightly revised. It now has a circumferential groove and thus represents the form available today.
* Predecessor [[Bose 901 IV]]
* Successor [[Bose 901 VI]].
* Stereoplay 06/84. <br />
* [http://www.hifimuseum.de/bose-2-speaker.html Overview of the 901 variants at hifimuseum.de];
* [http://www.hifimuseum.de/direct-reflecting-boxen.html The 901 at hifimuseum.de].
<br />

Latest revision as of 07:45, 6 August 2016


The Bose 901 was introduced in 1968.
With the audio CD came the BOSE 901 Series V equalizer: it has a dynamic range of 106 db compared to the 85 db of the previous III and IV series. Even if only a - let's say - theoretical value - BOSE preferred to play it safe.

The housing was now completely closed: were in the series III and IV the veneered chipboard still sides, bottoms and lids of the chambers, are now the chambers of the Acoustic Matrix® completely closed. Visually, this is expressed by the aluminum cheeks on each 901 Series V.

During the construction period of the Series V, the basket of the HVC driver ("Helical Voice Coil", compare Series III) was slightly revised. It now has a circumferential groove and thus represents the form available today.



  • Stereoplay 06/84.
